Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: 5-24-23 – Heinous Evil

There are days when the recognition of the evil in this world becomes overwhelming.  It’s at those times that I cry out to the Lord, “How long, O God?  How long?” – just like the martyred Tribulation saints standing before the throne in the heavenly courtroom depicted in the 5th Seal Judgment of Revelation 6:9-11.  Of course, my plight isn’t anything like that of these worthy men and women of God who suffer unspeakable horror and pay the ultimate price for their newfound faith in Jesus Christ.  Currently, we’re only in the pre-Tribulation period, the birth-pains-phase of those horrible days when literally all hell breaks loose on this planet.

Today, what we see and experience is only a forerunner – a nauseating taste if you will – of that which is to come.  That’s because there is a progression of events to get us to the point of such utter depravity, lawlessness, and chaos that occurs in the Tribulation.   Each of these evils in the lead-up to that time will effectively get worse and worse.  It’s just like what Jesus said in Matthew 24 that there will be wars and rumors of war, etc.  but all these things are only the contractions prior to the actual delivery.

What happens in the labor process that a woman experiences?  The spasms grow in frequency and intensity.  This analogy from Jesus describes exactly what’s currently happening.  What also occurs in labor?  For one, it doesn’t stop.  Secondly, it brings forth a new birth.  Of course, in human labor, the result is good – a new life is brought into the world.  In the progression of pains leading to the Tribulation and the resulting birth, the surface result is, frankly, dreadful.  Yet, we have to look beyond our human reactions and realize God’s intent.  He must cleanse the world of the sin and impurity that has overtaken it.  If seen from this perspective, the eventual birth of the Millennial reign of Christ after the Tribulation is truly new life.

Today, I want to speak a little about the heinous evil consuming this world but compare it with what is to come.  We have a great responsibility even in these final days, and despite how the darkness is closing in, I want to encourage you with how we can still make a difference.




There are days when the recognition of the evil in this world becomes overwhelming.  It’s at those times that I cry out to the Lord, “How long, O God?  How long?” – just like the martyred Tribulation saints standing before the throne in the heavenly courtroom depicted in the 5th Seal Judgment of Revelation 6:9-11.  Of course, my plight isn’t anything like that of these worthy men and women of God who suffer unspeakable horror and pay the ultimate price for their newfound faith in Jesus Christ.  Currently, we’re only in the pre-Tribulation period, the birth-pains-phase of those horrible days when literally all hell breaks loose on this planet.


Today, what we see and experience is only a forerunner – a nauseating taste if you will – of that which is to come.  That’s because there is a progression of events to get us to the point of such utter depravity, lawlessness, and chaos that occurs in the Tribulation.   Each of these evils in the lead-up to that time will effectively get worse and worse.  It’s just like what Jesus said in Matthew 24 that there will be wars and rumors of war, etc.  but all these things are only the contractions prior to the actual delivery.


What happens in the labor process that a woman experiences?  The spasms grow in frequency and intensity.  This analogy from Jesus describes exactly what’s currently happening.  What also occurs in labor?  For one, it doesn’t stop.  Secondly, it brings forth a new birth.  Of course, in human labor, the result is good – a new life is brought into the world.  In the progression of pains leading to the Tribulation and the resulting birth, the surface result is, frankly, dreadful.  Yet, we have to look beyond our human reactions and realize God’s intent.  He must cleanse the world of the sin and impurity that has overtaken it.  If seen from this perspective, the eventual birth of the Millennial reign of Christ after the Tribulation is truly new life.


Today, I want to speak a little about the heinous evil consuming this world but compare it with what is to come.  We have a great responsibility even in these final days, and despite how the darkness is closing in, I want to encourage you with how we can still make a difference.


First we’ll pray and read a couple Bible verses, then explore this topic a little more.






Isaiah 45:23

By myself I have sworn;
from my mouth has gone out in righteousness
a word that shall not return:
‘To me every knee shall bow,
every tongue shall swear allegiance.’


