Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-31-22: Engineered Climate Catastrophe

We’ve been told for years that a climate catastrophe is upon us.  Shrill voices have screamed about the apocalypse that will destroy the planet:

Armageddon is real! 

It’s coming for us because of climate change! 

The earth is heating too fast! 

No, it’s cooling at an extreme rate! 


Disaster is imminent and we must DO SOMETHING!

You may remember Paul Ehrlich back in the 1970s as among the first of the notable climate prophets.  His book The Population Bomb warned about overpopulation and its impact on the earth.  Of course, this crisis required a significant reduction in world population through birth control and abortion.  Why did we have to limit the number of people living on the planet?  In order to sustain the earth’s viability.  Naturally, if one doesn’t have a Biblical worldview, just as the 10th of the Georgia Guidestones commandments declared, we must not be a cancer on the earth.  From the perspective of people with this mindset, humans are of no greater importance than animals, and our numbers must be reduced – under 500 Million as it turns out according to the Georgia Guidestone commandment #1.  Otherwise, according to the climate alarmists, the future of our planet is zero.  Man through his rash and selfish actions will completely destroy it.

In the current narrative, minute changes in the climate are about to kill us all.  Actually, if we’re simply beasts of the field, what difference does that make?  Why would anyone care about mankind dying off with drastic changes in the weather?  Be that as it may, voices have risen to a crescendo of late.  Al Gore has been warning for the last 20 years that we only had 3 more years until we all died off.

Given the hyperbolic intensity of previous portents of doom, the reality today is that we actually do face a climate crisis.  It doesn’t arise from man’s use of SUVs, from cow flatulence, or excessive discharge of CO2 which green living plants need as food to survive.  The planet faces the existential threat of engineered destruction by extremely evil people who are intent on killing off much of the world’s population through manipulation of the weather.  And what they are accomplishing will soon be nothing short of the annihilation of all life on earth.  Ironically, they are purposely doing exactly what they accuse the world of doing through neglect.





This just came up for me, and it’s so intriguing, that before we get into today’s subject, I figured we needed to cover it.  You-all are going to think I’ve totally lost it and gone into wacko-land, but here we are anyway.


I was watching the latest episode of the 5 Docs on Rumble with Sherri Tenpenny, Lee Merritt, and the others.  They had been talking about transhumanism and brought up an incident that just happened in the last couple weeks.  A young girl in Latin America died – how wasn’t reported.  They don’t embalm where this happened, and the funeral was in progress.  I read an account of this so I can verify it happened.  All of a sudden, the girl came back to life.  She started moving and even spoke a couple words.  Was she actually dead?  Who knows.  They took her to the hospital, but she died again.


We don’t know if she was COVID vaccinated.  When I tell you this next part, it makes sense that she was.  I’ve been reporting for some time about the various ingredients in the vaccines like graphene oxide that provides the means for wi-fi and electrical capabilities.  It can work in conjunction with 5G for two-way communications.


I’ve also been following the analysis of the very large, fibrous clots that have grown in vaccinated people which embalmers have taken from the veins and arteries of their dead patients.  Mike Adams of Natural News has an ISO-approved lab and has broken down the composition of these clots.  They aren’t organic, rather they have tin, aluminum, magnesium, and various other metallic elements in percentages not common to the human body.


Now, we add a more bizarre aspect to the story.  Some years ago the CDC created a Zombie Preparedness Manuel as a graphic comic.  Nobody could figure out why they would do such a thing.  They said it was just a joke.  (You can download the manual at the link on my Rumble page.). Listen to their description of this manual:


CDC has a fun new way of teaching the importance of emergency preparedness. Our new graphic novel, “Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic” demonstrates the importance of being prepared in an entertaining way that people of all ages will enjoy. Readers follow Todd, Julie, and their dog Max as a strange new disease begins spreading, turning ordinary people into zombies. Stick around to the end for a surprising twist that will drive home the importance of being prepared for any emergency. Included in the novel is a Preparedness Checklist so that readers can get their family, workplace, or school ready before disaster strikes.


If you’re starting to put the pieces of this puzzle together, you can see that maybe they were dead serious (pun intended).  This is a big what-if, but given the strange times in which we live – maybe it isn’t such a stretch.  What-if this young girl who died really was dead.  What-if a particular 5G frequency was activated near her funeral – either on purpose or inadvertently.  What-if, because of the growths inside her, that the frequency and the AI-computer instructions associated with whatever unnatural thing was growing in her body, caused her to respond?  What-if she wasn’t really alive but had been activated as a zombie?


