Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-14-22: The Hitler Template for Antichrist – Part 2

What will Antichrist actually be like?  What will his rise to power look like?  How will life – not only in America – but in every nation around the world adjust to a universal dictatorship?  What will happen to people who don’t go along with Antichrist’s program?

Last week in Part 1 of this message, we saw many aspects of how Hitler’s coming into supreme authority will likely mirror the way that Antichrist takes control of this planet under the guiding hand of Satan.

The overriding question we discussed, and will continue to look at today, is how – when Antichrist comes as a man who promises to fix a broken world – that he continues to be seen that way despite war breaking out once he assumes power.  In other words, we see with the 1st Seal Judgment that Antichrist comes on a white horse of peace.  Yet, following that, the 2nd Seal is broken with the red horse of war emerging.  Why is it that Antichrist will continue to dominate and have such influence once the wrath of the Lamb, contained in all the Seals, is unleashed?  That seems unlikely, yet it’s the picture we’re given in Revelation.




What will Antichrist actually be like?  What will his rise to power look like?  How will life – not only in America – but in every nation around the world adjust to a universal dictatorship?  What will happen to people who don’t go along with Antichrist’s program?


Last week in Part 1 of this message, we saw many aspects of how Hitler’s coming into supreme authority will likely mirror the way that Antichrist takes control of this planet under the guiding hand of Satan.


The overriding question we discussed, and will continue to look at today, is how – when Antichrist comes as a man who promises to fix a broken world – that he continues to be seen that way despite war breaking out once he assumes power.  In other words, we see with the 1st Seal Judgment that Antichrist comes on a white horse of peace.  Yet, following that, the 2nd Seal is broken with the red horse of war emerging.  Why is it that Antichrist will continue to dominate and have such influence once the wrath of the Lamb, contained in all the Seals, is unleashed?  That seems unlikely, yet it’s the picture we’re given in Revelation.


We’ll keep digging into this today once we’ve prayed and read a Bible verse.






Proverbs 29:4

By justice a king builds up the land, but he who exacts gifts [takes bribes] tears it down.


Proverbs 29:12

If a ruler listens to falsehood, all his officials will be wicked.


Proverbs 28:15-16

Like a roaring lion or a charging bear is a wicked ruler over a poor people. A ruler who lacks understanding is a cruel oppressor, but he who hates unjust gain will prolong his days.




The Hitler Template for Antichrist – Part 2


  • You’ll recall that I began this comparative analysis after reading a book titled White Rose, Black Forest by Eoin (Owen) Dempsey
  • As part of setting the stage for the novel, the author recounted in a chapter the backstory how Hitler rose to power and continued in his position
  • Given that Satan must have an Antichrist candidate available for every generation, because He doesn’t know when God will pull the trigger for the Rapture and Tribulation, it is highly probable that Hitler was one such person prepared by Satan and his human minions
  • What we see happened with Hitler, it is likely in many respects that we’ll also see with the soon-coming Antichrist
  • The list as recounted in the novel that I made of Hitler attributes serves as the basis for our discussion
  • Like last week, I’ll preface what Hitler did, then give my comments as to what Antichrist may similarly do during his reign of terror


