Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-25-22: Wolves Awakening

One of the issues that should be of great concern to all of us is the increasing apostasy in the church as we spiral downward toward the Tribulation in these last days.  There are numerous reasons for this.  In my videos and writings, I’ve chronicled many of the heresies that the church of today has adopted.  What this really means, however, is that the church is spawning more and more people who will go to hell because of the satanic doctrines preached from the pulpits and subsequently embraced by those in the pews.  These are flesh and blood people – individuals with hopes and dreams – who have been deceived.  This is the sad part.  Jesus came that none should perish, but that all might have eternal life.  He has given this opportunity to all who believe.  But these folks in apostate churches generally don’t have the means to attain the glory that Jesus promises because they aren’t taught doctrinal truth – neither do they seek it.  As a result, what these anti-God churches are doing is actually turning out wolves instead of sheep.

In today’s Awaken Bible Prophecy Update I want to review one of the first prophetic dreams given to Pastor Dana Coverstone from God called the Coming Persecution Dream.  With that as a basis I’d like to illustrate how that which was foretold is coming to pass.




One of the issues that should be of great concern to all of us is the increasing apostasy in the church as we spiral downward toward the Tribulation in these last days.  There are numerous reasons for this.  In my videos and writings, I’ve chronicled many of the heresies that the church of today has adopted.  What this really means, however, is that the church is spawning more and more people who will go to hell because of the satanic doctrines preached from the pulpits and subsequently embraced by those in the pews.  These are flesh and blood people – individuals with hopes and dreams – who have been deceived.  This is the sad part.  Jesus came that none should perish, but that all might have eternal life.  He has given this opportunity to all who believe.  But these folks in apostate churches generally don’t have the means to attain the glory that Jesus promises because they aren’t taught doctrinal truth – neither do they seek it.  As a result, what these anti-God churches are doing is actually turning out wolves instead of sheep.


In today’s Awaken Bible Prophecy Update I want to review one of the first prophetic dreams given to Pastor Dana Coverstone from God called the Coming Persecution Dream.  With that as a basis I’d like to illustrate how that which was foretold is coming to pass.


First, we’ll pray, then read a Scripture and get right into our update for today.



Jude 4, 8-13

For certain people have crept in unnoticed who long ago were designated for this condemnation, ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into sensuality and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.


Yet in like manner these people also, relying on their dreams, defile the flesh, reject authority, and blaspheme the glorious ones. But when the archangel Michael, contending with the devil, was disputing about the body of Moses, he did not presume to pronounce a blasphemous judgment, but said, “The Lord rebuke you.” But these people blaspheme all that they do not understand, and they are destroyed by all that they, like unreasoning animals, understand instinctively. Woe to them! For they walked in the way of Cain and abandoned themselves for the sake of gain to Balaam’s error and perished in Korah’s rebellion. These are hidden reefs at your love feasts, as they feast with you without fear, shepherds feeding themselves; waterless clouds, swept along by winds; fruitless trees in late autumn, twice dead, uprooted; wild waves of the sea, casting up the foam of their own shame; wandering stars, for whom the gloom of utter darkness has been reserved forever.


Wolves Awakening



  • Pastor Dana began having dreams early in 2020 and began sharing them in June of that year
  • I’ve believed since hearing his dreams that they were from God
  • Many people have criticized Pastor Dana and pooh-poohed that these dreams were divinely orchestrated
  • So be it
  • However, let’s not forget what Joel 2:28-29 says regarding the last days:


“And it shall come to pass afterward,
    that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh;
your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
    your old men shall dream dreams,
    and your young men shall see visions.
Even on the male and female servants
    in those days I will pour out my Spirit.”


  • People can disregard God’s Word and not believe that He will do such a thing as give people dreams and visions prior to the return of Jesus, but that’s on them
  • If folks wish to believe in cessationism in which they think that all miracles, signs, and wonders, i.e. the Gifts of the Spirit ended at the end of the 1st Century, they can have at it
  • What I would ask such people to consider is if God would actually leave us powerless?
  • The cessationists say that God gave us His written Word in the form of the Bible, which is sufficient
  • That can be true, if people who come to Christ are able to read His Word
  • However, the truth of the matter is that many people come to saving faith in Jesus Christ in the 10/40 Window region of the world where Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Communism, and animism dominate
  • The Lord often works in these areas through dreams and visions
  • He must – otherwise how will such people hear the Good News?
  • In many countries missionaries are not allowed in and Bibles are illegal
  • Would God really just abandon the lost because of these facts on the ground?
  • Of equal importance is how dark such places are
  • They are breeding grounds for evil spirits which bind and blind the people
  • Witchdoctors and shamans are extremely powerful in their association with the demonic realm
  • They often display miracles, signs, and wonders straight from the pit of hell
  • They are like Simon the Sorcerer in Acts 8:9-24 where we’re told in verses 10-11:


 . . . and all the people, both high and low, gave him their attention and exclaimed, “This man is rightly called the Great Power of God.” They followed him because he had amazed them for a long time with his sorcery.