Isaiah 46:12-13

“Listen to me, you stubborn of heart,
you who are far from righteousness:
I bring near my righteousness; it is not far off,
and my salvation will not delay;”



Heinous Evil


  • Among the most egregious of evils being perpetrated today is the idea of trans identity, particularly among youth
  • Children are being conditioned from the moment of birth to believe they aren’t what their sexual organs and internal perception identify them as to what they naturally are
  • Grievously, more and more parents of infants – instead of celebrating the child God has given them – feel they must change their child’s innate identification
  • At the least they are raising supposed non-binary children
  • Instead of reinforcing the true sexual identity of their children, the parents state they – as parents – have no right to do that and must allow the child to choose its own gender – be it the old-fashioned male-female stereotypes, or any of the other 57 varieties
  • Sounds like a Heinz catsup commercial, doesn’t it?
  • More often than not with these confused, demonically inspired parents, they impose their wrong-thinking irrationality upon the child and effectively force their own stereotype
  • This was shown in full color recently with a video on Tik Tok from the UK
  • A busybody neighbor came to a man’s door to complain that he shouldn’t dress his daughter in pink
  • In the 3-minute exchange she argued that pink reinforces sexual stereotypes and the child should be able to choose her gender and the color of her clothes
  • As the man repeatedly tells this woman, his daughter is only 2 years old, but that doesn’t faze the neighbor
  • If you watch in the link on my Rumble page, you’ll probably agree that he exercised a lot more patience than any of us probably would
  • Or, I’ll speak for myself . . .
  • Way more patience before I would have said thanks – slam!
  • This woman reflects what many of these parents I’m speaking about think – and then do to their kids
  • The title of this Update is Heinous Evil – which is actually somewhat redundant
  • It’s like saying this is evil evil, but maybe we need redundancy to discuss how awful all that’s going on is with regard to these innocent children made in the image of their parents
  • Not to mention public school teachers, government legislators, and social media influencers
  • According to Webster’s Dictionary, heinous means “hatefully or shockingly evil; or abominable” – so you can see why I say my title is redundant
  • But maybe we need to doubly emphasize the wickedness currently being perpetrated
  • The impact of this gender bending is rippling throughout society
  • So many youth today are incredibly screwed up
  • You’ve certainly heard how suicides among this younger generation are off-the-charts high because so many feel at a loss
  • They have no rudder to guide them and see everything in the world as without purpose
  • In their eyes, they have no future, so life itself is meaningless
  • Why continue to live when they could end it all in utter annihilation?
  • And, of course, that’s also what they believe
  • They have no hope in Christ
  • They’ve been taught that we are nothing but animals, and that when we die, that’s the complete end
  • How much easier is it to simply give it all up and surrender to the abyss?
  • Sadly, with kids that are on this gender dysphoria journey, it’s even worse
  • Suicides among trans youth far exceed those of the rest of their peers who aren’t changing their innate nature
  • Another major issue with this age group is that many are placed on powerful drugs for the purpose of decreasing their anxiety or controlling their normal youthful exuberance
  • We’re raising a generation of drug addicts
  • This is playing out in cities around our nation as tranq, meth, and crack consume both young and old – leaving decrepit husks of what these people used to be
  • Another evil that has been loosed upon youth and foolish adults is the proliferation of marijuana from now completely legal outlets in every city and towns in most – if not all – states
  • Weed, grass, marijuana – whatever you want to call it – has been genetically manipulated to be far more potent than it was back in my day
  • We would always desire for something stronger and could only dream of what’s available in retail stores on most main streets
  • Thank God, it wasn’t the strength that we hoped for then or I might not be here today
  • I just saw a blurb about the massive increase in youth violence
  • We see that in our news feeds as gangs of completely out-of-control teenagers rampage through cities and ravage stores to loot and pillage anything and everything on the shelves
  • While they’re at it, they destroy whatever they can as well
  • Just the other day I saw a news item about an Armed Services Carnival in Tinley Park, IL, a south suburb of Chicago
  • A flash mob of 400 teenagers descended on the event causing chaos and violence among themselves
  • These kids were specifically brought together via social media to create mayhem
  • And that they did, with the carnival being forced to shut down to the disappoint of many families who simply wanted to go and have a good time
