Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-1-22: The Fourth Turning Collapse

It’s time once more to explore where we are in the context of the Fourth Turning.  If that term isn’t familiar to you, it comes from a 1997 book written by secular authors William Strauss and Neil Howe titled The Fourth Turning – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Rendezvous with Destiny. The authors in this book examined how history effectively repeats itself in predictable cycles.  What’s fascinating to me is how the current cycle – the Fourth Turning that we’re currently in the middle of – appears to be perfectly lining up with the objectives of the WEF’s Great Reset, the UN’s Agenda 2030, and the upcoming Biblical Tribulation outlined in the book of Revelation.

A contributing prediction in 2014 by Deagle – a military contractor – and recently updated April 2022 with current world population numbers, presents a startling estimate of where the depopulation agenda must take us to reach the end result of the 1st Georgia Guidestone commandment.  This principle states:

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature

For those not attuned to Bible prophecy, what I’ll discuss today will probably seem so far “out there” that it’s truly the stuff of conspiracy theory nightmares.  However, we know that there are no longer conspiracy theories, just conspiracy realities.  More than that, when we look at the world and all that is being foisted upon it by the global elites, AND consider that God must judge this unrepentant, sin-filled, depraved planet of unbelieving, Christ-rejecting humanity, suddenly all these various dots line up and the picture emerges that life as we know it will soon come to an end.




It’s time once more to explore where we are in the context of the Fourth Turning.  If that term isn’t familiar to you, it comes from a 1997 book written by secular authors William Strauss and Neil Howe titled The Fourth Turning – What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Rendezvous with Destiny. The authors in this book examined how history effectively repeats itself in predictable cycles.  What’s fascinating to me is how the current cycle – the Fourth Turning that we’re currently in the middle of – appears to be perfectly lining up with the objectives of the WEF’s Great Reset, the UN’s Agenda 2030, and the upcoming Biblical Tribulation outlined in the book of Revelation.


A contributing prediction in 2014 by Deagle – a military contractor – and recently updated April 2022 with current world population numbers, presents a startling estimate of where the depopulation agenda must take us to reach the end result of the 1st Georgia Guidestone commandment.  This principle states:


Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature


For those not attuned to Bible prophecy, what I’ll discuss today will probably seem so far “out there” that it’s truly the stuff of conspiracy theory nightmares.  However, we know that there are no longer conspiracy theories, just conspiracy realities.  More than that, when we look at the world and all that is being foisted upon it by the global elites, AND consider that God must judge this unrepentant, sin-filled, depraved planet of unbelieving, Christ-rejecting humanity, suddenly all these various dots line up and the picture emerges that life as we know it will soon come to an end.


We’ll examine these issues in more depth, but first we’ll pray and read a Scripture.





Ezekiel 14:13-23 & Ezekiel 16:23 & Ezekiel 24:13-14

“Son of man, when a land sins against me by acting faithlessly, and I stretch out my hand against it and break its supply of bread and send famine upon it, and cut off from it man and beast, even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it, they would deliver but their own lives by their righteousness, declares the Lord God.


“If I cause wild beasts to pass through the land, and they ravage it, and it be made desolate, so that no one may pass through because of the beasts, even if these three men were in it, as I live, declares the Lord God, they would deliver neither sons nor daughters. They alone would be delivered, but the land would be desolate.

“Or if I bring a sword upon that land and say, Let a sword pass through the land, and I cut off from it man and beast, though these three men were in it, as I live, declares the Lord God, they would deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they alone would be delivered.


“Or if I send a pestilence into that land and pour out my wrath upon it with blood, to cut off from it man and beast, even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live, declares the Lord God, they would deliver neither son nor daughter. They would deliver but their own lives by their righteousness.


“For thus says the Lord God: How much more when I send upon Jerusalem my four disastrous acts of judgment, sword, famine, wild beasts, and pestilence, to cut off from it man and beast! But behold, some survivors will be left in it, sons and daughters who will be brought out; behold, when they come out to you, and you see their ways and their deeds, you will be consoled for the disaster that I have brought upon Jerusalem, for all that I have brought upon it. They will console you, when you see their ways and their deeds, and you shall know that I have not done without cause all that I have done in it, declares the Lord God.”


“Then it came about after all your wickedness” (‘Woe, woe to you!’ declares the Lord God),


“On account of your unclean lewdness, because I would have cleansed you and you were not cleansed from your uncleanness, you shall not be cleansed anymore till I have satisfied my fury upon you. I am the Lord. I have spoken; it shall come to pass; I will do it. I will not go back; I will not spare; I will not relent; according to your ways and your deeds you will be judged,” declares the Lord God.”


