Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-17-22: Unbridled Evil Among Us

The depth of the Deep State, directed by the globalist elites – the proverbial cream of the crop – is bottomless.  It is so extensive that even those of us aware of the satanic agenda at work in the world today cannot truly comprehend how pervasive it is.  And what is this Deep State that operates at the will of the rulers of darkness – both in the natural and above them – the spiritual?

We usually only think of it as a political force that undermines our republican form of government and contributes to the lawlessness so rampant in our culture and society.  But it is much more and so much worse than our wildest imaginations.  Within the Deep State is evil and depravity of a sort that few of us can picture, let alone desire to know about.  It affects children and adults at the very core of their being.  It steals, kills, and destroys.  What is left over from a human perspective are the broken shards of lives that can seldom be reclaimed.  Because this devastation originates from the pit of hell in the minds and hands of Satan and his minions, only the goodness and mercy of God can redeem its victims.

We’re speaking here of child sexual exploitation and the demonic rituals that ensnare the unsuspecting; that give power to those who feed off these horrific practices.

This is a troubling subject and not for the faint of heart.  But if we’re to truly understand where this end-times world is headed during the Tribulation, gaining a small foretaste of it is necessary to strengthen us who believe and who desire to keep our loved ones from the most awful time that the earth has even known.  There is encouragement in this message, but that is because of what the Lord has promised for those He calls His own.  Without the hope Jesus brings, what darkness would prevail in our lives! – just as in the lives of those who don’t know Christ as Lord and Savior.  It’s probably good that unbelievers truly don’t understand what is coming soon to envelope the whole world in its clutches.  They would quake in fear and faint dead away.




The depth of the Deep State, directed by the globalist elites – the proverbial cream of the crop – is bottomless.  It is so extensive that even those of us aware of the satanic agenda at work in the world today cannot truly comprehend how pervasive it is.  And what is this Deep State that operates at the will of the rulers of darkness – both in the natural and above them – the spiritual?


We usually only think of it as a political force that undermines our republican form of government and contributes to the lawlessness so rampant in our culture and society.  But it is much more and so much worse than our wildest imaginations.  Within the Deep State is evil and depravity of a sort that few of us can picture, let alone desire to know about.  It affects children and adults at the very core of their being.  It steals, kills, and destroys.  What is left over from a human perspective are the broken shards of lives that can seldom be reclaimed.  Because this devastation originates from the pit of hell in the minds and hands of Satan and his minions, only the goodness and mercy of God can redeem its victims.


We’re speaking here of child sexual exploitation and the demonic rituals that ensnare the unsuspecting; that give power to those who feed off these horrific practices.


This is a troubling subject and not for the faint of heart.  But if we’re to truly understand where this end-times world is headed during the Tribulation, gaining a small foretaste of it is necessary to strengthen us who believe and who desire to keep our loved ones from the most awful time that the earth has even known.  There is encouragement in this message, but that is because of what the Lord has promised for those He calls His own.  Without the hope Jesus brings, what darkness would prevail in our lives! – just as in the lives of those who don’t know Christ as Lord and Savior.  It’s probably good that unbelievers truly don’t understand what is coming soon to envelope the whole world in its clutches.  They would quake in fear and faint dead away.


We’ll examine these things, but first let’s pray and hear a Word from the Lord.





1 Samuel 28:6-12

And when Saul inquired of the Lord, the Lord did not answer him, either by dreams, or by Urim, or by prophets. Then Saul said to his servants, “Seek out for me a woman who is a medium, that I may go to her and inquire of her.” And his servants said to him, “Behold, there is a medium at En-dor.”

So Saul disguised himself and put on other garments and went, he and two men with him. And they came to the woman by night. And he said, “Divine for me by a spirit and bring up for me whomever I shall name to you.” The woman said to him, “Surely you know what Saul has done, how he has cut off the mediums and the necromancers from the land. Why then are you laying a trap for my life to bring about my death?” 10 But Saul swore to her by the Lord, “As the Lord lives, no punishment shall come upon you for this thing.” 11 Then the woman said, “Whom shall I bring up for you?” He said, “Bring up Samuel for me.” 12 When the woman saw Samuel, she cried out with a loud voice. And the woman said to Saul, “Why have you deceived me? You are Saul.” 