I told you that you’d think I was in la-la land.  But think about it.  Who would have thought in the past that the entire medical profession would turn on the world and participate in mass genocide as it has?  Who would have thought we’d be so far down the road to the utopian vision projected by the WEF and Klaus Schwab?  We know the Tribulation will be a time of intense supernatural occurrences and crazy, demonic-inspired violence.  Is it any crazier to think there will be zombies as a result of all the medical experimentation that’s gone on?


I’m not saying for a fact this is what happened with this girl, but it is an interesting coincidence to think about.



Okay, on to our topic introduction for today . . .


We’ve been told for years that a climate catastrophe is upon us.  Shrill voices have screamed about the apocalypse that will destroy the planet:


Armageddon is real! 

It’s coming for us because of climate change! 

The earth is heating too fast! 

No, it’s cooling at an extreme rate! 


Disaster is imminent and we must DO SOMETHING!


You may remember Paul Ehrlich back in the 1970s as among the first of the notable climate prophets.  His book The Population Bomb warned about overpopulation and its impact on the earth.  Of course, this crisis required a significant reduction in world population through birth control and abortion.  Why did we have to limit the number of people living on the planet?  In order to sustain the earth’s viability.  Naturally, if one doesn’t have a Biblical worldview, just as the 10th of the Georgia Guidestones commandments declared, we must not be a cancer on the earth.  From the perspective of people with this mindset, humans are of no greater importance than animals, and our numbers must be reduced – under 500 Million as it turns out according to the Georgia Guidestone commandment #1.  Otherwise, according to the climate alarmists, the future of our planet is zero.  Man through his rash and selfish actions will completely destroy it.


In the current narrative, minute changes in the climate are about to kill us all.  Actually, if we’re simply beasts of the field, what difference does that make?  Why would anyone care about mankind dying off with drastic changes in the weather?  Be that as it may, voices have risen to a crescendo of late.  Al Gore has been warning for the last 20 years that we only had 3 more years until we all died off.


Given the hyperbolic intensity of previous portents of doom, the reality today is that we actually do face a climate crisis.  It doesn’t arise from man’s use of SUVs, from cow flatulence, or excessive discharge of CO2 which green living plants need as food to survive.  The planet faces the existential threat of engineered destruction by extremely evil people who are intent on killing off much of the world’s population through manipulation of the weather.  And what they are accomplishing will soon be nothing short of the annihilation of all life on earth.  Ironically, they are purposely doing exactly what they accuse the world of doing through neglect.


We’ll see why this is the case as we dive into this topic, but first we’ll pray and read a couple Bible verses.







Matthew 24:21-22

For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. 



Engineered Climate Catastrophe

  • One of the great absurdities in this present day and age – or maybe it’s been this way forever – is that certain people tend to accuse others of the egregious acts that they themselves commit
  • The psychological term for this is projection
  • Psychology Today defines it this way:
    • Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bullymight be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
  • The term originated with Sigmund Freud and, as noted, is usually seen as a defensive mechanism
  • That may have been true in the past, but I’m not so sure it applies these days
  • The Left seems to have made projection a staple in its arsenal
  • People of that political persuasion have honed projection as a finely sharpened weapon
  • We see a lot of it in the discourse on free speech
  • The Left accuses conservatives and Christians of intolerance that will lead us into Nazi Germany once more, when it’s their censorship and disallowance of any free speech that criticizes them or their actions which is the real threat – actually bringing Orwell’s 1984 and Big Brother to life
  • In the arena of weather and climate, the Left has consistently lied and cheated concerning this issue
  • They’ve manufactured alarm and brainwashed children to see humanity as the greatest threat to the planet
  • Think of how shrill teenager Greta Thunberg is and what a nag she’s become
  • In reality, she’s simply a useful idiot to the Left who will be discarded once her usefulness has expired
  • The question remains: Despite all the blowhards on the Left raising climate change as an existential threat, is it actually “a thing” we should be concerned about?
  • A year – maybe two years ago – I would have scoffed at the idea
  • Frankly this thought that a one degree rise in temperature could have catastrophic impact is laughable
  • Add to that the preposterous belief that man could inadvertently destroy the earth through his actions, and I had no problem blowing off this concept
  • After all, who is really in charge here?
  • Didn’t God make the earth for man to use and enjoy?
  • Didn’t He make man after His own image?
  • Didn’t God say to take dominion and rule over the earth?
  • If that’s the case, then all the earth’s resources are at our disposal for appropriate use
  • If we really were eventually going to run out of oil for civilization, then under normal circumstances, I think God would have made a way to compensate
  • Unfortunately, that’s all out the window now, or defenestrated, if you’d like to use the technical term
  • Earth isn’t going to last long enough in its present form for God to get around to providing us with alternate energy resources
  • This issue is the word I used several moments ago: inadvertently
  • Man cannot inadvertently destroy the planet
  • However, he can do so on purpose
  • That’s the big problem we have in this whole climate hullabaloo
  • The Left – egged on by the globalist elites with their own agenda – rant and rave that mankind is devastating the earth and drastic steps must be taken to stop that
  • Whereas the reality – the truth – is that this destruction currently underway is engineered
  • It is purposeful
  • What we are experiencing right now is nothing short of a manmade climate disaster wholly intended to cause mass suffering and depopulation
  • It is one of Satan’s finest deceptions
  • The projection is that we’re inadvertently harming the planet, but the truth is that the damage is completely intentional
  • So, another couple questions that must be asked are: What’s the problem? Is it really a big deal?