  • This is exactly the issue in the 10/40 Window with the false religions and ideologies that dominate
  • Don’t you think that God might need to do something to get the attention of the people there?
  • The Bible may be sufficient where it’s available and read, but that’s certainly not the case here
  • Anyone who is a cessationist needs to explain how that works in these places
  • I consider myself Pentecostal and believe in the Gifts of the Spirit, but I’m also a wary Pentecostal believer and want to test all things against the Word and by the Spirit
  • I think that where Joel’s prophecy will really take off is during the Tribulation, but just like all other signs of its approach, dreams and visions are increasing prior to that time, and they’ve certainly been working in the 10/40 Window for years but likewise ramping up in these final days


  • The thing to understand about dreams is that they may have some very specific aspects about them
  • However, they are often also highly symbolic, and people seem to forget that fact
  • In Pastor Dana’s initial dream recounting in his Three Prophetic Dreams posted June 26, 2020, I think this is very apparent looking back
  • One of the things he saw in the dream – and this is important to understand: he SAW things
  • That doesn’t mean he is a prophet declaring that “Thus saith the Lord,” which he made a point right up front that he has no aspirations to be called a prophet
  • He simply is reporting what he saw in the dreams that he believes were of God
  • People can then take it or leave it
  • Dana said that he saw blue-helmet UN troops in Washington, DC
  • He also saw that many of them were Russian and Chinese
  • Now this is the tricky part, and I believe we can take our cue from the prophets of old in this
  • There was timing specificity because of the calendar emphasis foreseen in the dream regarding much confusion and darkness in the Fall of 2020
  • It’s easy to think that the UN presence in DC was part of that timing aspect – but that’s not necessarily the case
  • We read the account of certain visions by Isaiah or Jeremiah and both the immediate and the long range are mixed together, so that they seem like they will happen at the same time
  • Consider the prophesies of Jesus in Matthew 24 and the contention among Bible prophecy teachers as to whether there is a reference to the Rapture period or if everything pertains to the Lord’s Second Coming
  • For the record, I believe the Rapture reference is very clear, and Jesus in the same figurative breath is speaking about both His coming for believers in the Rapture and His coming in judgment and glory at the Second Coming
  • In the same manner, I think we can look at the symbolism of the UN, Russian, and Chinese troops in Washington DC and understand two things:
    • #1 – Washington has certainly been taken over politically by these Communist state actors – this has been going on for a very long time
      • Their presence in the dream like that could be a reflection of this reality
    • #2 – It is very probable that we’re heading into a period where the US completely loses its sovereignty – a period in which literal UN troops with Russian and Chinese military among them could very well walk the streets of our nation’s capital
      • The WHO pandemic treaty is just one means for us to become part of the globalist pack subject to the whims of the elites under the jurisdiction of the United Nations
      • In addition, we keep getting statements from various sources that China has a significant presence in Canada and is just waiting for the right moment to invade the US
        • Is that true? I don’t know – but it’s out there
      • My point is that those who mocked Pastor Dana’s dreams don’t seem to consider the issues I’m noting here regarding how God uses and orchestrates dreams


  • With that as preface, let’s consider the Coming Persecution Dream


Coming Persecution Dream

  • Pastor Dana reported this dream on June 27, 2020, literally the next day from the first set of dreams
  • What I’ll do is summarize this dream as best I can:


  • The first scene shows wolves asleep in a field – there could be hundreds or thousands of them, but even at rest they appear menacing
  • A dark figure runs into the field and begins rousing them with a whip and stirring them into a frenzy – as this continues it’s apparent that the beasts respect the man as their master
  • The wolves all have intense, red eyes that glow brighter the more they are agitated
  • Finally, the man points 360 degrees in every direction and says, “Go to the cities”
  • They take off into the dark night at the man’s command


  • The second scene is one with hundreds of TV screens with pastors shown on them preaching the Gospel
  • This is a worldwide phenomenon as the pastors are of many different ethnicities
  • They are diligent in their preaching and teaching – sweating with the hard work they’re doing as they convey true Biblical principles
  • As the pastors do this many people can be seen in the church who are bored, looking at their watches as they wait for the messages to end
  • Many people are uncomfortable and some number of them walk out of the churches in the middle of the Gospel being preached
  • There are also a handful of people at the front of the churches at the altars where the pastors are bringing the Gospel
  • It’s clear that they believe what’s being said and they’re praying
  • In some manner they’re aware of those behind them in the pews not paying attention and there is a definite gap between the people who are engaged at the altar and those who aren’t, who are sitting wishing the service would end


