Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-17-23: Depopulation

Did you ever expect to be living your life inside the fiction of a dystopian novel?  Of course, the soon-coming 7-year Tribulation will be a true dystopian nightmare beyond anything that futurist novel writers ever imagined.  Thankfully, true followers of Jesus Christ won’t be around to experience that since the Lord will Rapture us from the world prior to this seminal period.  Yet, because the Tribulation could not possibly start immediately at the flip of a switch, it required a progression of various developments to occur.  This includes advances and developments in the realms of technological-biological, natural-physical, sociological-political, psychological-spiritual, and more, all to complete their evolution to the fullness of time at which point the Lord will act and the world will come crashing down on itself.  This means that we who believe in Christ as our Blessed Hope are still required to see and experience this devolution into chaos, anarchy, and apostasy.  For those of us who do have eyes to see, it is a difficult sight to behold.  For those who have no vision, they either maintain a false hope that normalcy will return or know that something is wrong; they just don’t know what it is.

A major factor that is bringing us to the very edge of the cliff of the Tribulation is one that has gotten very little exposure.  There are all sorts of clues because of the many and varied attacks on humanity and the world, of which those who have awakened to this evil have been calling out for three years and more.  However, this subject hasn’t really been tackled head-on because there’s so much static that prevents us from grasping it.

I’ve been aware of this in a sense for a while, but like many others, simply didn’t put it together.  That time has now passed.  What I want to show you today is shocking.  You may doubt it at first.  Since real, factual numbers are impossible to find in this era of obfuscation where the truth is never fully told, yes, there is some amount of speculation in all this.  But if you connect events of the last three years with Bible prophecy – which is what we must do to have a clear picture of reality – then you will understand that what I convey here rings true.

What is this drastic and shocking realization?  It is that the world population – rather than currently being at 8 billion people as recently reported in mainstream news, is actually much less than that and is rapidly decreasing.  Hang onto your head, because the numbers will astound you.



Did you ever expect to be living your life inside the fiction of a dystopian novel?  Of course, the soon-coming 7-year Tribulation will be a true dystopian nightmare beyond anything that futurist novel writers ever imagined.  Thankfully, true followers of Jesus Christ won’t be around to experience that since the Lord will Rapture us from the world prior to this seminal period.  Yet, because the Tribulation could not possibly start immediately at the flip of a switch, it required a progression of various developments to occur.  This includes advances and developments in the realms of technological-biological, natural-physical, sociological-political, psychological-spiritual, and more, all to complete their evolution to the fullness of time at which point the Lord will act and the world will come crashing down on itself.  This means that we who believe in Christ as our Blessed Hope are still required to see and experience this devolution into chaos, anarchy, and apostasy.  For those of us who do have eyes to see, it is a difficult sight to behold.  For those who have no vision, they either maintain a false hope that normalcy will return or know that something is wrong; they just don’t know what it is.


A major factor that is bringing us to the very edge of the cliff of the Tribulation is one that has gotten very little exposure.  There are all sorts of clues because of the many and varied attacks on humanity and the world, of which those who have awakened to this evil have been calling out for three years and more.  However, this subject hasn’t really been tackled head-on because there’s so much static that prevents us from grasping it.


I’ve been aware of this in a sense for a while, but like many others, simply didn’t put it together.  That time has now passed.  What I want to show you today is shocking.  You may doubt it at first.  Since real, factual numbers are impossible to find in this era of obfuscation where the truth is never fully told, yes, there is some amount of speculation in all this.  But if you connect events of the last three years with Bible prophecy – which is what we must do to have a clear picture of reality – then you will understand that what I convey here rings true.


What is this drastic and shocking realization?  It is that the world population – rather than currently being at 8 billion people as recently reported in mainstream news, is actually much less than that and is rapidly decreasing.  Hang onto your head, because the numbers will astound you.


We’ll look at this in a moment; first let’s pray and read from God’s Word.






Genesis 1:28

And God blessed them. And God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it . . .


Genesis 9:1

And God blessed Noah and his sons and said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth.





