Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-16-22: Intergalactic Fantasies

Some number of you are no doubt aware of the Critically Thinking podcast with Drs. Sherri Tenpenny, Lee Merritt, etc., perhaps more so with their monthly feature of the 5 Docs.  The doctors who participate in this have been on the frontlines against the COVID plandemic from the beginning.  They’ve spoken out boldly, and several have been targeted by the medical establishment for not adhering to the official narrative.  The information they’ve brought forth from their research, plus that from others who have connected with them to reveal the lies and the fraud of COVID and the “vaccines”, has been tremendous.  The 5 Docs have different backgrounds and religious beliefs.  Only two are outspoken Christians, and even in that one has some New Agey thinking as part of her repertoire.

It’s this New Age stuff which is of concern with one of the other doctors in the group.  Dr. Christiane Northrup is a very reputable doctor who deals with female issues; unfortunately, she is quite New Age in her worldview.  If you’ve watched any number of the podcasts, you’ll know what I’m talking about.  In the most recent 5 Docs episode on October 27, Dr. Northrup went deep into the deception that she’s embraced.  She spent maybe ten minutes in the early part of the podcast speaking about an alien-UFO conference she had just attended.

Because what she said is actually pertinent to how the end-times deception will play out, I want to quickly rehash several points she made about aliens.  In past Awaken Bible Prophecy Updates I’ve presented much concerning the demonic spiritual aspects of both the alien-UFO pretext that will be used by Antichrist after the Rapture.  I’ve also shown how Satan interacts with the very powerful demonic princes in the heavenlies to consolidate his worldwide manipulation of the global rulers who operate all in sync against humanity.

Today I’d like to expand on how from a Biblical perspective it is literally impossible for these alien theories to be valid, plus I’ll touch on a couple related themes.




Before we begin with our main topic today, a quick news update from PNN – the Prophecy News Network . . .


What should be of surprise to no one is that there wasn’t a discernable Red Tsunami in the midterm elections one week ago.  Oh, there was one but the massive fraud committed by the Democrats completely quashed it.  When 71% of the country per a recent poll can say that we’re headed in the wrong direction, and then so many Democrats keep their seats in Congress and Governor races, you know the fix is in.


Yet, what is astounding in this fiasco is that so many on the Right – among them real conservatives and Christians – are simply saying, “Oh, we were so close.  I guess we miscalculated that we’d win big.  But, just wait until 2024 when Trump runs and we’ll get it back then.”


Seriously – such naïveté – or simply willful ignorance.


As we stand now, as I record this Prophecy Update, the Democrats have stolen – I mean, won – the Senate, and the Republicans are only one seat away from claiming the House.  The Dems have to gain the remaining nine seats if they wish to retain control – which I think is still very possible.  Regardless, even if they don’t, there are plenty of RINOs to help them move the Biden regime agenda forward.  We’ll see.


The one thing these numbers seem to have done is tamp down a potential uprising by the Antifa types on the Left.  They won’t be totally happy, but perhaps they won’t loot and burn in protest to a total Republican victory.


The bottom line is that this nation will continue its downhill slide as God waits for our sin and depravity to reach the tipping point.  In the meantime, may the Lord help us endure until that glorious Day.


Now back to our regularly scheduled topic . . .


Some number of you are no doubt aware of the Critically Thinking podcast with Drs. Sherri Tenpenny, Lee Merritt, etc., perhaps more so with their monthly feature of the 5 Docs.  The doctors who participate in this have been on the frontlines against the COVID plandemic from the beginning.  They’ve spoken out boldly, and several have been targeted by the medical establishment for not adhering to the official narrative.  The information they’ve brought forth from their research, plus that from others who have connected with them to reveal the lies and the fraud of COVID and the “vaccines”, has been tremendous.  The 5 Docs have different backgrounds and religious beliefs.  Only two are outspoken Christians, and even in that one has some New Agey thinking as part of her repertoire.


It’s this New Age stuff which is of concern with one of the other doctors in the group.  Dr. Christiane Northrup is a very reputable doctor who deals with female issues; unfortunately, she is quite New Age in her worldview.  If you’ve watched any number of the podcasts, you’ll know what I’m talking about.  In the most recent 5 Docs episode on October 27, Dr. Northrup went deep into the deception that she’s embraced.  She spent maybe ten minutes in the early part of the podcast speaking about an alien-UFO conference she had just attended.


Because what she said is actually pertinent to how the end-times deception will play out, I want to quickly rehash several points she made about aliens.  In past Awaken Bible Prophecy Updates I’ve presented much concerning the demonic spiritual aspects of both the alien-UFO pretext that will be used by Antichrist after the Rapture.  I’ve also shown how Satan interacts with the very powerful demonic princes in the heavenlies to consolidate his worldwide manipulation of the global rulers who operate all in sync against humanity.