Unbridled Evil

  • Before I get into the meat of this message, I want to comment on a related issue
  • This has been the talk of the internet for the last week – namely the FBI’s unlawful raid on Donald Trump’s Home in Florida – Mar-a-Lago
  • As has been stated by many, this is an absolute attack on the constitutional basis of our nation
  • Many people have said that this unprecedented, illegal invasion will awaken the sleeping giant of the America people – and that it will assure a Republican victory in November
  • No
  • The only reason the opposition would commit such an egregious breach of the law is because it recognizes no law
  • The specific intent is to cause such commotion and chaos – hopefully from the Left’s perspective, even violence – so that martial law or a similar lockdown of society can be enacted
  • I’ve been saying for months that there will be no election in the fall because the Deep State – i.e. in reality the globalists who rule far above the political creatures – will not and cannot allow it
  • This is the move that cements their ability to shut down the country under military rule because elections will be “too dangerous”
  • I’ve warned that September will be a dark month leading into the next month of October and then the November election period
  • Think about how this action sets up the circumstances to completely eliminate all political opposition
  • The globalist Agenda 2030 objective is at stake and the elites must do whatever is necessary to achieve their goal
  • They are on a timetable and have too much invested to be thwarted
  • Be alert and be warned – the next couple months will be exceedingly ugly
  • The connection with our topic today is that these same people are ruled by the forces of darkness, and it is these same degenerate individuals who will use the chaos to do even worse depraved acts


  • It is my contention, which I have stated previously, that the majority of people at the top of literally every societal mountain are those who have made a deal with the devil
  • Let me repeat that: the majority of people at the top of literally every area of society and culture are those who have sold their souls to the devil
  • Yes, there are a very few who have risen to great heights of prominence through God’s assistance, but most of these individuals have done so with significant help from the demonic realm
  • Upon the creation of the earth, God gave dominion of it to mankind through Adam and Eve
  • They sinned and blew it
  • Through their disobedience, they literally handed over their authority to Satan
  • We know this is true because when Satan tempted Jesus and told Him that through his authority he could give over all kingdoms of the world to Jesus, the Lord did not dispute this fact
  • This is why Satan is called the Prince of the Power of the Air
  • This earth and all that is within its atmosphere is his to rule
  • It is also why Jesus came to earth
  • Part of His task was to put Satan on notice that God was about to reclaim His creation and then to declare that victory
  • When the powers of darkness crucified Jesus and He rose from the dead, that was the death knell for Satan and his minions
  • It is why, as Jesus said, the gates of hell will not prevail against the church
  • We are His ambassadors to this lost and dying world until God determines the end of all things as we know them
  • It is also why Satan has always fought hard against this truth
  • It is the reason Satan is ramping up his activity in these final days
  • He believes he can prevail over God, so he will do anything necessary to win – and he certainly doesn’t play fair
  • Churches for far too long have wanted to downplay the activity of Satan
  • They say: “Don’t acknowledge him and give him glory”
  • That’s true as far as it goes, but it has also blinded most of the church to what Satan does in this world and has caused the church to be woefully unprepared
  • The church today is like Jesus’ disciples when He came down from the Mount of Transfiguration
  • Those on the ground couldn’t cast out a demon tormenting a young boy
  • Why?
  • Because they were unprepared
  • In their case, they hadn’t prayed and fasted
  • Looking at the church today, not only has it not done those things, it hasn’t even read the Word of God
  • The church is weak and ignorant because much of it doesn’t even believe Jesus is the Son of God and the only way to eternal life
  • Some don’t even believe Satan is real and our mortal enemy
  • What a marvelous set-up for Satan!
  • Satanic possession is seen as a psychological condition and the church nods its head and never disputes the issue
  • If there were so many demon-possessed individuals in Jesus’ day as seen in the Gospels, do we have fewer now?
  • In fact, because of the greatly increased population, the decline of true Biblical Christianity, the rejection of God, and the rise of occult spiritualistic practices, I contend that far more people are either engaged in the demonic or suffer from it than anyone imagines
  • This reality has many facets, but I want to focus on the primary one that ultimately encompasses all the others
  • This is Satanism and its impact on the innocent among us