  • And in reality, how big a deal is this?
  • That IS the question, isn’t it?
  • Pastor JD Farag was among the first to point many of us toward the website:
  • Dane Wigington has been watching this issue for a number of years and has been sounding the alarm
  • He created a documentary titled The Dimming, which I recommend you watch (Link below on Rumble)
  • Now, if one is to be completely honest, Dane sounds a lot like the climate alarmists on the Left
  • He is secular and probably has some tendencies in him toward a leftist direction
  • However, he’s also a scientist, or at least a very educated layman and researcher
  • What he has scientifically shown is without a doubt highly alarming
  • He’s a believer in climate change
  • Maybe he believed the Leftist rhetoric to begin with
  • If he hadn’t researched and found what he has, he might have been among those on the Left promoting their false narrative of inadvertent harm caused by man’s actions
  • Instead, he has documented the purposeful – and extremely powerful – manipulation of the weather that has been ongoing for years
  • Most of us have heard of HAARP – the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program
  • Supposedly the massive microwave arrays of this program located in Alaska and around the world are used to simply study the weather
  • The reality is that they can deliberately change weather patterns and cause severe weather distortions
  • org documents this fact extensively
  • That would be bad enough, but there’s more
  • The dispute over airplane contrails versus chemtrails has been an ongoing issue
  • The Left as usual pooh-poohs the idea that anyone would deliberately seed toxic elements into the skies
  • Again, Dane Wigington has shown indisputably that this is exactly what is happening
  • Inorganic materials are sprayed from jet planes through a massive worldwide effort
  • Among the elements are aluminum, magnesium, and lately they’ve found graphene
  • That would be the same element as the graphene oxide found in the COVID so-called vaccines that are causing such harm to those who have been injected
  • Dane has actually been in the air collecting samples of these toxic elements following right on the heels of aircraft releasing them
  • Normal contrails are composed of water vapor, i.e. condensation – they do not contain the materials being collected by Dane and his team
  • These chemtrails are an entirely different animal
  • What you’ll see is numerous aircraft crisscrossing the sky and blotting out the blue
  • The efforts to dim the sun and theoretically prevent global warming have been underway for a long time despite people like Bill Gates saying they’d LIKE to do it
  • No – it’s being done
  • What then happens is that we breathe these inorganic materials; they settle on the ground and get in the food supply; they come to rest in bodies of water and poison them, and eventually us


  • What’s the result of this determined effort to disrupt the weather and despoil the earth?
  • That’s where the inadvertent and the purposeful collide
  • We’re told by the “experts” that the terrible natural events occurring all over the world are the result of climate change, and man must alter his way of living if anything – specifically, the earth itself – is to survive
  • Who cares about man’s survival?
  • Mother Gaia is of much greater importance
  • What we actually have is the determined annihilation of literally everything that God called good in the natural world
  • In fact, we have a world in which the climate has become unstable and the weather completely unpredictable because it is being engineered to act this way
  • Let’s look at this for a moment . . .