  • There is an insidious reality taking place in the world today
  • Rather than what’s been widely reported that the world population has topped 8 billion people, something drastic and just the opposite is happening
  • You’ve likely heard the term “gaslighting”
  • Here is a definition from Psychology Today:


Gaslighting is an insidious form of manipulation and psychological control. Victims of gaslighting are deliberately and systematically fed false information that leads them to question what they know to be true, often about themselves. They may end up doubting their memory, their perception, and even their sanity.


  • I’m here to tell you that this continued population increase that we’ve been fed is pure gaslighting
  • We are being manipulated as part of the psychological control that The Powers That Be (TPTB) are asserting because of what they want us to believe
  • To understand this truth, we only have to consider what has occurred during the last three years


  • When COVID came on the scene in a major way in 2020, what were we told?
  • Didn’t the authorities warn that this was the deadliest disease since time began?
  • It must have been
  • Why?
  • Never before in the history of mankind has the world in unity instituted the measures imposed on all citizens in all nations
  • With essentially every country in the world instituting masking, lockdowns, and social distancing, when those practices have never before been put into place everywhere throughout civilization, then obviously COVID was the most lethal illness ever known
  • We were told that the only way to combat this terrible sickness was through the soon-to-be developed, warp-speed vaccines
  • Natural immunity couldn’t help us
  • No other drugs known to man could decrease the symptoms or keep us from contracting this ailment
  • In fact, because all leaders around the world were so concerned about their populations in the fear that all would die, anyone even suggesting there could be alternative methods of healing was restricted from speaking about them
  • These anti-governmental-authority conspiracy theorists wanted nothing more than to accelerate the deaths and injuries from COVID through their malicious lies that only mislead people from the truth spoken by the Faucis, Gates, and the various health organizations like CDC, NIH, and WHO
  • As if that wasn’t bad enough, when the miraculous life-saving vaccines became available, once more the governments of the world unanimously insisted their people get these shots
  • Just like with the procedures implemented for COVID before the vaccines, now that they were ready to deliver them to the masses to protect people from the horrific consequences of the disease, they were imposed on all
  • Why?
  • It was obvious that presidents, kings, prime ministers, and all health officials loved their constituents and knew that without the vaccines, many would suffer irreparable harm
  • How could they not muzzle those who spoke out against these life-saving injections?
  • How could they not act to destroy their livelihoods when their irresponsible words would cause mass confusion?
  • There had to be repercussions against such contrarian, conspiracy-loving individuals – otherwise naïve, gullible people would listen to them and act against their own self-interest
  • That would never do
  • The concern that world authorities had for those living under their jurisdictions simply couldn’t allow the simple and the foolish to go their own way
  • Too much was at stake
  • The future of mankind lay in the balance


  • That, my friends, is gaslighting
  • We know that the COVID restrictions imposed on populations have done irreparable harm
  • Masks impair breathing and cause inhalation of carbon dioxide rather than oxygen – this slows brain function and can even cause brain fog
  • They are now also being linked to a decrease in reproductive functions
  • Lockdowns and social distancing impaired people’s ability to socialize and caused great isolation distress – leading to psychological problems and increased suicides
  • And, of course, COVID in many respects is just another iteration of the seasonal flu – or at least, it was used to replace it
  • Everything became a COVID injury – even automobile accidents
  • For proof of that, all we need do is see that with the onset of COVID, cases of flu (which are said to be substantial) and their subsequent deaths decreased dramatically
  • COVID came along and POOF! – the flu went away as if by magic
  • Doctors and hospitals treating COVID were given their marching orders from above
  • Most medical facilities are paid immense amounts of money by the federal government
  • With COVID, this was no exception
  • The Feds put a procedure in place that hospitals were required to follow
  • If someone came in complaining of mild respiratory symptoms, they were told to go home until the symptoms worsened, then return
  • The traditional treatment for any disease is: the sooner the better
  • If it can be treated within the first 3-5 days, it’s been proven scientifically that recovery will typically occur much quicker
  • However, in the case of COVID, when sick people with respiratory issues returned to the ER, they were rushed into the COVID ICU
  • There they were given Remdesivir – a drug known to cause kidney failure and greater than 50% mortality
  • Because patients got sicker, they were put on deadly ventilators
  • To assist this process, they were administered Midazolam, or a similar respiratory-inhibiting drug, to insert the ventilator that actually makes it harder to breath
  • Few people recovered and made it off the ventilators
  • Because of this purposeful debilitating treatment, COVID so-called mortality skyrocketed
  • Neither doctors nor nurses would listen to the plaintive cry of families to even stop this treatment madness nor would they allow these patients to be discharged under the family’s care
  • Harm was done purposefully
  • Hospitals deliberately killed their patients at the behest of the federal government
  • They committed what I call Hospicide – hospital homicide