  • All of these teens were minors, and all were released to their parents – no doubt for further instruction in how to be good, corporate citizens
  • Behavioral issues are increasing by the day in schools
  • So-called trans girls – actually deceived or wicked boys – regularly display themselves in girls’ locker rooms and restrooms
  • And it’s the girls who are called out as being transphobic and intolerant
  • Those who speak against this is public venues – like Riley Gaines recently at a California university – are shouted down and pursued with malicious intent
  • I wonder how many of these kids doing all these things are fueled by this new strain of increasingly potent marijuana?
  • Studies have shown that marijuana potency has increased by 300% since 1995
  • It’s been shown that this drug strength can cause full-blown psychotic attacks and extreme paranoia
  • Is it any wonder that school incidents with attacks against teachers have increased dramatically?
  • There was a ridiculous incident the other day that I read about
  • A teacher took away a student’s cell phone – I’m sure with good reason
  • And the student pepper-sprayed the teacher in the eyes
  • Reports of teachers being beaten up by larger students are fairly frequent
  • I’d go so far as to say it’s an epidemic
  • One of the things that perceptive Christians know is that sin opens the door to the demonic
  • If the Holy Spirit doesn’t indwell a person, then a persistent pattern of sin can lead to an influx of demons – whether harassing an individual or possessing him
  • My belief is that the numbers of those both younger and older who are possessed these days – because of the drugs and the abomination of things like trans ideology – are legion
  • In my speaking in recent weeks of the darkness overcoming both this land and the world, I’ve concluded that it comes because of the influx of demonic spirits
  • We’ve kicked God out and have welcomed in the pagan deities of old
  • The outcome we’re currently living is exactly what we as a nation wanted as a whole
  • When people in a nation such as ours continue to vote in those who promise evil and then deliver on it, we’ve got what we asked for
  • God knows when He’s not wanted, and so He backs away to let us destroy ourselves
  • He doesn’t force Himself onto a people who have rejected Him
  • Evil starts at the top
  • The Bible clearly lays blame on wicked rulers who corrupt all around them and all they touch
  • In the case of the deliverance of Nineveh by Jonah, the Assyrian king repented
  • The fear of the Lord obviously came over him as he heard and believed what the prophet preached
  • 40 days and Nineveh would be completely destroyed
  • Given the prophetic Word that’s very clear in the Bible about these end times, that kind of response by the Biden Regime is a literally impossibility
  • For one, you’d have to have a man as president who had the cognitive abilities to process the threat of divine destruction
  • Joe Biden long ago gave his heart to the dark realm
  • He has proved at every turn over the years to worship only self and its gratification
  • It’s clear that he taught his son Hunter Biden well in this respect
  • Then you have his wife – Jill – who, if she had a shred of decency and compassion would retire her husband from off the public stage
  • But she craves the limelight and the power she has in directing his every move
  • Since Biden is simply a puppet because of his mental deficiencies, all that is happening in the upper political realm is guided by thoroughly corrupt people
  • Where is there one person at the top of America’s political heap that could say something and cause a universal change of heart and direction?
  • No, this nation is destined for destruction
  • But wait, you say!
  • Trump is making a comeback
  • When he becomes president once more, that will solve many problems
  • If you think that, you’re woefully naïve
  • Assuming we have an election next year in 2024, the cheating and fraud will be worse than in 2016 and 2020
  • How do I know this?
  • Simple: we no longer are a nation of laws and justice
  • We have literally become a banana republic with a two-bit puppet dictator at the helm
  • You know how elections go in those countries . . .
  • The man in power always wins, often with a 90% favorable vote
  • I don’t know if it’ll be quite that obvious in this election cycle, but who is there to stop the fraud?
  • The courts are corrupt
  • Law enforcement – highlighted by the FBI – is totally corrupt
  • Our politicians want nothing more than power, money, and control
  • They will, by and large, remain ensconced in their exalted positions
  • Just remember, if the Department of Justice refuses to act justly and bring wrong-doers to account, where are the teeth in any subpoenas that anyone might issue?
  • Who’s going to arrest, for example, Hilary Clinton and her cronies for creating the false dossier that accused Trump of Russia collusion if there’s no legal system to enforce this justice that should be meted out?
  • The Durham Report proved the malfeasance, but . . . so what?
  • Nobody cares to enforce the law and right the wrongs, so $6 million later, you have a worthless 300-page document
  • Thank you for your service, John Durham