  • Hitler – No one wanted to be left behind – felt good to be part of something important and superior
    • When society seems to be improving, that economic activity is expanding, and prosperity looks like it may come again, this excites people
    • People want to be part of something
    • The human condition is such that when others get excited and have hope we want it too
    • Hitler gave the Germans this shot of feel-good dopamine
    • Isn’t it likely that this same dynamic will be at work with Antichrist?
    • Given what we see happening in the world today, the prognosis is pretty dreary
    • All that’s been going on in the political realm, the COVID nonsense, terrible weather conditions with drought and flooding, supply chain nightmares, war and civil unrest, if a Hitler-type came along today, how might people react?
    • Perhaps they’d be leery at first just as the Germans were
    • But something changed and they embraced this outspoken leader who talked about future glory
    • Might that be the case with Antichrist?
    • As he speaks of improved conditions and things appear to actually get better, how many people will be enthralled and not want to be left in the dust?
  • Hitler – Aryan became desired characteristic of blond hair, blue eyes = ideal German
    • This is an interesting dynamic
    • Hitler was far from the Aryan ideal, yet people didn’t seem to notice
    • Those with these physical characteristics certainly had to feel pride in their genetics – their outward appearance
    • Hitler played on that and contrasted those who looked different
    • There was something wrong with them
    • Their gene pool was subhuman
    • I’m not sure that Antichrist can play this card with how people look, but he can and will certainly distinguish how people think
    • We’re already seeing this great divide, and it’s being amplified
    • You don’t think abortion is a virtue and saves the birthing person’s life in all instances since that thing growing inside him or her is a cancerous tumor?
    • You don’t think that women can become men and men can become women?
    • What are you? Anti-science?
    • You think that there is some kind of external Creator-God?
    • Why do you deny the science that says we are our own gods and are on the verge of realizing it?
    • Yes, there are plenty of ideal characteristics that those favored by society will have – but most will likely be in their imagination
  • Hitler – Boys and girls leagues that glorified Fuhrer – brotherhood & sisterhood
    • For boys, the Hitler Youth was the group to be part of
    • For girls, the League of German Girls provided the same ideological indoctrination
    • For both, strength and power were taught as a supreme aspect of their German identity
    • Weakness was despised
    • They marched, sang, and performed activities intended to draw them into their destiny
    • The boys were required to be physically fit, handle weapons, and prepare to be future soldiers
    • The girls were trained to be future wives and mothers, able to create more little Aryan babies while learning to take care of the home
    • We’ve already seen that the youth of today are being groomed
    • In pre-school and kindergarten the children are indoctrinated that gender is fluid and they can be anything they want, even a furry animal
    • Once Antichrist takes the reins, what will life look like for the children of accountable age who haven’t been Raptured?
    • Will there be a universal afterschool Satan club that all are required to join?
    • One way or another, we can be assured that Antichrist will do everything in his power to continue duping the youth – probably through a club or membership in something that glorifies him above all
  • Hitler – Songs & drills: “the old must perish, the weak must decay”
    • Nothing like a catchy tune to keep the mind repeating the mantra over and over
    • Kids then were kept busy in body and mind – all pointing toward the glories of Hitler and the 1000-year Reich
    • Forgive my lack of singing ability but, whatever melody they used, surely the words: “the old must perish, the weak must decay” were stuck in the brains of the children
    • Imagine if you will the song of Antichrist: “Christians are traitors, go kill them all”
  • Hitler – Youth in these leagues seen as the finest of German young people
    • If by some means the parents were able to hold off the enthusiasm of their children to join and be part of this bigger than life movement, consider how those kids were looked down upon
    • Can you imagine the suspicions, the taunting, and the curses thrown at them for being disloyal?
    • If a kid wasn’t part of the finest youth to walk the planet, what kind of lowlife was he or she?
    • What about a left-behind teenager during the Tribulation who becomes a Christ-follower?
    • Scorn will soon turn to violence
    • Because of Antichrist’s rhetoric how many young people who turn to the Lord will be martyred?
  • Hitler – All this was for the purpose of new & better life for the Aryan race
    • The distinction that Hitler had to make was between the German people as a nation of destiny and all others
    • It meant that genetic purity had to be achieved
    • Not only that, but the citizens had to have ideological purity
    • The dream of 1000 years of glory was a huge driver of Hitler’s purpose and the people bought into it
    • The deception was off the charts