  • If you’ve paid attention – and I know many of you are – then you’ve no doubt seen the astounding statements lately about 1000-year events
  • Here are the headlines:
    • Louis and Kentucky flooding: 2 different 1-in-1,000-year flood events in same week
    • Death Valley experiences a ‘1,000 year’ rain event, National Weather Service says
    • ‘1,000-year event’: Flooding may have forever altered Yellowstone
    • At least one dead after Dallas area hit by 1-in-1,000-year flood
  • Oh, here’s an anomaly which is kind of anti-climactic:
    • 500-year drought expected to destroy Europe’s corn yields, risk of global famine now looking worse than ever
  • Of course, the worldwide convergence of these events is nothing but a coincidence, I’m sure – note this headline:
    • What Are The Odds? The U.S., Europe, Africa And China Are All Simultaneously Experiencing Droughts Of Epic Proportions
  • The numerous 100-year events of late pale by comparison
  • But these previously impossibly rare occurrences are no longer isolated events
  • Despite massive rainfalls in many areas, excessive drought is causing other extreme problems
  • In Europe Germany’s Rhine River is losing water rapidly
  • The Euphrates River in Iraq is drying up
  • In the American West the lack of rainfall has persisted for years
  • The water level of Lake Mead in the southwestern US is sinking at an alarming rate
  • Crops are being decimated from lack of water
  • In fact, farmers are deciding not to even grow them
  • Of course, added to that issue is the lack of fertilizer due to the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war
  • Because there’s no water and thus no grass of feedstock, cattle are either dying off or being sold off in record numbers
  • All this is causing significant disruption in the global food supplies and unprecedented economic chaos
  • To supposedly fight the climate disaster at the heart of all this, nations are telling their citizens they have to effectively cease economic activity
  • Here’s a quote from an article on ZeroHedge:

“There is no precedent for this.  Never before in the history of industrialized nations has any government intentionally tried to lower its economic activity.  It has never been done with intent before because within the contraction nations get more poor, people suffer.

“Not only has no single nation ever tried to intentionally shrink its wealth, but there is no precedent whatsoever for an alliance of nations to join together with the same purpose.”

  • In China, CCP officials are attempting to produce artificial rainfall to combat their drought
  • Stunningly – or perhaps not, given the level of deception in the world – environmental groups are actually doubling down on their demands to go green and are pushing for more extreme measures
  • According to the Sierra club: “Energy shortages and high prices are ‘symptoms’ of fossil fuel reliance”
  • I read an article recently that – believe it or not – argued that poverty and food shortages are a good thing because they make those people suffering from them work harder
  • After all, the article stated, who else will clean our toilets if we don’t have desperate poor people working for us?
  • It’s as laughable as it is tragic