  • The church is salt and light
  • Surely a few praying individuals can change the course of this nation?
  • That may have been true in the past, but today – because we are fulfilling Bible prophecy – that simply cannot happen
  • Those few prayer warriors can certainly impact those around them
  • They can change lives by asking God to redeem their families and friends
  • And to some extent He will
  • But we’re too far gone as a nation – again in the midst of the end times exactly as Scripture depicts – for any deliverance
  • God is very close to the point where He must unleash His wrath upon Israel, this unbelieving world, and in our case – upon America for her abominations
  • Our evil is too great
  • It is heinous beyond comprehension
  • Judgment is almost here


  • That’s the bad news for the day
  • I do want to report on something positive
  • For the last couple years, I’ve been involved in both the initial planning, and then teaching classes at our local homeschool co-op
  • We started up last fall semester with once-a-week classes for ten weeks and just completed the spring session
  • In the fall I taught a fiction writing class for ages 12 and up
  • This time around, I taught on Christian Persecution to the same age range
  • We used the Torchlighters series videos and studied Richard Wurmbrand, Corrie ten Boom, William Tyndale, and Perpetua, a young believer in Roman times
  • All were persecuted and some lost their lives for their faith
  • Martyrdom is not a pleasant subject
  • I’ve related previously how in volunteering for Voice of the Martyrs that in the churches I spoke at that there were always people who simply didn’t want to hear the message
  • The idea of suffering and persecution was more than they wanted to know
  • Yet, the truth of the matter is that suffering for the sake of Christ has been a standard for the true church throughout the years since Jesus Himself suffered and died for us
  • For His followers to then suffer and die for Him should be a given – and it has been since the time of the Apostles
  • Why is this?
  • It’s exactly as Jesus said in John 15:18:


“If the world hates you, know that it has hated me before it hated you.”