  • The absence of a Biblical worldview and the questioning of ultimate authority because of relativism have resulted in an approach to alternative beliefs that all seemingly have equal weight
  • It’s why people can be attracted to Satanism and naïvely ask the question: “What’s wrong with it?”
  • In our anti-God world where no morals are imposed on high, then surely there’s nothing wrong with it, since nothing is morally wrong
  • Put on your whole armor of God, and let’s explore Satanism a little more so that we can better understand this fierce enemy attacking on every side in these final days
  • These next points of discussion come from the book The New Spirituality by Dave Hunt and T.A. McMahon
  • Satanism involves the recognition and development of a an “inner quality of soul” which gives mankind the right and power to oppose all laws of nature and to conquer or use to one’s own ends all natural forces
  • Satanists believe they are not servants of some God, rather that they are their own gods
  • FYI – this is exactly the same doctrine that is at the heart of New Age teaching
  • Satanists see themselves as alien to the universe, outside the established reality, and working to overthrown it with magical power
  • Another FYI – this the same power that New Agers seek to tap into and use to their own ends
  • If you’re getting the picture that there’s not much separation between New Age thinking and Satanism, you’re seeing correctly – something most New Agers would vigorously dispute
  • In their minds, most New Agers are really good people – right?
  • The essence of Satanism is a conceited and hostile rebellion against universal law
  • Ultimately, Satanism represents an angry and arrogantly self-centered revolution aimed at overthrowing all morals and the very order underlying the universe, and filling the vacuum by a deified self
  • In fact, Anton LaVey who wrote The Satanic Bible said: “The highest of all holidays in Satanism is the date of one’s own birth, for we worship the individual and celebrate self-love.”
  • Now here is an astonishing aspect of many Satanists: they see themselves as decent, sensitive, and affectionate family people who appreciate good music and don’t even like to see animals suffer
  • New Age anyone?


  • The question then becomes: Who are Satanists?
  • Let’s not forget the truth that the world is divided into those who are saved by the blood of Jesus and those who are not
  • People ultimately are headed to heaven or to hell
  • We know the way through the straight gate is exceedingly narrow
  • This means there are many, many more people out there who aren’t saved than those who are
  • And the unsaved have huge bulls-eyes on their backs
  • It’s a very broad road to destruction
  • We’ll delve into that momentarily, but first let’s understand a little about satanism
  • The largest and most organized Satan-worshiping cult is known as The Brotherhood
  • If you Google it, you have to move through multiple pages with entries pointing to a 1971 movie of that title in order to find further information
  • The book I’m using as my basis is titled: He Came to Set the Captives Free by Dr. Rebecca Brown, and I believe, if you look elsewhere in sources that deal with this truthfully, you’ll find similar information
  • Satanists are many of your everyday people
  • Just as noted a moment ago, they appear as decent and sensitive individuals
  • They work everywhere in society and are typically well-educated
  • They hide among the police, within government, are business people, and even pose as Christian ministers
  • To validate this for you, here is a paragraph from Hunt and McMahon’s book concerning the satanic practice of Santeria:


A Santeria priest numbers among his clients in the Los Angeles South Bay area “doctors, lawyers, business executives as well as laborers.”  He says, “There are hundreds and hundreds of people who live around here that are into this.  You would be surprised, typical, blond hair, blue-eyed Americans . . .  There are Santeros all over.”  One police officer said that he personally knew of “police officers in Miami, Chicago, New York and Los Angeles who practice some form of Santeria.”


  • That book was written in 1988, while Rebecca Brown’s book was written in 1992
  • Do you think that today, some 30 years later, there are fewer practitioners in these final days than when those books came out?
  • I’m telling you that we have no clue as to how pervasive and invasive the darkness is that surrounds us and is devastating our world
  • Our only hope is Jesus Christ – and thankfully, He is more than sufficient