  • We know the truth of the matter is that the COVID mRNA so-called vaccines were not created to treat the illness . . .
  • COVID was created in order that these insidious drugs could be administered worldwide to cause harm to as many people as possible
  • This is just what has occurred
  • The list of diseases caused as “side-effects” of the vaxx is extensive – actually pages long
  • Among them are heart disease, stroke, immune deficiency, cancers, destruction of reproductive capabilities, and so many more
  • I don’t know about you, but these days when anyone under 70 dies suddenly, my go-to layman’s diagnosis is that they took the jab
  • Prove me wrong
  • And this is the most serious side-effect . . .
  • Death
  • In massive numbers
  • The VAERS database, i.e. the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, in which vaccine induced injuries are supposed to be reported has become a joke
  • As of the date of my writing this Prophecy Update (5-2-23) the official COVID death count is 35,000 and change
  • That hasn’t changed much for months
  • There was a Harvard study back in 2011 or so that demonstrably proved the numbers in VAERS were under-reported by a factor of at least 10 or – more likely – 100
  • Thus, if VAERS currently has any legitimacy, the number of deaths related to the COVID vaxx is probably 3.5 million in America alone – or more
  • The European equivalent of VAERS produces similar numbers
  • Worldwide, who really knows?
  • If you’ve followed certain websites in alternative media, you know that on- and off- field deaths of elite athletes have skyrocketed
  • Canadian doctors have been dropping at an alarming rate – with 150 having “died suddenly”
  • Worldwide dozens of news anchors and other TV personnel have collapsed on air with many dying – see the link below
  • Dare I say that everyone knows somebody else who has died from the vaxx?
  • We’re not even talking Six Degrees of Separation
  • This is direct one-to-one knowledge
  • Young people have been so stricken that the media has concocted ridiculous theories in the vein of Sudden Young Adult Death Syndrome to accompany SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and SADS – Sudden Adult Death Syndrome
  • Emerald Robinson is reporting that we have what’s called a 13-sigma event with the excess death toll of children
  • In 2022 deaths in the 0-24 age range were 26.4% higher than ever before
  • Suddenly (pun sadly intended), heart attacks among young people are common and normal
  • “They’ve always been with us – we’re just reporting them more”
  • Defibrillators are being placed in all schools because . . . well, “typical heart ailments for young people must be recognized for the long-standing issue they’ve always been”
  • Just to tie together these many vaccine injuries with the depopulation agenda – in case you missed it – here is an astounding piece of news . . .
  • The Coalition Advocating for Adequately Labeled Medicines (CAALM) recently filed a petition requesting the FDA to update safety labeling for the Pfizer and Moderna COVID vaccines to better reflect their true safety and efficacy, or better said, the “lack thereof.”
  • Incredibly, the FDA responded:


“FDA authorization and licensure standards for vaccines do not require demonstration of the prevention of infection or transmission…Similarly, a vaccine can meet the EUA standard without any evidence that the vaccine prevents infection or transmission.”


  • Get that?
  • The world must take these shots, but they have no useful purpose
  • Might that suggest there is another agenda afoot?
  • COVID is just one aspect of the depopulation effort currently underway – although obviously an extremely important piece of it
  • Mark Stein in his 2006 book America Alone discussed the declining birth rates in America and around the world
  • A sustainable birthrate for a nation to remain viable as a nation must be 2.1 children per women of childbearing age
  • Anything less than that and nation will eventually be unable to function and will basically decline until it goes out of existence
  • Stein demonstrated that all Western 1st world nations had birthrates at that time (2006) of only 2.1 or fewer – America being one nation that still reached that magic 2.1 number back 17 years ago
  • However, according to the latest statistics for 2023 America’s replacement birthrate has fallen to 1.7
  • Comparatively, Japan is at 1.4 and South Korea with the lowest of all nations stands at 1, i.e. 1 birth for women of childbearing age
  • In other words, South Korea is doomed to vanish soon into the dustheap of history
  • Not surprisingly, Muslim nations maintain birthrates far above the necessary 2.1
  • Niger for instance at the top of the heap has a 6.9 fertility rate
  • What does this mean for the civilized 1st world nations?
  • They will collapse
  • More than that, with the unbridled immigration pouring into 1st world countries from Muslim nation, their national character is being destroyed – if they haven’t become already, they will soon be under complete Muslim dominance
  • A really strange situation is happening in China
  • Again, we’re told how it has 1.4 billion people – although aging rapidly
  • An intriguing article in American Thinker titled China, Population, and Lies presents an astounding claim, that on examination may not be so outlandish
  • We all know that Communists lie
  • They always have and always will
  • The author of the article discusses various population claims and events and comes to this remarkable statement:


I don’t think China has 1.4 billion [people].  I don’t think it has a billion.  In fact, I have some doubt that it ever reached a billion.


  • Think about that for a moment and its implications
  • We have this false dynamic tension . . .
  • The global elites complain that the world is too populated
  • They seem happy to destroy 1st world nations with illegal immigration
  • Before long, what will remain?
  • If the populations of 1st world countries are of no use to the globalists, how valuable do you think these nations and the resulting immigrants are to the elites?
  • To answer that, we only have to recall the 1st of the Ten Commandments from the now defunct Georgia Guidestones, which I’ve quoted many times:


Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.


  • Believe me when I say this: the Georgia Guidestones were not just some whimsical American Stonehenge with no purpose
  • They were and are a blueprint for the world that the global elites take very seriously
  • They really want the world to have half a billion people, and no more
  • So, again I ask the rhetorical question: How valuable do you think those immigrants are who are taking over Europe and soon America?
  • Let me answer in a round-about way by asking another question:
  • Q – What are two trends that have gained prominence lately regarding the future of mankind?
  • A – If you said Designer Children and Artificial Intelligence, you win a gold star for the day
  • Do you remember the splash that a company called Ectolife made late last year?
  • They released a video showing how they could grow and nurture children completely outside a woman’s womb with their artificial womb pods
  • I discussed this in relation to Aldous Huxley’s book Brave New World as to how in that dystopian society they could create and design into babies any genetic characteristic they desired
  • Combine people that the elites see as useless, i.e. all the illegal, non-educated immigrants, with the desire to decimate the world population, plus the ability to create any kind of babies those in charge want, and you can see that the world that’s envisioned won’t have unnecessary types of people anymore
  • It will have exactly the kinds of people they want, i.e. those manufactured to perform certain tasks, along with highly elite persons as kings of their mountain abodes
  • But, you say, this won’t be enough people to adequately run the world
  • Incorrect
  • Just consider how companies are laying off people in droves while also saying they intend to replace skilled workers with AI robots such as those powered by Microsoft’s ChatGPT or Google’s Bard
  • In this fanciful utopian world of the global elites, very few actual humans are needed or wanted
  • There are many aspects to this story that demonstrate how the global population is being attacked
  • Consider the climate agenda, the desire for people to eat bugs, the manipulation of weather to the extreme, and chemtrails seeding the sky with destructive chemicals
  • With the southern US border now completely open, Chinese-manufactured fentanyl is pouring in
  • That should do wonders to the inner-city scourge currently occurring with Tranq – the fentanyl-laced horse tranquilizer that makes zombies of people, giving them open sores that turn gangrene and must be amputated
  • Not to mention the derailing of trains with toxic chemicals, the firebombing of food processing facilities, and the eradication of massive herds of chickens and cows
  • Add into this the purposeful jabbing of the Russian Bear along with our ignoring the threat of China with our dependence on her for almost all manufactured goods, food, and pharmaceuticals
  • There is a determined effort to bring about WW3
  • The way this nation will probably be attacked when that time comes is with the detonation of an Electro-Magnetic Pulse (EMP) nuclear blast over the middle of our country so as to incapacitate us
  • Because our power grid has not been hardened to withstand such an attack – despite decades of studies and recommendations – such a blast would knock our power offline for months, if not years
  • We would literally be cast back to the 1800s and deaths would be in the millions
  • Not to mention if there happens to be what’s known as a Geo-magnetic Disturbance (GMD) a.k.a. a solar flare from the sun
  • Such a natural event could accomplish the very same or worse situation that an EMP would in destroying our power grid
  • Of course, somehow this would have to be repaired and power restored so that the Antichrist’s Mark of the Beast could be administered worldwide including in America
  • To round all this out and bring it in for a landing, I want you to consider what The COVID Blog stated in a recent article
  • Perhaps you’ve been aware of these various factors I’ve discussed whereby people are dying left and right
  • Then you hear that the world population has now exceeded 8 billion people
  • Maybe the incongruity of this didn’t sit right with you, but like most of us, with no access to the truth behind the headlines, all you can do is shrug it off
  • The COVID Blog didn’t do that
  • I encourage you to read the article in the link I provide on my Rumble page