    • Maybe the promotion of Humanity 2.0 – merging man and machine as promoted by Yuval Harari and others – will be the carrot, i.e. the new Aryan race during the Tribulation
    • In other words, the 1000-year dream is for man to be enhanced through biotechnological means and never die
    • Utopia and human improvement – beyond what the discarded God made – is only an implant away!
  • Hitler – Gestapo – elite police force – need to protect the revolution from spies & malingerers, i.e. enemies of the state
    • There will always be those who don’t trust the establishment to provide the very best for the little people under those who rule
    • Those who had been part of the police until Hitler were given the opportunity to gain much more power than what they’d had
    • In fact, their authority and the means by which they accomplished their job was seldom restrained
    • Being part of the Gestapo meant that you were feared by all – and for good reason
    • The Gestapo could stop and interrogate and imprison and even kill with limited oversight, as long as the purposes served the Reich
    • Anyone who disagreed with Hitler’s ideas or techniques was deemed a threat who had to be dealt with as an example to others
    • How close we are to that same situation today!
    • Peaceful January 6 gatherers were arrested and imprisoned based on doctored evidence and a plethora of lies
    • Instead of being given due process under the law, they languish in prison to this day
    • The message is: Don’t mess with the State
    • The IRS was already weaponed some years ago under the infamous Lois Lerner
    • Now a woman who worked with her will be in charge of the new 87,000 strong IRS force that is promoted as one that must be willing to carry a deadly weapon and exert lethal force if necessary
    • If that wasn’t enough, we have a completely compromised and corrupted FBI that is an arm of the Deep State – even working to undermine and imprison a former US president
    • Why have all the various government agencies over the past years acquired so many thousands – maybe millions – of rounds of ammunition?
    • Our American government has been preparing to take on the people of this nation who don’t agree with it
    • Once Antichrist comes to power, this will be unleashed in a way the American public never thought possible
    • All enemies of the state will be hunted down
  • Hitler – Was bringing more employment – unemployment dropping – policies ending depression
    • Just think how Hitler’s policies hit home in this regard
    • Germany had been devastated after WW1 and was basically at the mercy of the Allies
    • Of course, the people hated it and could do nothing
    • Their leaders had gotten them into war and the people suffered for it
    • Sadly, not learning their lesson that government always takes a turn for the worse – either sooner or later – when Hitler rose to power and began implementing his policies that brought the economy back to life, the people were thrilled
    • They would follow this man anywhere in order to have jobs, shelter, and food
    • Once again I stress that this is the kind of situation I believe will cause the world to turn trustingly to Antichrist
    • What we’re experiencing today will continue to get worse
    • In some manner, Antichrist will likely have the key that appears to reverse this downward spiral in the world
    • He will seemingly make a way to bring a “normal” existence back
    • People will love it and follow him anywhere
    • That’s why even after war, famine, and death devastate the world in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Seal Judgments, Antichrist will be above them and untouched
    • The mantra ringing out will be: “It wasn’t his fault all this happened!”
    • And so, even after all these terrible plagues upon mankind, Antichrist will continue to shine and be exalted as the one who will now really-truly fix things in the world
  • Hitler – German workman productive again – but for war industry
    • This was the dirty little secret that the German people probably knew was happening, but ignored the implications
    • The wonderful economy that Hitler was creating came as a result of his ultimate ambitions: namely, to make Germany great again
    • In my saying this, that sounds kind of familiar, doesn’t it?
    • The people were working in factories and making weapons of war – but they were employed
    • You don’t think that people would ignore where such activity led, do you?
    • Consider today – the last 2 ½ years of COVID . . .
    • How many people in the medical industry from top to bottom – including doctors, nurses, hospital officials, and employees at Big Pharma – to government bureaucrats to media to so-called conservative Republicans . . .
    • ALL of these turned a blind eye to the harm inflicted by the COVID jabs
    • They certainly saw the deaths, the deathly hospital protocols, and the adverse effects from the COVID injections . . .
    • But they decided that their jobs were more important than standing against evil right in front of their noses
    • How much more will the people left behind in this world after the Rapture put on their rose-colored glasses every day because Antichrist has supposedly given them their lives back by bringing an end to economic recession and all that implies?
  • Hitler – Published statistics demonstrated brighter future coming – but didn’t reflect groups frozen out of labor force: Jews & women – despite this, Nazi policies were seen as for good of all Germans – Jews & women would somehow find place in new society