  • Suddenly the howling of wolves sounds outside the churches
  • They’ve reached the cities as directed and are scratching at the church doors
  • The people up front at the altar hear the wolves and begin praying harder against what they know is an evil spirit at the door
  • Despite that, the wolves enter and walk around sniffing at the people sitting down and who have no idea the wolves are there
  • The eyes of the wolves are no longer red, but have turned coal black
  • Then the wolves sit right next to the people in the pews who continue not to listen to the pastor preaching the Word nor do they know the wolves are present


  • As the pastors ramp up their already intense preaching, the people in the pews get irritated
  • At the same time the wolves begin growling
  • The people begin yelling to the preachers: “Stop saying those things! I don’t want to hear them!”
  • But the pastors continue bringing the Word of God
  • The wolves now begin nudging and stirring up the people and are threatening the pastors who are saying Jesus’ Words that “The gate is narrow.”
  • The wolves begin nipping and biting at the pastors and threaten them even more
  • Interestingly, the wolves don’t directly threaten or touch the people at the altar – rather they are only attacking the pastors as they preach God’s Word
  • In the midst of this, many of the bored and uncomfortable people in the pews leave the church


  • The third scene of the dream is one of many courtrooms where judges sit and are pounding with their gavels
  • Pastors are in chains and jurors are crying
  • The judges declare as one in speaking to the pastors: “You can no longer preach this message and declare that this kind of lifestyle is sin!”
    • “You can’t say that Jesus is the only way.”
    • “You cannot declare that abortion is sin.”
    • “You can no longer preach from Scripture.”
  • In response to the judges, the pastors all assert: “We cannot do what you say!”


  • This outrages the judges and the scene shifts to churches surrounded by mobs of people who are all yelling: “Shut it down! Burn it down!”
  • The hate the mob exhibits is palpable, and this multitude harasses believers trying to enter or exit the churches
  • Strikingly, most of the people in these hateful crowds are those who had been sitting in the churches bored by the preaching of the Gospel and stirred up by the wolves
  • These are the ones who had not been listening and had no interest in God’s holy Word
  • These are the biggest persecutors, as they had never accepted God’s Word as truth for their lives and didn’t want to hear about sin
  • Many of them were raised in the church and in those places they never heard the Gospel, rather they heard and accepted a self-directed, good-feeling message and never truly placed their faith in Christ
  • Many went to college, became extremely liberal in their theology and accepted worldly ideologies
  • These people in the dream now enter the churches and chop up the pulpits with axes leaving nothing but shattered wood and shards of plexiglass
  • Finally, Christians were shown in chains and being ridiculed by those who had once sat next to them in the pews


  • The last thing that happens in the dream is the appearance of the man clothed all in white whom Pastor Dana subsequently identified in later dreams as the Jesus figure


  • He speaks directly to and through Dana to us with this message:
    • Brace yourself and endure to the end.”
  • And the dream ends



  • What is very clear is that the dream is for the church – both as a warning to the unfaithful and as urgent admonition to those who are faithful
  • Wolves have been infiltrating the church for many years
  • They’ve been in it and they’ve come out of it
  • The major push toward this was in the 1930s when communists determined that they must subvert the seminaries as the wellspring of the Gospel
  • By placing their communist brothers in the seminaries who pretended to be faithful seekers of the Word, they slowly and persistently changed hearts and minds toward socialist/communist ideals
  • The students became pastors and did two things:
    • #1 – They seeded themselves back into more seminaries teaching a different Gospel
    • #2 – The newly minted pastors took positions in churches and spread their bitter fruit
  • One of the main aspects of their teaching was that people did not need to read the Bible; rather that they could depend on their pastor to preach God’s Word
  • Thus, few in the church had any idea that what they learned was actually contrary to Scripture and the truth of God
  • From this poison spring all the ideologies we know today that have come to the fore:
    • The Bible is not inerrant
    • All the supernatural in Scripture can be explained by natural means
    • We can pick and choose those parts of the Bible that we prefer and omit those we don’t
      • Thus, we can follow the red-letter words of Jesus but ignore the writings of Paul
      • We need to unhitch from the OT
    • Prosperity is for the church in the same way it was for Israel, i.e. physical wealth is to be sought as a natural blessing of God
    • The church has replaced Israel as the object of God’s grace and mercy
    • Israel has lost all favor from God because of her sin and rejection of Him
    • Jesus was a social reformer, and that was His primary objective
    • Jesus was a good man and a prophet but not necessarily God
    • Jesus showed us that He is only one of many ways to heaven
    • There is no hell
    • Love is all we need
    • All prophecies in the Bible for the end-times have been fulfilled already with many of them being simply allegorical promises – not intended to be literal in their fulfillment
    • Bible prophecy has no practical use or application for us today
    • Abortion is part of God’s plan for mankind and my life
  • It’s this last issue that appears to be one which may be really stirring up the wolves
  • Remember, many of these people sat in churches at some point in their lives and never learned the truth of God
  • How many churches affirm the LGBT agenda for homosexual and trans rights and approval?
  • How many people in those churches are following the lead of their pastors who declare that these activities are not sinful?
  • Given what we’ve seen over the last decade with homosexuals in the pulpits and churches, is it really a surprise that many churches also support abortion just like those outside the church?
  • According to a 2016 Pew Research report the following church denominations either supported abortion rights with some limits or with few or no limits:
    • Episcopal Church
    • Evangelical Lutheran Church of America
    • United Methodist Church
    • Presbyterian Church USA
    • Unitarian Universalist
    • United Church of Christ
  • Now that we’re six years down the road from that survey, and given the times in which we live, how many more churches and/or denominations support abortion?
  • How many people even sitting in the pews of evangelical churches support abortion even if they don’t voice that support?
  • Now that Roe v Wade has again come to the forefront of the American conscience, how many people going to church are riled up by the satanic wolves?
  • If you’ve watched any of the videos of the pro-abortion protesters, you’ve likely seen the demonic in action
  • Some of these people simply throw back their heads and howl – just like wolves or rabid dogs
  • Will it be this issue that creates the final separation of true believers from those who simply mouth belief with their lips?
  • In our earlier Scripture of Jude, we see that God knew full well that apostasy and wickedness would rule the day at some point
  • Is it any wonder that Pastor Dana’s dream is a harbinger of things to come?
  • Consider the following verses:


  • Galatians 2:4


Yet because of false brothers secretly brought in—who slipped in to spy out our freedom that we have in Christ Jesus, so that they might bring us into slavery—


  • 2 Corinthians 11:26


on frequent journeys, in danger from rivers, danger from robbers, danger from my own people, danger from Gentiles, danger in the city, danger in the wilderness, danger at sea, danger from false brothers;


  • Matthew 7:15-16


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will recognize them by their fruits. Are grapes gathered from thornbushes, or figs from thistles?


  • 2 Corinthians 11:13-15


For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no surprise if his servants, also, disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will correspond to their deeds.


  • 1 John 2:19


They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us.


  • The purpose of these people is to do the will of Satan
  • After all, as we well know, there are only two types of people in the world
    • Those who belong to Jesus Christ who have been saved by grace through His shed blood on the cross
    • Those who are of the world and of Satan, either through ignorance or willful disdain, and rejection of the grace of Christ and the gift He gives of eternal life
  • What we see in Pastor Dana’s dream is currently being fulfilled
  • It will get worse
  • Once the Rapture of the true church happens, these wolves will be left behind gnashing their teeth and shaking their fists at God
  • The current apostasy in the church will result in this great separation of those who are snatched up by the Lord into heaven and those who are perfectly content to remain on earth practicing their evil deeds
  • Will any of them who had such hardness of heart and antipathy toward the Gospel message of the Good News of Jesus Christ turn from this wickedness once the wrath of God begins raining down on this unbelieving world in the Tribulation?
  • Is it possible to even reach these people in their pre-wolf state?
  • Can their turning into ravenous wolves who consume those they may have previously known in the church be prevented by a good or judicious word and the conviction of the Holy Spirit?
  • It’s hard to imagine, but thankfully that isn’t up to us
  • God has got it fully under control and will save whomever is convicted of the truth and calls out to Him with a humble and contrite heart
  • In the meantime, we need to be discerning about those who sit in church and profess Jesus as Lord
  • Are they bearing fruit?
  • It’s not up to us to judge a person’s heart, but we are instructed to bring correction and rebuke to those who sit among us, just as James 5:19-20 says:


My brothers, if anyone among you wanders from the truth and someone brings him back, let him know that whoever brings back a sinner from his wandering will save his soul from death and will cover a multitude of sins.


  • What’s the alternative? Such a person will stand before the Lord in judgment with the horrible result that Jesus declares in Matthew 7:21-23:


“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’


  • The wolves are surely around us and they are multiplying
  • However, we have a duty to the Lord to speak of righteousness and holiness in the effort to bring some to repentance
  • These can be outside the church, and they can certainly be inside it
  • Let’s be discerning and wise and occupy faithfully until Jesus comes, even to the wolves until it become evident that we must knock the dust off our feet and move on

2 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-25-22: Wolves Awakening”

  1. Reply Layne Dewlen

    My brother, thank you for a wonderful and needful lesson. I wish it could be preached from the housetops. I appreciate all you do. I know all the time and effort is great, may God bless you greatly.

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