Today I’d like to expand on how from a Biblical perspective it is literally impossible for these alien theories to be valid, plus I’ll touch on a couple related themes.


First we’ll pray, then read from God’s Word, and get right into our subject matter.






Genesis 1:1-2

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.


John 1:1-5

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.



Intergalactic Fantasies


Pre-Edenic World?

  • To start, I want to take us back to the very beginning
  • As our Scriptures that we read tell us, we know what the Bible says about creation
  • Before God formed the earth, there was nothing – simply a void
  • We also know that Jesus Christ – the 2nd Person of the Trinity, i.e. the Word – created all things
  • In that creation, God created a mountaintop Garden in which perfection reigned
  • There was no sin and no death in the world until Eve’s temptation by the serpent to which she succumbed
  • Adam followed her into that sin by transgressing the Word of God
  • That began the chain reaction – literally the descent of man and this world – into chaos and ultimate destruction
  • If you are a Bible-believing Christian, this is God’s narrative – and thus the truth – about our origins
  • Regardless of what Scripture describes, there are many – both Christian and secular – who read into the explicit text of Genesis 1 something that isn’t there
  • Namely, between the first and second sentences, they say there is a gap of history, so to speak
  • In other words, they say that somehow and, in some way – after God created the heavens and the earth – prior to or possibly leading to the void, more was going on than meets the eye
  • Their thinking is that in this supposed time period, earth and its earliest ages contained people of some sort
  • Part of their concept in this regard rests on the idea that after Adam and Eve were cast from the Garden, the population of mankind swelled in its ranks
  • Who did the sons of the first couple marry and have children with? is a question they ask
  • Under this scenario, these first people had to come from somewhere
  • Either God put them there or they came from other planets – having arrived here to seed our world
  • We’ll talk about the alien theory in a little bit
  • First, however, let’s consider whether it’s even conceivable for there to have been life on earth prior to the Garden when God created man out of dust
  • Under this early people narrative – they may have been living on the earth for thousands, if not millions, of years
  • Then – you have to picture this in your mind’s eye . . .
  • God decides to create the Garden and His special race of humanity
  • Thus, the Garden with its perfection is effectively plopped down on top of what has gone previously
  • In other words, the Garden must by definition sit on top of earth’s past with all its activities
  • The question becomes: Was there sin and death in this pre-Edenic world?
  • Since we’re told Biblically that sin came into the world only when Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit, one would have to say no to the question
  • But does that make any sense?
  • Could there have been a world that existed with all its complex activities and processes that had no death?
  • Or more basic: Could this world have gone about its business without sin and all that implies?
  • That certainly doesn’t seem reasonable, does it?
  • So, if that’s the case, there indeed had to be sin and death prior to the Garden of Eden upon which this perfect environment was placed
  • So again, picture this: there are untold layers of earth containing the aftermath of sin and death – fossils and vegetation that has rotted and turned into dirt, etc.
  • Then we have the Garden sitting on top of this mess of decay
  • Given that, our question is: Did God create this and put sin and death into the world?
  • Wouldn’t He have had to do that? – since the first sin by man came through Adam and Eve
  • That would certainly change the character of God for Him to have been responsible – literally creating sin and death
  • I don’t know about you, but I know that doesn’t comport with what the Bible says about who God is
  • It would make him more like the god of Calvinism who decides which people will be saved and which will go to hell
  • This sets out stage
  • It shows us that the Biblical account – as the text tells us – is true