    • Most of us are aware of how statistics can be altered to produce any desire result
    • For instance, inflation today is quoted at around 7% by the government
    • Conveniently, certain key items like the price of food and gasoline are omitted from the official calculations
    • After all, nobody is affected by the increased cost of those things – right?
    • The last I saw, the actual inflation rate was about three times what the government said it was
    • In the same manner, everything looked brighter for the German people because certain groups who had been frozen out of the labor market were excluded from the official statistics
    • Don’t worry about those Jews, Gypsies, and women because they’re unimportant and have little to do with any of the rest of the chosen people of Germany
    • In the time of Antichrist – and we’re already seeing this in play – conservatives, Christians, and anyone who disagrees with the public, official, narrative will be canceled
    • Worse – just like the Jews – such people in the Tribulation will be hunted down, placed in FEMA re-education camps, and executed
    • Remember how the Jews were seen as nothing better than sewer rats
    • What will be the image imprinted upon people’s minds about newly minted Christians who reject Antichrist and his policies?
  • Hitler – Citizens encouraged to report on anyone with contrary opinions & thoughts
    • To people in a free society, it’s hard to comprehend how such thinking and policies could prevail
    • But Hitler wasn’t creating a free and open nation
    • Things had to be done his way
    • People were subject to this mass delusion that they were part of something bigger and grander, so those who didn’t go along with the program needed to be restricted so that their toxic views didn’t spread
    • Consider once more the recent demonic Joe Biden speech where he labeled half the country – those who supported President Trump – as terrorists
    • Remember the saying: “See something – say something”?
    • When will that be resurrected and pointed at anyone with a red MAGA hat or who goes to church?
    • In a dictatorship, suspicions abound and that general atmosphere is encouraged
    • When Antichrist reigns, you can bet on the fact that everyone will be effectively deputized to be on the watch for anyone with dissident views
  • Hitler – Weak, mentally unfit, etc. gathered for treatment, but actually for disposal
    • In Germany, this meant Jews, those who were brain damaged in some way, and the elderly
    • Recall the songs of the Hitler Youth that “the old must perish, the weak must decay”
    • If not killed outright, all such people were shipped off to concentration camps
    • Today we already have FEMA camps that have been set up and ready to go
    • We have the multi-tiered COVID response centers that even include churches
    • Once things get rolling under Antichrist, those deemed mentally unwell, i.e. people who disagree with government policies, will be unceremoniously sent for re-education and won’t be heard of again
  • Hitler – People jailed or disappeared for derogatory comments about Hitler or regime ideas
    • What do you think would be considered a dangerous statement in the time of Hitler?
    • How about during the Russian invasion if someone said: “Is that such a good idea to fight on two fronts? Why did Hitler feel it was necessary to expand our war effort to the east?”
    • I wonder if even expressing such concerns might have caused a neighbor to report this person to the Gestapo?
    • A year and a half ago, patriots rallied around President Trump in Washington, DC on January 6
    • The gathering was infiltrated by undercover FBI agents and Antifa thugs pretending to be Trump supporters
    • They led the way to the Capitol Building
    • They broke windows
    • They ginned up the peaceful crowd
    • They were the first to enter through doors thrown wide open with Capitol police welcoming them in
    • We know what happened
    • Some people died – not at the hands of the peaceful conservatives and Christians, but by the police and others in the employ of the Deep State instigators
    • Many of these who went into the building – even some who didn’t, but were simply present that day – were rounded up as terrorists instigating a government coup and imprisoned without due process
    • This has been an exercise in complete disregard for the laws of this land
    • How much more in this same manner or worse will Antichrist cause in his lawless reign?
  • Hitler – Nazis stripped Jews of citizenship – no intermarrying with non-Jews – Fuhrer knew best – better to let him focus on bigger picture
    • The Jews were considered persona non grata
    • In other words, they were deemed unacceptable and not welcome in Hitler’s Germany
    • As such, the idea of an Aryan German marrying a dirty Jew was anathema to all that Hitler preached
    • Yet, this was seen as right and good because Hitler could do no wrong in his pronouncements
    • In fact, some people thought that maybe he wasn’t even aware of what his underlings were doing with the Jews because of his focus on making Germany great again
    • Wrong! – Hitler was the instigator of these policies and had laid out exactly what he intended in his book Mein Kampf
    • As Christians and conservative political prisoners are harshly dealt with in the Tribulation, do you think Antichrist will have his apologists everywhere in the same manner as Hitler?