  • In response to all this and more, Dane Wigington is predicting literally the end of the world – literally within a couple years
  • If you listen to his discussion with Maria Zeee in the link provided, you’ll get a sense of how cataclysmic he believes this situation is
  • Dane mentions the absurd situation of two nearby locations in the Midwest where one is under severe drought and the other – just miles away – had record rainfalls
  • And that’s only one of many such instances
  • How does that work in a normal world?
  • The reality is that between these engineered weather/climate catastrophes and the actions of Deep State/WEF-controlled governments through ridiculous bureaucratic regulations – the world truly is on a sleep decline toward its own destruction
  • Already the people of nations are revolting for their very lives
  • Sri Lanka and Panama are tip of the iceberg examples
  • They’ve overthrown their governments and are supposedly in the process of finding leaders who won’t deliberately kill them
  • This fall and winter will prove to be disastrous worldwide
  • Europe has no energy resources to speak of
  • People there are being told to gather firewood
  • Can you imagine?
  • Supermarket shelves are thinning out or empty here and abroad because of the purposeful supply chain disruptions
  • Some 100 food plants have been destroyed in the last couple years
  • Crop production is nonexistent
  • There’s no fertilizer even if there was rain to nourish crops
  • Food will become scarce here in America even as it is already in many nations
  • A literal perfect storm of death is looming worldwide – and, let’s not forget the COVID injections which are killing off and severely injuring millions
  • This world is going down
  • And it’s exactly as Bible prophecy tells us it would
  • How else would we get to the point of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Seals of Judgment in Revelation, i.e. war, famine, and death?
  • This is why it continues to astound me that the church is largely silent on this
  • Yes, there are marvelous Christ-followers who are warning of the disasters ahead, but the majority of them are telling their followers to gird up by creating local, sustainable communities – figuring out how to live essentially off the grid as the world swirls into the sewer
  • That’s all good advice as far as it goes since we don’t truly know when the Rapture will happen
  • But these folks aren’t thinking like that
  • They aren’t looking for Jesus to return for us
  • They’re trying to figure out how they can survive for the long run in a world gone mad – even through the Tribulation
  • And try to reverse the political system at the same time
  • But the idea of God’s judgment coming to pass just as the Bible prophesies?
  • Nope – not a word
  • Just as the predominance of church leaders ignore the devastating effects of the COVID jabs – they also turn a blind eye to how everything is shaping up – all signs converging – for the very end of this world
  • Why isn’t the church yelling to the rooftops about the impending doom and the need for people to turn to God before it’s too late?
  • Is it unpleasant?
  • Absolutely!
  • But what is the church for if not to tell the truth and speak to the culture – in fact, to warn it as a watchman?
  • Is it any wonder that the Bible also sadly details the apostasy in the end of this Church Age and how lukewarm the church and its pastors are?
  • But really, why do so many Christians think they can reverse what God has ordained for these final days?
  • Why do they think we’re not in the final approach to the Tribulation just as Scripture says?
  • For a lot of people that I watch and like, it totally confounds me they can be so blind or willfully naïve
  • It may be that they’re afraid of being burned
  • Many Christians in the 1970s thought we were at the end because of Hal Lindsay’s book The Late Great Planet Earth
  • They thought he’d basically prophesied that the Rapture was a certainty at that time
  • But he did no such thing
  • He said there are many reasons to believe they were at that point, but people took his words and twisted them
  • It resulted in a lot of disillusioned Christians
  • Fast forward and many of those same people – much older now – won’t make the same “mistake”
  • They’ve abandoned Bible prophecy because they think it let them down
  • Thus many are pan-Rapture in their outlook, saying that it’ll all pan out in the end
  • What a copout!
  • If Jesus didn’t want us to know the time of the end and understand these final days, He wouldn’t have given the prophecies He did
  • Can we not believe Him?
  • Apparently not
  • So now, with the world systems collapsing all around us . . .
  • With the circumstances in the world poised on the brink of the fulfillment of the Seal Judgments . . .
  • Can’t these Christian voices acknowledge where we are in the Biblical timeline?
  • Listen . . . things take time to develop in the natural world – a lot more time than we often think they may
  • Thus, we may be actually several years away from the actual beginning of the Tribulation
  • I’ve stated previously that the Tribulation itself could correspond to the Agenda 2030 timeline as God gives the globalist planners exactly what they wanted
  • However, that also means – if you hold to the Gap Theory as I do, i.e. that there must be a period of time following the Rapture before the Tribulation begins – then the Rapture itself must be extremely close – within a couple years – no later than 2025
  • I hope and pray it’s sooner, but I also think that timeframe would be the outer limit before Christ returns for us
  • Tomorrow is much too long as far as I’m concerned
  • Patience, Grasshopper


  • What’s the bottom line in all this?


  • The evil people behind the manipulation of our weather will continue their egregious feats of engineering
  • Why?
  • Catherine Austin Fitts tells us succinctly in this quote:


They want to control the food supply . . . if you can control the weather. The food supply and the financial grid, you have complete control and you’re back to slavery . . . it’s hard to fathom that we’re talking about people who want to achieve slavery.  You know, I think most people can’t fathom why anybody would want to turn a billion people into slaves.  But that’s what we’re dealing with.  That’s the impulse.


  • God will allow them to do what they wish in this regard for a time because it completely dovetails into His purposes
  • Psalm 2:1-4 comes into play as all this happens:


Why do the nations rage
    and the peoples plot in vain?
The kings of the earth set themselves,
    and the rulers take counsel together,
    against the Lord and against his Anointed, saying,
“Let us burst their bonds apart
    and cast away their cords from us.”

He who sits in the heavens laughs;
    the Lord holds them in derision.