  • Continuing on . . .
  • The Brotherhood is divided into covens, which are local chapters or groups
    • A coven can be as few as 5-10 people and can number up to several thousand
    • They are led by high priests and priestesses
    • Each member of the Brotherhood pledges allegiance to Satan by signing a contract in his or her own blood
  • One of The Brotherhood’s more egregious activities is working in hospitals as doctors or nurses
  • They negotiate with a mother whose newborn child is sick and requires surgeries, etc.
  • In exchange for a little bit of blood from that baby they pay hospital expenses for the infant’s treatments
  • Now, you must understand how important blood is to The Brotherhood and all satanic cults
  • The blood of Jesus was shed for our sins and to liberate us from the bondage of sin
  • Blood has always been necessary to deal with sin
  • In the OT the blood of animals was used copiously to cover sin
  • When blood is shed unjustly, the land absorbs it and cries out to God for justice
  • The shedding of innocent blood is an abomination to God
  • This is why child sacrifice has always been so repugnant to Him, and why abortion – which has killed 70 M unborn children in America alone – must be accounted for and judged
  • Satan twists God’s intent with blood and mocks Him with it
  • The sacrifice of blood empowers the demonic realm because it is the polar opposite of how God operates
  • The blood taken from the newborns in the hospital is drunk to gain greater prominence in the dark kingdom
  • Its use provides power and stirs up demonic activity
  • The drinkers of the blood are rewarded by having more demons enter into them
  • But it also has a dual purpose
  • The child whose blood is taken is then also opened up to demonic possession
  • The members of The Brotherhood lust for power
  • Among the ways they get it is by having regular sex with children – molesting them from an early age
  • We’ll come back to this momentarily
  • They also torture the children of parents in the cult to ensure absolute obedience
  • Here’s a critical fact to understand:
  • Any dealing with Satan opens a doorway in a person’s life for satanic power and/or demons to enter
  • Doorways are created by sin
  • Sin gives Satan legal ground – this is extremely important to understand
  • Sinning and ceding legal ground means that people literally invite Satan into their lives – or in the case of children, it’s not an invitation but forced entry
  • Either way, Satan then has free reign over a person to do what he will
  • Let’s discuss what this looks like
  • Any dealing with the occult, magic, etc. is a doorway whereby Satan can simply waltz into a person’s life
  • In this respect, I want you to think about Christians who even just dabble in the occult
  • Maybe they use crystals for good luck or healing
  • Maybe the church promotes so-called Christian yoga
  • FYI – there’s no such thing: Yoga is Hinduism and Hinduism is yoga
  • Christian yoga is an oxymoron and a contradiction or terms
  • If someone practices yoga of any sort, she is yoking herself with Hindu gods
  • Maybe a teacher in the church advocates for and teaches visualization
  • This is a form of sorcery which often results in the summoning of spirit guides
  • These are demonic entities which pose as enlightened beings who only want to help someone reach his full potential
  • In other words – that they might become part of the godhead by realizing the oneness of everything
  • Truly demonic is the use of this with children in public schools
  • They are told to visualize an imaginary friend that they can confide in and feel safe with
  • Deuteronomy 18:10-12 tells us:


10 There shall not be found among you anyone who burns his son or his daughter as an offering, anyone who practices divination or tells fortunes or interprets omens, or a sorcerer 11 or a charmer or a medium or a necromancer or one who inquires of the dead, 12 for whoever does these things is an abomination to the Lord. And because of these abominations the Lord your God is driving them out before you.


  • If we knew the actual number of Christians ignoring this command of God by engaging in occult practices, we’d be appalled
  • Here are more doorways:
  • Any use of street drugs or repeated drunkenness
  • Sadly, think of the many people struggling in these areas who attend Alcoholics Anonymous or Celebrate Recovery who can’t shake the irresistible pull toward these substances
  • Many are no doubt actually possessed
  • If truly born-again Christians, they are at the very least open to extreme demonic oppression or harassment


  • Speaking in the context of communion, Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30:


29 For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died.


  • Satanic actions upon a person cause illness
  • How many people – Christians – suffer in this way for not having examined their lives to eradicate sin and the open doorway it provides?
  • In the population at large, as witnessed in Israel during Jesus’ time, many people endured great suffering from demonic activity
  • Consider how Luke 13:11,16 describes this:


11 And behold, there was a woman who had had a disabling spirit for eighteen years. She was bent over and could not fully straighten herself . . .[ Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue:]“16 And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?”