  • Hitler – Universities transformed into vessels for propaganda
    • See how there is nothing new under the sun?
    • Hitler used the resources at his command to further his ideology
    • He wasn’t done with the youth once they’d left the equivalent of high school in Germany
    • As they graduated into college, Hitler used those institutions to continue his brainwashing efforts with young people
    • What have we seen for a number of years in our university settings?
    • They’ve been anti-God factories churning out students who reject the morals and ethics of their upbringing
    • The 60s radicals who protested the Vietnam War became teachers and professors advocating their anti-American, God-hating, white, rich guilt complexes to all who entered their classes
    • They’ve become racial, gender-bending hotbeds of dissent against capitalism and extreme promotors of socialism because – after all – it’s for fairness and equity for everyone
    • I don’t think Antichrist will have to do too much more at the university to destroy freedom of thought
    • The system is pretty much prepped in that regard
  • Hitler – Enemies everywhere per police force/Gestapo – no one above suspicion
    • As noted previously, the Gestapo was the police force in Nazi Germany that had unparalleled authority to do whatever was necessary to stifle dissent
    • Any little niggle of concern that someone had as to the loyalty of a neighbor, co-worker, customer, etc. was cause to report them to the Gestapo
    • After all, the person reporting the issue certainly didn’t want any suspicion cast back on him whereby he would be the target of the Gestapo
    • Their methods were brutal and well-known
    • Nobody wanted to cross the Gestapo and be in their cross-hairs
    • We’re already well on our way toward such a police state
    • Can you imagine the atmosphere during Antichrist?
    • Everyone will by necessity keep his mouth shut
    • Who will know if the person you’ve confided in harbors some little animosity toward you?
    • Or maybe you simply don’t like how another person looks – she seems suspicious to you – better report her and show the authorities that you are a good little citizen
  • Hitler – Nazi ideology permeated human relationships – friends could no longer be trusted – family members informed on each other
    • It’s an amazing fact that two people in a family can have wildly diverging political views
    • If you were someone during Hitler’s years who didn’t agree with him . . .
    • Yet you had a sibling who was outspoken in support of what Hitler was doing . . .
    • Whatever your relationship with that sibling had been prior to all this, you would know that you could place yourself in grave danger by saying anything contrary to what was spouted as being favorable toward Hitler and his ways
    • Literally every aspect of interpersonal or professional relationships become very difficult in such a society
    • In one of their publications, Voice of the Martyrs recounted a sad incident that occurred in North Korea after the Communists came to power
    • A teacher told her young students that they were going to play a special game
    • She told them that their parents might have a special book hidden in their homes
    • The teacher instructed the children to wait until their parents were asleep, then to search for the book and bring it to class the next day if they found it
    • Fourteen children found such a book, and when they displayed the Bible, they were applauded, rewarded bright red scarves, and were paraded around the classroom as heroes
    • The child who recounted this incident many years later as an old woman told of how excited she was and ran home to tell her parents about winning the red scarf
    • Her mother wasn’t there when she arrived
    • Her father didn’t come home either
    • The child became scared and hungry, feeling sick inside, and finally fell asleep in a chair
    • The next day police officers arrived and informed her that she was now in the care of the government
    • She never saw her parents again and continued throughout life to struggle with finding forgiveness for her naïve, unknowing actions
    • I guarantee you that situations like this will arise in the time of Antichrist because evil people inevitably operate in the same wicked ways
    • Why?
    • Because their master is Satan, and he teaches them well
  • Hitler – Surveillance state operated at full speed
    • Just think of the difference between then and now
    • In the 1930s and 1940s the vast majority of surveillance came from – in military terms – HUMINT or Human Intelligence
    • It was family, friends, and neighbors who ratted on someone else
    • Yet the human factor was extremely efficient and many dissidents were exposed in this manner
    • Fast forward to today and all we have to do is look at Communist China as our model to see the surveillance state in action
    • In 2019 it was stated that China had 1 surveillance camera for every 4 people and that it expected to have over 1 Billion cameras by 2021 – which almost made it a 1:1 ratio since China has 1.4 Billion people
    • The US is catching up quickly and so are all other nations worldwide
    • In Orwell’s 1984 such pervasive surveillance didn’t miss much
    • It doesn’t miss much today wherever people go
    • In order to exact total compliance, such surveillance for Antichrist will come from every angle