  • In summary, upon analyzing a variety of sources, The COVID Blog came to the following conclusion:
  • Officially as of January 2020 the world population was 7.8 billion people
  • However, because of the concerted depopulation agenda that’s underway, The COVID Blog believes that we actually have 1 billion FEWER people in the world now, i.e. about 6.8 billion
  • This would be a 13% decrease in 28 months
  • Given the drastic number of deaths that have likely occurred because of COVID treatments in hospitals and the toxic bio-weapon posing as a vaccine, does this really surprise you?
  • However, here is the shocker that The COVID Blog states based on this downward trend of increasing numbers of people dying
  • They believe that by the end of 2024 the world population will decrease to 4.5 billion people
  • Back in 2014 a military contractor and think tank known as Deagel made what was considered an outlandish claim
  • Deagel said that the population of the United States, which was around 330 million, would by the end of 2025 decrease by 70% down to 99 million people
  • Process that for a moment . . .
  • What did Deagel know that they would make such a claim?
  • Interestingly, that prognosis was removed from their website some time back
  • When I’ve considered the Tribulation prophecies that speak of significant numbers of deaths during this upcoming horrific 7-year period, I’ve always done my calculations based on an 8 billion population world
  • That is now seriously in question from my perspective
  • So, what are the implications if the world population is – let’s say – that 4.5 billion people at the time of the Rapture?
  • Here we go into speculation land once more, but I think it’s fair to do so
  • First, if you’ve been following my various posts for the last couple months, you know that I’ve seriously questioned this issue of Salvation = Rapture
  • Thus, I believe the possibility exists that the number of people Raptured will be significantly fewer than what’s always communicated
  • Call me a contrarian
  • If we look at the Barna Study I’ve referred to previously, where there are now only 4% of all Americans who hold a true Biblical worldview, i.e. they hold to true Biblical doctrine, what could this mean?
  • Will it only be this 4% who are Raptured in America?
  • Would that number hold true for the rest of the world?
  • If we multiply out the numbers of this so-called Partial Rapture, what do we come up with?
  • If the world population was 8 billion and 4% were Raptured, then 320,000,000 people would disappear
  • It’s not billions as most pre-Tribbers think, but it’s still a sizable number
  • The disappearance of that many people, particularly in America and any other nation with a goodly Christian population, would definitely be affected and chaos would ensue to a degree
  • However, what if we apply that 4% to a world that has only 4.5 billion inhabitants?
  • That calculation brings down the total Raptured to 180,000,000 people
  • It seems rather paltry, doesn’t it?
  • Yet, think about a world whose population has shrunk so dramatically
  • There are many fewer people available to do jobs (assuming they haven’t all been replaced by AI at that time – which I don’t think they would)
  • Given this situation, wouldn’t that 180,000,000 people loom much larger?
  • It’s the same percentage, but because there are fewer people walking around, when these disappear, it will REALLY be noticed
  • Now, take it a step further by looking at America with the numbers we’re using
  • If Deagel is right, and by the end of 2025 the US population is down to 99 million, and THEN the Rapture occurs with that 4% figure, we get just under 4 million people vanishing
  • That seems like almost nothing, but if there are barely 100 million people in America at that time, we are a sparsely populated nation!
  • The impact of 4 million gone looms even larger because everyone is so critical to the functioning of this country – to whatever extent it might be working
  • If I’m wrong about my speculations on the Partial Rapture and more people are snatched away when Jesus appears for us in the clouds, the impact – naturally – will be even greater
  • All glory to God!
  • This story of depopulation and how it all turns out is yet to be written
  • Without setting dates in any fashion, my thinking and my sense has been that the Lord will take us from this alien place no later than mid-2025
  • Oh, how I wish and hope for even sooner!
  • There will be a Gap Period of probably several years between the Rapture and the official beginning of the Tribulation
  • Because God has a sense of humor, I think the Tribulation will start pretty much on time with the globalist objective of 2030 – when the common people remaining will own nothing and be happy, while the elites bask in their ivory towers controlling – they think – all that will soon come to pass
  • However this all plays out, this depopulation agenda is absolutely integral to what will occur and how people will respond
  • The world is going down quickly in more ways than one
  • Whatever you do – and I’m speaking to myself as well – we need to seek the Lord for all He’s worth in these last days
  • When we do that, not a one of us will regret it