  • Sexual intercourse in the form of fornication or adultery is a doorway because these things are sin in God’s eyes – thus a hand-lettered invitation for Satan
  • Demons can actually be passed from one person to another via illicit sex
  • Remember the Scriptures
  • Genesis 2:24 tells us that “the two shall become one flesh”
  • Jesus repeats that fact in Matthew 19:5
  • Sexual assault is a doorway
  • As noted earlier, this is a prime way for children to be possessed
  • More doorways include:
    • Incest
    • Homosexuality
    • Pornography
      • Men, you think that viewing pornographic material is harmless?
      • You have no idea what you open yourselves to through using pornography
    • Hypnosis – a much-used practice in psychotherapy – is a doorway
    • Think about the relaxation of the conscious mind and open to suggestion it is in that state
    • How much different from Zen or any other meditative practices is hypnosis?
    • Acupuncture can be a doorway since many of its practitioners bless the needles used in the names of the leaders of Eastern religions
    • Chiropractic has a practice that is actually divination
    • It is called Koren Specific Technique – or KST
    • If you go to a chiropractor, do not allow the practitioner to use this on you
    • Reiki is a form of supernatural healing that is not of Christ and very much a doorway like these other alternative medical techniques
    • Any number of New Age practices, whether yoga, Transcendental Meditation, mindfulness – which under various names is taught in many public schools – and any blank mind exercises that even churches advocate can be dangerous doorways
    • Generational curses are real
    • Family involvement in witchcraft, Freemasonry, etc. can be passed down
    • Demonic bondage is inherited
    • Consider Exodus 34:6-7


The Lord passed before him and proclaimed, “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, but who will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children and the children’s children, to the third and the fourth generation.”


  • This is the reason that UFO abduction experiences run in families from grandparent to parent to child
  • Idol worship of any kind is a doorway
  • Occultic role-playing fantasy games are little different than Ouija Boards for how they open individuals to the demonic
  • And yet, Christianity Today just published an article by a woman pastor who teaches at Wheaton College
  • She recounts how during the COVID lockdown she began playing Dungeons & Dragons with her adolescent son and the rest of her family
  • She has even spent a couple years now being a game facilitator, or Dungeon Master
  • Here are a couple quotes from her from the article linked on my Rumble page:


Now that more people know our family plays D&D, I regularly receive messages from acquaintances asking whether the game is demonic. I tell them happily the answer is no.


As a pastor-theologian, I have thought a great deal about this game. It’s not the theology inside the fantasy worlds that interests me. Rather, I find the practice of playing D&D—and its theological and ethical dimensions—far more interesting.


I’ve concluded that not only is D&D not demonic, but it is also potentially formative for good in many ways.


Fantasy is inherently eschatological because it assumes from the start that the world as it currently exists is not necessarily the world as it must be. It allows us to explore ultimate questions about what is good, true, and beautiful through an alternate reality.


  • The ignorance of this woman and what she is promoting both within her family and to others as a supposedly Christian teacher is appalling
  • Rock music – the bane of parents since the 1960s – is in actuality very dark
  • Many rock stars in their quest for fame and money have made deals with the devil
  • Pastor JD Farag several years ago dedicated one of his weekly Prophecy Updates to this issue
  • I couldn’t find it to link to it – if anyone is able to locate it and send me the link, that would be great
  • Just to validate what Pastor JD said, again from the Hunt-McMahon book I referenced earlier, they deal with this subject as well
  • Among the rock musicians who have made it big and lost their souls were:
    • Jim Morrison (of the appropriately named group – The Doors)
    • John Lennon of the Beatles
    • Little Richard
    • Jimi Hendrix
    • Keith Richards of the Rolling Stones
    • JD Farag in his discussion pointed out Brian Wilson of The Beachboys
      • Such an all-American band – right?
      • No – enslaved to Satan
    • And there were many more groups
    • A friend of mine – Anthony Greve – was a rising rock star in the band Pop Evil
    • He was completely enshrouded in darkness in the thrall of Satan
    • But God rescued him with a unique delivery in the midst of his sin and torment
    • There are links below to his testimony and his website ministry page
  • All this is shocking – isn’t it?
  • What’s the purpose from Satan’s perspective appropriating the souls of these entertainers?
  • Mind control – specifically the control of young, impressionable minds – or as Rush Limbaugh used to put it: “Minds full of mush”
  • Biofeedback can be a doorway
  • Think of how many athletes and business people utilize this methodology to improve their performance in some manner
  • Rape is another – again inadvertent victims can be on the receiving end of the demonic rage that fuels the rapist
  • And then finally, cutting – particularly among teenage girls
  • Consider where this torment that causes these self-inflicted wounds leads
  • How many suicides do we hear about in the schools?
  • And how many are covered up?