  • Indeed, the rulers of this world will continue to plot and scheme and gnash their teeth against God
  • They will do their utmost for the highest whom they worship – the god of this world
  • The weather – or the climate, if you please – will deteriorate even more
  • Millions of people will suffer and die this winter alone
  • And the elites behind all this will think their plans to rule the world are on a course to succeed
  • But God . . .
  • Yes, we who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior may very well have to participate in some level of this catastrophe
  • But our destiny is not to enter the 7-year Tribulation
  • The purpose of that horrible time is for God’s judgment to fall upon a Christ-rejecting Israel and the rest of the unbelieving world
  • The souls of true believers are already bought and paid for by Jesus through the shedding of His blood on the cross
  • Why do so many Christians think that this sacrifice and gift is insufficient?
  • Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus and our hope centered on Him
  • Let’s occupy in the time we have left and work to the very end for God’s Kingdom that a few more people might be saved
  • Crowns await
  • And they will be glorious as we bask in the presence of the Lord
  • One final word: I talk about a lot of dark things in these Prophecy Updates and how the enemy is making great strides to consume the world
  • He will continue to do so because the Bible tells us this will happen
  • However, God is greater
  • He is in charge
  • Satan cannot overwhelm us when we keep our eyes on the Lord
  • Dark days are coming, but regardless of what happens, God is still sovereign
  • He is on His throne
  • Never forget that
  • Jesus has already won the war – we just need to make it through the final battles we’ll face
  • He is with us – He won’t forsake us
  • We are victorious in Him

3 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-31-22: Engineered Climate Catastrophe”

  1. Reply RobinL

    Gary, praise God your poison ivy is cleared up. It’s not life threating but that doesn’t mean it isn’t painful. 😉

    There is so much you’ve covered here. I heard Pastor JD remind us in his last message that God promises to destroy those who destroy the world. When I first read that passage in 2018, I was afraid He was talking to me and that I should be more diligent in my recycling (which I have since learned is mostly a big money making scam along with everything else). Now I can laugh at my naivete. He really MEANS those who are DESTROYING the earth! Seriously, who could have imagined??? And they are doing it indiscriminately, they don’t care if they poison their friends, their families or their co-workers. This kind of insanity only comes from one source and we know who that is. There is no shortage of Useful Idiots today to carry out his plans.

    My pastor, who truly loves Jesus and preaches expositionally, managed to tell the congregation 10 days ago that if you are going through bad times, the worst imaginable times are coming. And he said this in the context of his message on John 14: 1-6! That’s it, the extent of his discussion about what is clearly coming. What a joke. It makes me so angry, I want to stand up in the congregation and shout “JESUS IS THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY! Talk about what is happening! Be a sheperd!” This results from a theology of the post millennial rapture viewpoint.

    No pre-trib Rapture, no blessed hope. Jesus, Paul, and John all gave us this information to comfort and encourage us in the days we are in right now. That comfort and the opportunity to evangelize based on prophecy coming true is being squandered. God said in Isaiah 46: 9-10
    9-“Remember what happened long ago,
    for I am God, and there is no other;
    I am God, and there is none like Me.
    10 I declare the end from the beginning,
    and ancient times from what is still to come.
    I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and all My good pleasure I will accomplish.’”

    These are POWERFUL, PURPOSEFUL words from God Almighty! That they would be shared far and wide was their intent, I have no doubt. Like you said, the prophecies of our days were given to demonstrate that Jesus is coming and evangelize with them, He is at the door.

    Grevious days indeed. Maranatha!

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      I think what is coming is like poison ivy: it’s going to cause people a whole lot of itching and pain – and they’re going to look pretty bad while going through it. Nothing like ones’s life being a prophetic word – kind of.

      Sorry your pastor doesn’t want to interpret the Word for the times in which we live. That must be frustrating. I’m sure you’ve searched, so this must be the best available for you. I presume also that few others in the church have the prophetic understanding that you do. Makes fellowship a lop-sided affair at best, I imagine.

      As for our world, how much more can it absorb before it REALLY begins to go downhill? Better yet, how much longer will God put up with all this nonsense?

      • Reply RobinL

        Yes, it is frustrating. My guess is that many people are aware but don’t want to rock the boat. You’re right though, except for my online friends, not many people are paying super close attention. I don’t know how we can’t!

        Totally agree with you, things in our nation and the world are going to get very rough before much longer. The upcoming November elections will bring an end to ‘the calm before the storm.’

        I continue to marvel at God’s patience, as we watch His supernatural, providential work and His PATIENCE! These are some of His many marvelous attributes…being omnicient and omnipotent, and sovereign…His perfect timing will be another reason to praise Him when we are in Heaven!

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