Aliens & UFOs

  • Now let’s look at this idea that Dr. Northrup expounded upon regarding aliens in our midst
  • Particularly because our government and those around the world have been so secretive about this issue – I certainly get it that this gives rise to rampant speculation
  • There are numerous, legitimate accounts of UFO sightings that could be nothing other than having originated elsewhere than on our planet
  • Add to that alien abductions that are very real and actually result in physical aftereffects with some people, and the idea that something is going on is extremely rational
  • I went into depth on this in previous Prophecy Updates – the series of which is linked below on the Rumble page
  • The bottom line is that – regardless of what people think they see or experience – it is deception
  • Fallen angels are every bit as powerful as righteous angels
  • The visions they can create to immerse people into a scene or a world that they have conceived are almost without limit
  • We know that the rebellious spiritual realm – headed by Satan – wants nothing more than to shame and discredit God, and even more so – to replace Him
  • Satan does this by attacking the pinnacle of God’s creation – mankind
  • He knows his ultimate end, yet believes – is deceived himself – that in some manner, shape, or form, he can thwart God’s final purposes for humanity in this world
  • The alien deception is simply one more aspect of this spiritual war against God
  • Satan has been trying since the beginning to either discredit God or kill off the offspring of Adam and Eve
  • His attempts are legion . . .
    • from Cain’s murder of Able
    • to the corruption of man’s DNA when the sons of God rebelled in Genesis 6
    • to Pharoah’s efforts to destroy the progeny of the Israelites
    • to Herod’s genocide of children at the birth of Messiah
    • to Satan’s temptations at the beginning of Jesus’ ministry and at its end before His arrest and crucifixion
    • to the current efforts to destroy humanity by transforming us into something transhuman and no longer redeemable by the blood of Jesus, since he came as a man to redeem mankind
    • Of course, there are many more incidents noted in Scripture
  • The alien – or intergalactic fantasies – as I’ve titled this Prophecy Update concern the idea that aliens have been with us a long time
  • There are bad ones and good ones
  • The bad ones are the evil alien grays – also known as the Draco reptilians
  • I’m not sure what skin tone the good ones are supposed to have – maybe green
  • The good news in this narrative is that the evil grays are somehow no longer with us
  • Maybe the greens destroyed them in battle – I don’t know
  • However, they left a legacy of hybrids beings – part alien gray and part human – who are walking among us today
  • In fact, it is from this legacy that we have the powerful bloodline families around the world who are actually the globalist elites that we reference so often
  • These families include the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, etc.
  • Of course, we must examine all this through a Biblical, prophetic lens
  • What is the use of aliens and/or the Deep State cabal who may be part alien?
  • As believers in the inerrant Word of God, we know that deception rules the day in the Tribulation
  • It has certainly ramped up to unprecedent levels in these last days
  • When true believers are removed from the earth in the pre-Tribulation Rapture, the world will demand an explanation
  • How perfect is it that world governments have hidden the truth of UFOs?
  • How perfect is it that Hollywood has raised in various movies the specter of evil aliens attacking the earth and trying to annihilate us all?
  • The story will change somewhat
  • Here’s one scenario:
  • Apparently, all those evil grays weren’t completely deposed
  • In their nefarious doings they exacted one last act of revenge on the planet by disappearing the people who would have brought peace to it
  • But never fear, the good, green aliens, acted quickly and destroyed the grays
  • Sadly, all those whom they removed were killed as collateral action in this final conflict
  • However, finally, that elusive world peace is at hand
  • There will be some death throes of upheaval remaining on the earth, but it will all soon be good
  • Isn’t that lovely?
  • It goes along with the NAR fantasy that Christians will reclaim the Seven Mountains of Culture in the world making it all better before Jesus comes
  • And – as these things go – that dovetails with this secular, alien redemption prior to the return of the Maitreya and/or the Christ consciousness we’ll all have
  • Okay, so here’s the big problem with the alien theory
  • It all comes back to Jesus
  • What do we know about Him?
  • He came to seek and save the lost
  • He came as a man to save mankind
  • Right?
  • So how does an alien civilization – or technically – multiple alien civilizations work given our Biblical understanding?
  • Of course, we have to ask the bottom-line question of where these aliens came from in the first place
  • There has to be an initial cause to bring such life
  • Naturally, this is where Darwinian evolution comes into play
  • Fine, let’s suppose that fantasy is true
  • If Jesus came to do away with sin and death on planet earth – so that God could likewise eradicate these terrible plagues elsewhere – wouldn’t He have had to send an alien Jesus to each of the numerous other planets harboring intelligent life?
  • After all, God’s ultimate plan is to redeem us from sin and death
  • He’d likewise have to do that everywhere else – wouldn’t He?
  • Except that the Bible tells us Jesus came once for all
  • Did He come to also deliver these alien races?
  • Is our Bible only one such book among many throughout the galaxy that is specifically tailored toward our planet alone?
  • Somehow, I don’t think so
  • What’s the bottom line?
  • The idea of alien races is an impossible concept
  • In truth, the aliens are Satan’s deceptive pawns – interdimensional, not intergalactic
  • They are simply very powerful demonic entities in disguise ready to deceive a gullible human race that has chosen to reject Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior
  • They will play an integral part in the horrific years of the coming Tribulation that will consume the earth