    • Not only do we have surveillance cameras everywhere, but smartphones are ubiquitous and prime devices to know what someone is saying, seeing, or where they’re going
    • Add smart-home technology – the Internet of Things – and we have Alexa and Siri not only in living rooms but in bedrooms and cars
    • It’s a proven fact that they’re already listening in to people’s lives
    • Have you heard how New York City determined that supposedly the polio virus has once again found its way into a First World country?
    • By monitoring waste water
    • That’s also being done in many metropolitan locations to theoretically predict a COVID outbreak
    • Of course, the question there is whether it’s predicting a future disease situation or if it’s monitoring what has been purposefully distributed in some manner to the population
    • So . . . they know even what you’re eating by what you eliminate – lovely
    • None of this stops here
    • We’re also moving quickly to the Internet of Bodies
    • What is currently a wearable device is soon to be advocated and accepted widely by the populace as an implanted device
    • Once they’ve put a chip in you, nothing is sacred or private – nothing
    • It will set up the ultimate surveillance state
    • All Antichrist has to do is flip that switch and whatever is wanted or necessary for any individual on the planet will be at his disposal
    • Shut off her bank account?
    • Keep them from buying food?
    • Throw the kill switch for his pacemaker?
    • Activate the nanobots for some nefarious purpose?
    • Antichrist will have it all
  • Hitler – Nazis had innate talent for propaganda & suppression
    • Leni Riefenstahl is a familiar name to some of you
    • She orchestrated the film propaganda for Hitler and is considered having been a master of that
    • It is said that she would have been proud of the aesthetics surrounding Biden’s recent Philadelphia anti-MAGA violent domestic extremist address with the demonic red background and his Hitler-like rhetoric
    • Do you think that Antichrist will have such techniques in place and ready to propagandize the masses?
    • I think it’s a pretty good bet
  • Hitler – Perfect system for its dysfunctional functionality – everyone was a spy
    • A dictatorship is by definition the rule of one strong person over the masses, and he determines what the society will look like
    • Such a people under this kind of rule operate in an extremely dysfunctional manner because they want to a) please their ruler, or b) not be identified as a dissident for fear of death
    • When there are so many people who go along with the program, that makes each of them a spy in their own right, and the spy network becomes extensive and highly functional in this sense
    • Everyone under Antichrist will doubtless be on the lookout for Christians because they are the ultimate dissenters and threat to all that this supreme ruler is trying to accomplish
  • Hitler – Notion of free speech was dead – everything in disagreement with Fuhrer = treasonous offense
    • Not a word could be said in disagreement with Hitler’s policies
    • Today anyone making any kind of contrary statement in a podcast, by Tweet, or in person is immediately set upon by the Twitter bots and Deep State sycophants in the media and elsewhere
    • Speaking against CRT or gender issues in a negative way causes people to blow up
    • Many churches – and I speak from experience knowing someone in such a liberal church – have so embraced CRT, that their congregations are highly sensitized to anyone criticizing it
    • It’s promoted through churches as the means to right the wrongs of our past racial crimes and seen as a good and godly endeavor
    • Of course, these churches fail to elevate the Gospel to its rightful position and instead see this social justice effort as the pinnacle of religious worship
    • It’s highly likely that under Antichrist such false concepts will flourish and those who embrace them will accompany Antichrist to the Lake of Fire
  • Hitler – Nazis steered nation toward war – as inevitable as sun coming in the morning
    • War is a preferred method of gaining control by those in charge and in subjugating others
    • We could have a discussion as to whether globalist elites were ultimately behind Adolph Hitler and his rise to power
    • Given how such people have their sticky little hands in every catastrophic event – and have for many hundreds of years – there is a sure possibility that they helped fund Hitler and enabled much of the global chaos surrounding World War 2 – let alone World War 1
    • War ramps up the defense production industry and makes the elites tons of money who have invested in companies specializing in destruction
    • War also moves the world toward a single unified government because the common man decries the human and economic losses
    • It paves the way for the mantra to be raised that says if we have a single world government, there will never be war again
    • Of course, such folly ignores man’s sin nature that inevitably gets in the way of manmade utopia
    • In our current day, these same global elites are doing all in their power to cause World War 3
    • Whether it results from Russia-Ukraine, China-Taiwan, North Korea, the Middle East as Arab nations come against Israel, as a result of civil war in America, or a combination of any or all of these conflicts – do not doubt that war is exactly the objective
    • We also see that perhaps Antichrist will do much the same