The Fourth Turning Collapse


Speaking of the end of the world as we know it, Mark Stein wrote an engaging book in 2006 titled America Alone.  Stein is a funny guy, as you might know if you’ve ever listened to him or read anything he’s written.  In that humorous style, he chronicles in this book the very serious subject of the demise of western civilization.  A major point in the book is how the Replacement (Fertility) Rate for nations to remain sustainable entities is for women of childbearing years to each have a minimum of 2.1 children.  America and other western nations were under that 2.1 number back in 2006.  As of 2022 the United States sits at a rate of 1.7 children.  We are on a collision course with annihilation.


In contrast, Muslim nations have two to three times the Replacement Rate for their women.  This is one reason why some (foolish) people believe we need to import Muslims and other people groups through unchecked illegal immigration.  In one sense, our country and those of Europe cannot continue to exist without a greater population – we will literally self-destruct.  It is thought that we can only continue as a nation by importing those who have higher birthrates.  Of course, this results in a population far removed from our founding ideals because these people are not assimilating.  Continuing in this fashion also results in the extinction of our nation.


If considered through the globalist worldview, America and others must cease to exist as strong national entities in order for the New World Order to come into existence.  From their perspective, both the immense decrease in native western populations and the increase of those who don’t have similar values work together to accomplish the objective.


Regarding The Fourth Turning, time doesn’t allow me to dive too deeply into this, but as the book describes, each turning has a specific characteristic that is repeated every eighty to one hundred years.  “The First Turning is a High…The Second Turning is an Awakening…The Third Turning is an Unraveling…The Fourth Turning is a Crisis.”  Again, from the book’s title, you’ll likely deduce that the Fourth Turning is of greatest interest right now, because it reflects where America is historically in this worldview.  The authors have much to say about this.  In a nutshell, the Crisis of The Fourth Turning is a season of great disruption with social, economic, political, and every other kind of chaos one could use to describe an era as unsettling as this one is.  As an aside, within each turning, different generational characteristics also arise so that the different age groups of the people populating each season have an archetypal role to play – something I won’t discuss today.


The authors note seven primary areas which are affected during each turning, i.e. each 80-100 year period.  I’ll read their descriptions and then correlate them to where we are today as best I can.  Remember these were listed back in 1997 looking backward in history and forward to today in our current Fourth Turning.  I’m sure you’ll immediately begin associating these issues to what you see all around us.  They are:


  1. Economic distress, with public debt in default, entitlement trust funds in bankruptcy, mounting poverty and unemployment, trade wars, collapsing financial markets, and hyperinflation (or deflation)
  2. Social distress, with violence fueled by class, race, nativism, or religion and abetted by armed gangs, underground militias, and mercenaries hired by communities
  3. Cultural distress, with the media plunging into a dizzying decay, and a decency backlash in favor of state censorship
  4. Technological distress, with cryptoanarchy, high-tech oligarchy, and biogenic chaos
  5. Ecological distress, with atmospheric damage, energy or water shortages, and new diseases
  6. Political distress, with institutional collapse, open tax revolts, one-party hegemony, major constitutional change, secessionism, authoritarianism, and altered national borders
  7. Military distress, with war against terrorists or foreign regimes equipped with weapons of mass destruction [p. 376]


The authors go on to state:

… The very survival of society will feel at stake…

 … Decisive events will occur—events so vast, powerful, and unique that they lie beyond today’s wildest hypotheses.

 … Thus will Americans reenact the great ancient myth of ekpyrosis, [i.e. the Greek Theory of destruction and re-creation].  Thus will we achieve our next rendezvous with destiny.  [p. 377]


How accurate were the authors in their Fourth Turning prediction from their vantage point in 1997?  What is currently happening now that we’ve turned the corner into this historic era?  Taking a quick look at the above ingredients pointing toward climax, here’s a little of what we see using the same categories:


  1. Economic distress– Debt hovers at unprecedented levels.  We’re printing money like it’s going out of style (hint: it is going out of style, as we enter the CBDC era with Central Bank Digital Currencies).  The stock market boom is about to crater.  The real estate bubble is about to burst.  Global shortages of literally everything, from baby formula to fertilizer, are being engineered to create an overwhelming crisis leading to worldwide famine.  The Federal Reserve – which has no idea what to do and has inevitably been wrong and too late in acting in the past – is making things worse by raising interest rates.  Someday soon the financial markets will be overwhelmed with debt burdens and will crash with great disruption around the world.
  2. Social distress– Racism is charged at every turn.  To many people, simply being white is an indictment against the character of a person.  Many cities have been plagued by violence through gangs such as MS-13 and Antifa.  Individuals and organized gangs are now roaming city streets and plundering high-end stores with no repercussions.  Horrific mass murders seemingly come out of nowhere. New diseases are regularly reported.  First we had COVID as the most dangerous virus ever to traverse the planet.  Now Monkeypox is rising to take COVID’s place.  Of course, the intent is to vaccinate the world so as to inject the myriad of ingredients engineered into the jabs to prepare people and their bodies for the next phase of the globalist agenda.
  3. Cultural distress– The bias of the mainstream media has become legendary against conservatives and Christians.  When we see someone like Elon Musk potentially purchasing Twitter and restoring a semblance of free speech, we rejoice, yet we neglect to realize that Musk has a very dark side to him with his satanist girlfriend.  The LGBT and trans movements are so prominent that no one of good morals can escape their in-your-face message.  Children in public – even private or Christian – schools are indoctrinated with this perverted lifestyle.  Seemingly wholesome venues for entertainment in the past have shown their true colors.  Disney, for example, is a hotbed of deviant propaganda.
  4. Technological distress– No one’s online accounts are safe with the prevalence of hackers and identity theft.  We receive regular updates about the dangers of CRISPR genetic engineering that modifies human embryos.  People are willingly turning themselves into cyborgs, i.e. “being[s] with both organic and biomechatronic body parts.” (Wikipedia). Artificial Intelligence (AI) holds great promise but significant risk for humanity.  The WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution intends to alter the genetic makeup of man that God declared as good.  Biosurveillance is ubiquitous and will become more so.  Digital passports – begun under the COVID plandemic – will be declared an absolute necessity for all citizens of the world in short order so that the populace can be tracked and controlled.
  5. Ecological distress–High intensity 6.3 or greater earthquakes have increased exponentially, with massive earthquake clusters so common around the world as to almost be ignored.  Over the last several years there have been incredible locust swarms eating up Africa and Asia.  Drought has consumed the American west.  Unprecedented rain storms and tornadoes cause incredible damage elsewhere.  What was dismissed as paranoia in the past has now been proven.  Contrails emitted from high-flying planes crisscross the skies and deposit aluminum, graphene oxide, and other unnatural elements into the atmosphere.  These drift down into the earth and water supplies to poison people everywhere.  Much of the elemental chaos is artificially caused by the HAARP array of microwave towers worldwide that manipulate the weather.  Doubtless, God has a heavy hand in this as well.
  6. Political distress– Not much need be said about the political climate in this country.  Partisanship, completely unfounded lies, attempts to thwart the Constitution and political schemes abound.  Cancel culture demands censorship so that no one can speak political or moral truth.  The January 6 Trump ralliers were labeled as terrorists and still languish in prison.  The legal system is completely corrupt.  Every effort is currently being made to hand over US sovereignty to the WHO.  If that doesn’t lead to civil war, I’d be surprised.
  7. Military distress– The Russia-Ukraine war has been purposefully escalated.  China is threatening to invade Taiwan.  Iran continues its quest to develop a nuclear bomb so as to destroy the Great and Little Satans, i.e. the US and Israel.  The Ezekiel 38 coalition of Russia, Iran, and Turkey, all quartered in Syria ready to pounce on Israel at the appropriate God-appointed time, holds the attention of the world.  War is a wonderful tool to the globalists because it kills so many civilians and destroys nations.  We are certainly in the era of wars and rumors of war with only escalation on the horizon.


As you can imagine, all this chaos and intentional harm will indeed have an effect on the world population.  Our focus today is primarily on America – with good reason as you’ll see in a moment.


But first, aren’t the predictions in The Fourth Turning stunning in their accuracy?  History can indeed teach us much.  Unfortunately, the Left – just as George Orwell’s playbook in 1984 laid out – cannot allow true history to be taught.  Orwell’s Memory Hole is alive and well, as those historical events that run counter to the Left’s narrative must be disappeared.



Given the historical evidence, The Fourth Turning can result in absolutely stunning consequences.  With the distress of the times, you might think – correctly – that such a chaotic era has the potential of causing significant death and destruction.  If a demonic hand behind the scenes is pulling the puppet strings of those who adhere to a satanic agenda in the natural realm, is it possible that the dark guiding light of the Georgia Guidestones – with their proclamation that humanity should top out at 500 Million people – might indeed come to pass in this current hour of our existence?


As I noted in the introduction, a well-known military contractor/think tank made a prediction on 2014 that few people could conceive as being possible.  I have no idea the rationale behind Deagle’s prognosis – was there a Biblical aspect, the hand of God, or simply good analysis?  Regardless, given the extinction protocol evident in the last couple years, Deagle could be very accurate.