  • The purpose of expounding on all these entryways for Satan to come into a person’s life – to direct it, sometimes take it over completely, and ultimately to bring them great ruin – is to comment on the issue of child sexual trafficking
  • Several years ago, Janet Ossebaard – a Norwegian researcher – created a multi-part video series often referred to as the Cabal Series
  • It chronicled the incredible depravity of the Washington DC and Hollywood elites
  • You may remember the term Pizzagate
  • This was the reference to these people’s uses of a local pizza restaurant and their numerous text messages concerning their depraved sexual exploits
  • That series was originally on YouTube and, of course, eventually censored
  • It now lives on Rumble, and I’ve linked to the first video in the series
  • Naturally Pizzagate and all the abominations associated with it were roundly mocked by the mainstream media
  • Who would ever believe that our fine, upstanding Congress -men and -women, and many Democrat or Republican operatives, or the pure and noble actors in the entertainment fields, would ever engage in such activities? Preposterous!
  • Right
  • Well, if you’ve seen any documentaries on Pizzagate, you may recall pictures of the interior decorating of the home of Tony Podesta, brother of John Podesta and close associate of Hillary Clinton
  • I won’t gross you out with what this man thinks is appropriate within the walls of his home
  • However, what is asked when pictures of that residence are shown: Is this life imitating art or art imitating life?
  • Regardless, I maintain that the perversity shown in your face by this degenerate man is not a one-off
  • I maintain that throughout the various reaches of Washington DC culture and in many, many other places in America and throughout the world this kind of disgusting art and the practices which fuel it are extremely commonplace
  • Why?
  • It goes back to the reach of satanism in our society
  • But it gets worse
  • Recently, Stew Peters released a documentary titled These Little Ones
  • I mentioned earlier that Satanism requires blood sacrifice and loves using children for that purpose
  • This documentary explains exactly where many of these children are obtained
  • It is through our tax dollars in the guise of a government agency purportedly to protect children
  • Child Protective Services – CPS – is a primary and active agent in the literal kidnaping of children
  • Many of these children then end up being used and exploited for satanic purposes
  • The documentary shows without question that this great evil is among us
  • Not only that, but very few people are aware of this wickedness being carried out right under their noses
  • To feed the demonic bloodlust of Satan and his minions, thousands upon thousands of innocent lives must be sacrificed
  • And they are because of how easily within the government system these children are acquired
  • The government is literally running the biggest sex trafficking ring known to man
  • Just as I was finishing writing this Prophecy Update, a confirming report showed up in my email concerning a recent incident in Texas with CPS, where a CPS worker encouraged a young girl in her care to become a prostitute – the link is below
  • Before ending, I want to quote extensively from an article written by Joel Skousen who produces a weekly World Affairs Briefing


Sexual abuse of children is rising and is one of the many signs of moral disintegration within the US and the entire world. Pedophilia, better named pedo-predation, is only one of its many forms. Because it is such a horrific sin the efforts to keep it secret are enormous, even in Muslim cultures which claim it doesn’t exist. 


While child abuse is prosecuted in the United States when it takes place in problem households at a local level, it is almost never prosecuted when done by high leaders in government or political circles. The cover-up of such high-profile cases is one of the biggest signs that this is a conspiracy of very deep proportions, making the Epstein “honey traps” look civil by comparison. 


There is even a darker side to the child abuse scandal, and that is Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) which is the most secretive and evil of all abuse—which even goes beyond sexual abuse to involve Satanic cults which commit torture of children and even murder in the name of blood sacrifice. 