    • In this treatise on Antichrist following in many of the footsteps of Hitler, we see that Hitler wanted war, yet his initial approach was economic security coming as a man of peace and a return to normal economic functioning – yet the end result will be the 2nd Seal and the red horseman bringing war to the world
  • Hitler – Media urged readers to report anyone disapproving of Nazi stormtrooper actions, i.e. the glorious times in which they were living
    • How much do we even need to say about this?
    • The media were corrupt in Hitler’s day and out for blood against those who resisted him, it is every bit and more corrupt today
    • All we have to do is think of COVID and President Trump
    • The media were and are Big Pharma’s lapdog echoing every false statement and censoring anything contrary to the government narrative
    • In the same way, we know that no truth has been revealed in the mainstream regarding what really happened on January 6 and now even with the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago
    • What happened in Hitler’s time and now in ours will be amplified and magnified under Antichrist
    • Talk about sycophants in the press!
    • We haven’t seen anything yet!
    • And thankfully, we who truly know the Lord won’t see it at its worst because Jesus will remove us from this world before all this comes to a head
  • Hitler – Two days after Kristallnacht, government levied fines on Jews for all the destruction
    • Think about this: such injustice!
    • Hitler attacks the Jews on this Night of Broken Glass
    • Jewish businesses are destroyed – storefronts demolished with glass everywhere
    • And because, of course, it was the fault of the Jews, they were made to pay for the destruction
    • Today we have January 6 defendants languishing in jail without due process and in horrible conditions
    • Lives have been destroyed and families impoverished
    • For those of us watching, we see the FBI literally raiding people’s homes and breaking in their doors with heavily armed agents
    • And whose homes are they invading?
    • Trump supporters, or others who on January 6 were simply at the capital
    • The injustice and lawlessness are increasing exponentially
    • Once the Rapture occurs and the Restrainer is removed, Antichrist as the Man of Perdition will institute a reign of terror on those who think in any way different from what he says
    • Receiving a fine from the government will the least of the worries of those who say no to Antichrist
  • Hitler – Jews sent to concentration camps
    • Anyone deemed different or a threat to the State, those seen as subhuman, all such people were rounded up and removed in Germany so as to purify the populace
    • That which wasn’t tolerated was anyone seen as thinking or looking contrary to what the establishment said was right
    • The heads of Jews were measured to determine brain capacity and were experimented upon to prove they were less than human and worthy of death
    • Concentration camps were quite literally hellholes
    • We’ve already seen the forerunners of these camps today in China and Australia, and we know they’ve already been prepared here in America by FEMA
    • The Left – the Deep State – the globalist elites – they’re all simply waiting for the signal to begin the atrocious gathering of dissidents into such camps
  • Hitler – Despite all the atrocities, life went on “as normal”
    • Isn’t this amazing?
    • In Hitler’s Germany, Jews are being gathered under people’s noses and they ignore it, being thankful they aren’t Jews
    • Concentration camps are spewing the odor of burning corpses and the nearby villagers turn away thankful they can continue living life as they know it
    • How much do people today want life to continue as normal?
    • How many churches ignore the signs of the times linked to Bible Prophecy?
    • How many people are blissfully ignorant of the COVID deaths and physical harms, the rising tide of energy shortages around the world, and the coming famine conditions?
    • Remember that even as the politicians preach about peace and security, the vast number of people in this world crave it and will do anything to grasp hold of existence as they imagine it used to be
    • They see the façade of normalcy which is only an inch deep and think it’s the real thing
    • Few people are preparing spiritually for the coming of the Lord
    • Few are even preparing for hard times, whether those difficult days will be before or after the Rapture
    • “Normal” is the ideal for people and they are going to live life thinking they can wish everything else away – like it’ll blow away on a breeze
    • Normal these days is that abortion is a good thing, women can become men and vice versa, and a radical, militarized government has the right to seize people and their property if they disagree with a president and his policies
    • In truth, whatever happens around us, as long as people think they can reclaim normal, their lives will be seen as normal despite evidence to the contrary
    • We are in the days of Noah and the days of Lot where everything is upside down: good is seen as evil and evil as good
    • The deception is thick and is only getting worse
    • Once Antichrist comes, depravity will be the absolute order of the day with pedophilia and bestiality completely normal and even approved
    • The supernatural – rare in our day – will become commonplace
    • Normal is what the people living during any particular period make of it