  • It is this understanding that I strove to convey to these young people
  • It’s knowledge that is difficult to hear and to process – especially for younger, immature minds
  • Throughout the ages and to this present day, not only adults have been persecuted and lost everything, but children have as well, for both their parents’ faith and for their own if they are believers
  • Is this a truth we should keep from this younger generation?
  • I don’t think so
  • They should know that faith in Jesus Christ comes at a cost
  • There is too much trivial Christianity that is preached these days
  • Or no real Christianity at all in the churches where the Gospel is totally compromised
  • Shouldn’t children be taught that true faith means following the Lord Jesus regardless of what comes their way?
  • In the Perpetua account of around 203 AD during the Roman empire, we learned that new believers were required to sit under Biblical teaching for three years before they were allowed to be baptized
  • Why?
  • Because the elders wanted young believers to truly understand the faith and to know what repercussions they might face by boldly proclaiming that faith in the public ceremony of baptism
  • Isn’t our process pretty simplistic and easy compared to that?
  • And what are new believers taught these days?
  • Are they warned of persecution so that they might pray and prepare?
  • How often have you seen that in church in the new believers’ classes?
  • You probably know by now if you’ve followed my messages for any length of time that I am indeed a contrarian to the normal way of thinking in the church
  • I’ve proposed that the Rapture may not encompass all believers, but could actually be a so-called Partial Rapture
  • I’ve suggested that the widely held doctrine of Once Saved, Always Saved has significant issues in my book and may not be the case
  • I’ve delved deeply into the supernatural aspects of the Bible that are either taboo or of which pastors are largely ignorant
  • I’ve “gone there” in terms of exploring the concept of aliens and UFOs in church classes and in this Prophecy Update format
  • So, yes, I go against the grain of typical churchianity with the thinking and teaching that goes with it
  • In the same manner, I was quite blunt in conveying to my young homeschool class the realities of the Christian faith . . .
  • Not only what has occurred in the past, but what is coming soon in our immediate future
  • Is it too much for young minds?
  • If so, then it’s too much for young people all over the globe to face the reality of such truths
  • In teaching as I did, one of the questions I asked of the kids was one that Corrie ten Boom asked
  • She said: “Are there any wounds too deep for time to heal?”
  • A girl and her younger brother in my class shared that, because of the abuse they’d undergone some years ago from their birth mother and her boyfriend, they struggled with forgiveness – also experiencing depression and continued anger
  • They’d forgiven their mother, but that continues to be a process for them
  • It gave us an opportunity to talk about the wounds martyrs of the faith receive and how we can give these things to God – and if we have to, to do it again and again
  • Because God is faithful, He will make a way
  • Another very interesting discussion ensued when we talked about persecution today and how it even comes against us in America
  • Several of the kids spoke about how their peers – we’re talking here about the 12-16 age range – spoke harshly against them and their faith at various times they had discussed or proclaimed it
  • These other kids didn’t want to hear about it and threatened some violence if those in our class continued talking about it
  • Where does this come from at such an age?
  • Obviously from their parents, peers, and the culture around them – spurred on by dark, demonic influences
  • Is it any wonder young people today are so screwed up?
  • The class gave me an opportunity to very directly and with some repetition declare our need for Christ’s salvation – and how we obtain it
  • As I said to the class, I was under no illusion that all of them necessarily were saved despite having Christian parents and their being in this Christian co-op
  • It allowed me to stress the absolute importance of that and the immediacy because of the soon-coming 7-year Tribulation
  • I spoke of the Rapture and how critical it is for them to have saving faith and to walk in it
  • In all this, what came through for me was the absolute privilege and responsibility I had to teach such a subject to young people who need the absolute truth of God’s Word
  • I know it was received by at least some in the class


  • There is great evil surrounding us today as we countdown to God’s deliverance of His people in the pre-Tribulation Rapture
  • Darkness is consuming the land
  • The abominations we witness daily are simply disgusting
  • I, for one, am yearning for the time they will end
  • From all indications, it won’t be long
  • What does that mean?
  • Perhaps the Rapture will be this year as many hope and pray
  • My timing sense is that it’ll be a little longer than that, perhaps into 2024 sometime or even as long as the middle of 2025
  • I really hope I’m wrong
  • It just seems to me that a few more people have to come to the knowledge of saving grace through Jesus Christ and others must turn fully from Him
  • Once this delicate point is reached of the fullness of salvation and the fullness of sin, that’s when we go up and God’s wrath comes down
  • In the meantime, I’m planning another class for the Fall Semester of the homeschool co-op and will continue bringing God’s Word as regularly as I can in this format
  • He has – astoundingly – given me topic after topic to pursue and convey
  • I’ll do that to the best of my ability until I can’t anymore or I’m not here to do it
  • That’s my encouragement to you
  • Take small victories
  • Continue your work in God’s kingdom as He has given it to you
  • Pray – pray – pray for those around you
  • There is little time left, so we need to be found faithful until the end

4 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: 5-24-23 – Heinous Evil”

  1. Reply Kelly Pearson

    And put on the full armor of God for June as appropriately named “Pride Month” will be over the top in our face. We must speak up and be bold in our faith! Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.


  2. Reply GaryW.

    My belief is that the 2016 Trump presidency was the result of God’s intervention. I think He wanted to give non-believers a fading chance to come to Christ. Some good things happened and many were saved. However, God’s patience has to be wearing thin by now. I am amazed at how rapidly the depravity of America has sunk to disgusting unbelievable lows. I don’t think the Lord’s umbrella of protection is above us any more. Time is running out for non-believers to make that crucial decision for Christ. Your second last bullet point says it all. “Pray, pray, pray.”

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