The population of the United States hovers at around 330 Million people.  Deagle forecast that in two years from now – in 2025 – the US population would decrease by 70% down to 99 Million people.  Process that for a moment.  330 Million reduced to 99 Million – a 70% reduction in men, women, and children.


How outlandish is that?  Maybe not so much when we consider the following:


  • The COVID treatment protocols in hospitals with the use of late treatment, the deadly drug Remdesivir, and the fatal inserting of ventilators calibrated at extreme levels, has resulted in unprecedented numbers of deaths in these places that are supposed to cultivate life. This is a practice I call Hospicide, i.e. hospital homicide.
  • The COVID so-called vaccines have been shown to contain a potpourri of various ingredients that either kill people right away or which disperse throughout people’s bodies as ticking timebombs. The more jabs one has, the greater the build-up of lethal substances.  The list of adverse events is something like five pages long.  It includes death, heart attacks, strokes, and so much more.  The lifespan of those with these gene-altering injections who don’t die immediately is significantly reduced to anywhere from several months to several years.
  • Bryan Ardis through significant research has postulated that all-things-COVID may have the common denominator of snake venom at their core. COVID and vaccine symptoms highly correlate with those of snake venom.  We’re literally being poisoned to death.
  • COVID isn’t the only disease vector that has been unleashed – yes unleashed, as in deliberately manufactured through gain-of-function research that has the intent of both frightening the populace and harming it. The coming attractions in this realm are endless.  The current diseases we’re cowering from include bird flu, Monkeypox, Marburg, and if we really get lucky – Smallpox.
  • Engineered drought and other climate catastrophes continue to mount and kill. Planned global shortages of literally everything are creating famine conditions that will impact millions in all nations.  Poorer countries are affected first and most, but well-heeled western nations are feeling the pinch.  How many infants will die from lack of baby formula?
  • War is a marvelous tool for those who wish to decimate populations. The Biden Regime has done everything possible to encourage WW3, from calling for the assassination of Vladimir Putin to supplying arms to Ukraine.  Many in this region have already died and/or become refugees.  Historically the globalists love war because of its outcomes: people die and they get richer.
  • I could probably chronicle any number of other planned and orchestrated events that either directly or indirectly kill off people. What will likely lead to a potential realization of the Deagle prediction is the Rapture of Christ’s true church, i.e. the ekklesia, those called out by God to be snatched out of this lost and unbelieving world so that He can rain down wrath and judgment.  We know that the opening of the first 4 Seals in Revelation will start the process with untold millions dying from the sword, famine, plague, wild beast, and failing hearts.  A decrease of 50-70% of today’s population early on in the Tribulation is highly likely, whether Deagle was viewing this through a Biblical and prophetic lens or not.


We don’t have guidance as to what the final population of the world will be once the Tribulation ends, although Revelation does describe 1/4 and 1/3 of people potentially dying during the specified Judgments.  We know that Jesus said the way is narrow into God’s kingdom.  Typically, a remnant in the Bible is shown as about 1/10th of the population, i.e. those who remain true to the Lord.  Many profess to be Christian today, but large numbers pay only lip service.  The great apostasy in the church is well underway.  How many might be Raptured?  How many might come to Christ during those awful 7 years?  Only God knows, but given remnant calculations, those not numbered as part of this blessed group will be in the billions.


As you can see, I absolutely believe we are in the Fourth and Final Turning prior to the return of Jesus.  The collapse of the world is well underway because God’s necessary judgment is upon the earth.  The Rapture will accelerate that.


For those of us who know Jesus and are secure in that relationship, we certainly grieve at what we currently see, but we also rejoice that our time is short upon this earth.  There is a concept of the fullness of the Gentiles as Paul notes in Romans 11:25 that is necessary before Jesus comes in the clouds for His faithful few and Israel can subsequently be redeemed.  I suggest we pray for that number to be completed.  Those who will come to faith in Christ are those who will come; those who reject His sacrificial offer are those who likewise will reject Him.


Our hope is a heavenly one.  This earth is not our home.  Do you feel like me that it is growing more alien every day?  We should mourn and weep and pray – both for our loved ones and because God’s punishment is terrible and real.  Let us give God all glory and praise!  He knows what He’s doing, and very soon this world will seem like only a distant memory to those of us who love Him.

4 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 6-1-22: The Fourth Turning Collapse”

  1. Reply Lisa

    Thank you, Gary. I always look forward to your updates. I appreciate the work and heart you put into sharing these.

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