  • Having gone through this exercise of comparison and contrast, I would conclude by saying that Antichrist will effectively come out of nowhere and yet will be seen as a Savior who can do no wrong regardless of what happens following his unveiling
  • He will be viewed as the one who can restore life to this world and bring it back to the normal that people crave
  • More than that – people will believe he can bring utopia once and for all to this sin-drenched world – because he will preach that sin is an anachronism, we are all gods, and our destiny is an eternity of 1000 years and more of glory
  • All people have to do is follow him and his ways
  • He will guarantee their bright futures and they’ll believe every word he says
  • Those of us who know the truth of Jesus Christ before Antichrist rises will be rescued from this world by our Savior and Bridegroom
  • Those who reject Jesus now will enter the Tribulation – the most horrible time this earth will ever endure
  • The fortunate ones who then place their faith and trust in Christ will lose their physical lives in great numbers, but be resurrected to join the gathering of true believers once these seven years pass
  • People who continue to reject the gracious offer of salvation by Christ alone in the Tribulation will die physically and die the second death – soul death – by spending eternity in the Lake of Fire
  • Oh, how wonderful and glorious it is to know Jesus NOW!
  • My prayer is simply that He comes soon and removes us from this alien world that is not our home

6 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-14-22: The Hitler Template for Antichrist – Part 2”

  1. Reply RobinL

    Well, that’s a sobering update. But real.

    I was reading a chapter in Terry James new book, which btw you wrote one very good chapter yourself, addressing torture and persecution of political and religious martyrs in third world countries. It’s going to be as bad as that, globally. It makes me weep for those who will be left here to endure the tribulation.

    What an indescribably glorious gift that the Lord is taking His Church away from all that is coming. If people only knew and believed 🙏!

    Maranatha Gary, may He come soon.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      Thanks for noticing! I haven’t received my copy of the book yet.

      All the worst of the worst is coming, but God is on His throne and we’re going home soon.

      • Reply RobinL

        Amen, today looks like a good day for the Rapture!.
        It’s a beautiful morning here in AZ, how much more so when we are with our Lord in Heaven 🙏!

        • Reply Gary Ritter

          Same here in flyover country. We’ve got 70s for about another week, then into the 60s we go as we start heading more into Fall and Winter. I’ll bet we’ll never be either too cold or hot when we’re with the Lord, rather just right!

          • RobinL

            Indeed, all things will be so, and we will be without sin, in our glorified bodies, forever with the Lord! Those are the best things to focus on today as we see the world spin out of control.

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