The accounts of what few victims that come out of these experiences alive and sane are too horrific to recount, and it explains why SRA is so difficult to prosecute:


#1 – The horrors victims go through is so unpleasant that normal people can’t stand the thought and revert to refusing to believe such evil is real. Sadly, it is, and there is no limit to the evil people will commit when following Satanic influence.


#2 – The abuse is so damaging to the psyche of children that most are permanently damaged mentally and become very unstable, allowing their witness statements to be easily discredited. 


#3 – SRA is protected at high levels of government. Yes, the UK held a major judicial inquiry over high-level homosexual abuse in the Roman Catholic Church and among certain celebrities . . . That “independent” inquiry ended up covering up for high officials, and focused only on the sins of the Catholic Church. In fact, “in June 2017, the group Survivors of Organised and Institutional Abuse (Soia) withdrew “with deep regret” from the inquiry, as they considered it was ‘not fit for purpose’.”


Since it became obvious that governments were not going to prosecute their own perpetrators, a truly independent, non-government tribunal was organized in Europe which has allowed the truth to get out.  [However, despite the very credible testimony of a police whistleblower] . . . who details all of his years investigating abuse at high levels . . . every investigation was shut down, no matter which agency he was transferred to.  He’s both credible and has the facts, though he was not permitted to name names for fear for his life. 


#4 – But another insidious way in which SRA is protected from exposure is by accusing good people wrongfully, using false memory recovery through hypnotism. This is another hint of Satan being behind false accusations of SRA on good people to bring them under unfair suspicion, while ignoring or protecting those that are really at fault.


There are way too many therapists today obsessed with suggesting to patients with mental problems that the root of their depression might lie in some episode of childhood abuse. Probing and suggesting and asking patients to imagine abuse can implant false memories. But the most powerful tool for “recovering memories” is hypnosis which can implant false memories so strong victims can become convinced they are real.


I personally believe that hypnosis is a perfect vehicle for Satanic influence as the person is asked to yield his will and “let go” to some unknown force in the steps to becoming hypnotized. Many lives and relationships have been destroyed because of a false memory “recovered” through hypnosis. When this happens, it causes many people to distrust all accounts of abuse. But they are real, even though they are hard to extract from victims. But I don’t trust any accounts of abuse or SRA that come through memory recovery using hypnosis . . . Abuse victims have trouble trying to forget the abuse, not in remembering it. 


  • All that I’ve mentioned today is but a foreshadowing of the great evil and depredations that will occur during the Tribulation
  • How can it be otherwise?
  • God brings a great deception upon the unbelieving world left behind after the Rapture of His true church – the Bride of Christ
  • God will allow Satan to do his worst even by exhibiting false signs and wonders
  • We’re told that the world will be under the sway of the Man of Lawlessness – the Antichrist
  • What is all this we’ve looked at today if not lawlessness, rebellion, and anti-God behavior on steroids?
  • Yet, it will get so much worse
  • That’s hard to imagine, but when sin is magnified and left unchecked, it grows exponentially
  • When that iniquity is fueled by Satan and his unholy followers in this time of the 7-year Tribulation when there are no restraints, what that will look like is beyond comprehension
  • Revelation 18:11,13 give us a glimpse of this:


11 And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn for her, since no one buys their cargo anymore . . .  13 cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, cattle and sheep, horses and chariots, and slaves, that is, human souls.


  • In other words, human sexual trafficking will be as commonplace in that time as trade of any other commodity


  • Thankfully, we who know the Lord Jesus Christ will be kept from this period of horrors
  • What we see today is plenty – thank you
  • Listen: here is quick word to all who have sinned and opened the doorways that I recounted earlier
  • Yes, Satan demands blood and he uses it for his horribly evil purposes
  • But I want you to remember and hear me well: the blood of Jesus covers and eradicates all the sin arising from those doorways
  • Jesus closes them and removes all access by Satan to them
  • However, this can only happen through a deep repentance and examining of yourself just as Paul outlines in 1 Corinthians in the taking of communion
  • If you’ve opened a satanic doorway, it can be closed – just as Anthony Greve from his former life in Pop Evil testifies
  • Do not despair – Jesus will rescue you if you allow Him to