13 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-17-23: Depopulation”

  1. Reply Pamela P

    Right on Gary! I’ve suspected for quite some time that world population must be decreasing, and quite dramatically. But as you say, we have no means of accurately knowing by how much. One thing we do know for sure: Satan is playing out his agenda to the max, and this is to kill every single human being created in God’s image and likeness. (John 10:10) The globalists’ agenda is half a billion population; his is zero population, including every globalist! May God have mercy on them and open their eyes to this truth.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      The one thing we’re getting right now is anecdotal evidence. JD Farag this week mentioned how few cars pass by his house in contrast to previously. My wife has a booth in an antique mall and all the vendors are commenting on the lack of foot traffic. At some point, all this should become much more visible aside from all the jobs that can’t be filled.

  2. Reply GaryW.

    I agree with every word. Depopulation has been one of the major goals of the WEF since it’s founding by the offspring of Satan, Klaus Schwab. All the goals listed by him to destroy America are about complete. The economy is in the tank, the military likely couldn’t repel an attack of cub scouts, our education system is well on the way to corrupting the minds of all our children. We’re creating mentally disturbed people who think they should be a different sex, or species, or even a Martian. Look at the apostasy in our churches. Many of our churches are corrupt. Oh, golly, who can save us? I look forward to seeing you at the feet of Jesus. Remember all, one of his names is Savior.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      It would be interesting if those who read or watch this Update notice and then comment anecdotally/subjectively if they there are fewer people in their own spheres and the impact of that.

        • Reply Gary Ritter

          It very much appears that the globalist efforts to kill off the world population are succeeding. That will have a significant impact on how societies function. Once the Rapture occurs, that ability to function will be even more critically impaired than it would be if the world population was the advertised 8 billion. Whatever the numbers of those Raptured, whether the 4% who hold to a true Biblical doctrine or more, the impact will be significant. Also, when Revelation speaks of perhaps 1/4 and then 1/3 of people in the world killed think about what that means from a starting point of 6 or 5 billion rather than 8 billion. I just wonder when it will become blindingly apparent even now before the Rapture that the world has so many fewer people?

          • GaryW.

            Thank you for your reply.
            I know a good many people who become increasingly blind to the events of today. They do not see or care to see the diminishing population, and also do not believe in the rapture or even Satan. It’s like a bad dream to them from which they will soon awake. Just put your head back in the sand and wait for “the good old days” to return.

  3. Reply Rick H

    One thing Gary you have to consider is that the reduction in population right now has happened over about 3+ years time…the Rapture will be much more disruptive because even the 180 million speculated would be gone in less than a blink of an eye…the sheer amount of potential car crashes…airplane…train crashes possibly would be insane…as far as mid 2025 I was happy and depressed at the same time…Happy that we get to see Jesus…but wishing it was in 2 seconds from now rather than 2 years…LOL

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      For sure. With all this depressive, pessimistic news I inevitably bring, the really Good News – optimistic news – is that we who know Jesus will soon be in His presence!

  4. Reply Linda

    One thing to keep in mind: even if only 4% of adults are truly saved and will be raptured, you’re forgetting the children, which will bring that percentage much higher. Even in muslim countries where there are much fewer Christians, they have a lot of children.

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      Very possible. I’m working on another Prophecy Update for about two weeks from now where I play with the numbers a little more based on the devastation of the Tribulation itself. Also, be sure to see my Commentary from yesterday re: Devastation of the Earth.

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