  • It wasn’t only Dr. Northrup’s alien fantasies that triggered my thinking and desire to expound a little more on this subject . . .
  • My wife and I have been watching an X-Files-like show on Amazon Prime called Fringe, which is very entertaining
  • I like Sci-Fi stuff that’s “out there” – maybe because I’m kind of out there as well in the things I research and connect to end-times prophecies
  • Fringe has been good because there’s been only a couple of scenes even close to risqué and no language issues to date in our watching
  • That’s huge when you don’t have to get so disgusted at either of these problems that you simply have to walk away from a good storyline – which we’ve done any number of times in the past
  • Anyway, in Fringe we reach the point where there is an alternative universe very close to ours with which the characters in the show interact
  • This is an offshoot of sorts on the alien theory
  • The idea for alternative universes, i.e. a multiverse, revolves around the choices each and every person makes and the outcome from those choices
  • It’s been described in science fiction literature as the Wheels of IF
  • Think about the many choices you’re confronted with each day
  • What if you chose this path instead of that one?
  • Every day of each person’s life would have branches extending out that he might have taken
  • Very quickly, you can see how complex this might be from the very moment of birth and how the world would change as a result
  • Compound this by millions and then billions of people since the very beginning of time and the number of alternative universes where different choices were made by all these people compounds infinitely
  • Some alternative realities would be so incredibly different than what we know that they would be unrecognizable
  • However, there would also be different realities that might vary only by an incredibly few differences
  • Thus, there might be a parallel universe to ours that is very much the same except for a few dissimilarities
  • The idea in Fringe is that the restraining wall – so to speak – between these two incredibly similar universes is extremely thin
  • As a result, there might be certain people who could breach this barrier and pass over to the alternate side
  • And, what if, in passing from one side to the other, that disrupted the equilibrium between these realties and made them unstable with catastrophic results?
  • This is the situation with all its potential drama that’s created in the show – and, as I said – is quite entertaining
  • But again, we have to ask whether or not this is feasible from a Biblical worldview?
  • Just as with our alien situation when we consider Jesus in the picture and God’s plans, it obviously makes no sense
  • If Jesus came to our reality to accomplish what He did, wouldn’t He likewise have to do the same in the billions and trillions of other timelines?
  • It’s completely ridiculous
  • The mind-blowing thing is that God knows all these alternative choices that every person ever alive might have made
  • And He knows all the choices that will be made in the future
  • This is the omniscience of God and His foreknowledge
  • But think about this . . .
  • People watch shows like Fringe without a true Biblical worldview and to them it makes sense – just as the idea of alien life on other planets does
  • They do not, because they cannot, consider God in the equation and what it means for Jesus to have come here for the salvation of mankind, to bring us into God’s family, and to accomplish the will of God
  • It’s also unfortunate that far too many Christians – because of poor teaching and preaching – can’t reason and logically explain these things which come from the sinful world trying to ensnare us
  • Because isn’t it a trap to agree with the world about aliens and the multiverse and whatever else?
  • When we go down those roads, they lead us away from the truth of God and how marvelous and unique our salvation in Christ really is
  • When we can place all this in perspective by examining these issues through a Biblical and prophetic lens, we’re going to be in line with God more often than not
  • We’ll realize how critical He is to our very lives and why it’s so important for us to read His Word daily and to obey it
  • The big three arrayed against us: our fleshly sin, Satan, and the world all try to take us down and lead us astray
  • The only way we can resist is by putting on the whole armor of God, by walking with Him as closely as possible, and by seeking His face each and every day
  • Thankfully, we who believe and trust in Jesus have the Holy Spirit leading and counseling us
  • We need Him more than ever in these last, desperate days
  • To that end, we must put off the things of this world and cling to the only One who can rescue us
  • I know it’s getting really hard
  • Yet rather than grasp harder, we need to let go
  • Instead of clenching our fists and anxiously hoping for the best, perhaps if we opened our hands to embrace whatever God has for us, maybe . . . just maybe . . . our longed-for deliverance will happen sooner than any of us realize
  • Why?
  • Because we’ll be busy with the things of the Kingdom and the times will pass as a blur before our eyes
  • If you know Jesus as Lord and Savior, this is our task in these final days in which we have little strength
  • If you have not placed your trust and faith in Christ for the salvation of your soul, time is running out
  • Please, make that eternity-altering decision right now while you have the opportunity
  • God’s patience has almost run its course with this Christ-rejecting world
  • Tomorrow may be too late

4 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-16-22: Intergalactic Fantasies”

  1. Reply GaryW

    Part of this article explains the funny looks I get from my neighbors. I am looking up, as the Bible says. looking for Jesus to bring my salvation. Now my wife tells me that the neighbors think I’m trying to contact aliens. I guess if I looked straight ahead I’d be looking for Bigfoot.

  2. Reply Rick H

    Aliens? Come on Satan you can do better than that…or maybe he doesn’t have to with the dumbing down of the education system nowadays but for people like us that know better its a head scratcher although it reminds me of V the miniseries…always loved a good Sci-fi show.

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