  • Finally, do you want your loved ones or friends to experience this most awful of times in the coming Tribulation?
  • I’m preaching to myself as well when I say that we must make one final effort with our family and others
  • We owe it to both the Lord and to them
  • The Lord hears our prayers
  • Some may still turn to Him by listening to our pleas and be saved because the Holy Spirit will finally reach them
  • Others won’t respond regardless of our passion to keep them from the worst years this earth will ever know
  • I said at the beginning that ultimately this is a message of hope
  • Indeed it is
  • The mercy of God and the great gift Jesus has given us through his blood-bought sacrifice allows us to praise and glorify the Lord even in these dark times
  • Don’t neglect that
  • Be sure that you’re reading God’s Word daily to keep from being deceived
  • Spend time in prayer
  • Rejoice in the Lord always despite appearances around you
  • Sometime soon, we’ll be leaving this mortal plane for our eternal home
  • All glory to God in the Highest!

5 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-17-22: Unbridled Evil Among Us”

  1. Reply RobinL

    This is undoubtedly a shock to the system for people who are unaware of just how pervasive the evil and depravity is that is running amok all around the world. I have read that when a nation regularly murders and perverts its children, that is when it has turned a corner that it can’t unwind…GOD’S JUDGMENT WILL COME!

    You make some excellent points here Gary, most especially that if demonic activity was at an all-time high when Jesus walked the earth 2000 years ago, it is to be expected to be the same or worse now, before He calls for His Church. Except that there are far more people to infect now compared to then, and exponentially more entrance points to our souls because of technology and the explosion of New Age methods being mainstreamed.

    I was caught up in ALL the New Age stuff: astrology, a personal psychic who was world-renowned and a third generation diviner, yoga, meditation (although I wasn’t good at meditation and now I believe that was the Holy Spirit protecting me before I was truly saved), I’d tried and hated both Reiki and acupuncture (thank You Holy Spirit), I attended New Age conferences and even went on a vacation to Hawaii that featured a 3-day small audience session with Wayne Dyer…who I can now see was such a lost soul. I could go on and on, but you get the idea, I was utterly dead in my sins. God is so amazing to have completely rescued me from a lifetime of Satanic indoctrination. (I only halfway joke that my guardian angels were given a tough assignment in protecting me.)

    A word about AA, I was an alcoholic until 1998 and got sober through Alcoholics Anonymous. Although the Lord allowed me to recover through that program, I can not recommend it as a way out of addiction. AA started out as a mostly Christian program back in the 1930’s when it originated, but is now steeped in New Age dogma. They disguise their evil methods by brainwashing their members into surrendering to a ‘higher power’ which is “a god of your own understanding'”…in other words, a god you make up and is simply a better version of yourself. Talk about an open door for the demonic. Again, I was miraculously protected and then delivered from my alcohol addiction and involvement with the cult of AA only because of God’s grace.

    You are 100% correct about November 2022, even though our nation denies it, we will not have any kind of fair election, if we even have one at all. God has closed all doors pertaining to our ability to revive our Republic; we are a nation (world) under judgment. The USA can not be saved, only people can be saved. The irony is that this has always been true, but now it is In.Our.Face! Think of all the souls in our country who have comfortably gone to Hell over the past 50 years because they believed ‘all was well’ up to their last breath. They lived at ease, mostly in peace, and weren’t forced to contend with the truth of eternity!

    Sadly, you are right, as difficult as these days are, and as dark as they are becoming, it is all going to become exponentially, unimaginably worse.

    Lastly, If you haven’t read it, I highly recommend the book Only Two Religions by Peter Jones. He is an engaging writer (as are you) and makes plain that there is only unadulterated, straight-from-the-Bible Christianity and then there is everything else. [Note: the book appears to be available in Audible only.]

    As Almighty God has repeatedly instructed: worship of any thing, idea, religion, or person other than our Triune God is idolatry and is therefore a stench in His nostrils. He won’t make any exceptions.

    I pray the time we have here is very short and we will be eternally united with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, very soon. Maybe even today!


      • Reply RobinL

        Amen! His providence is evident in our lives, our own personal miracles. Such GRACE!

  2. Reply David Kndapo

    As long as it keeps damned Donald Trump out of any form of office, I’m a happy guy!!!

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