Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-21-22: Utopian Extinction – Of Mice & Men

Many experiments on animals and humans have been done over the years.  Some of the most fascinating are those which are psychological in nature.  Famous examples of this kind include the Milgram Experiment, the Stanford Prison Experiment, and the Media experiments with television hypnosis.

In this varied research into how the mind works and how people react in certain situations, many fascinating conclusions have resulted.  In the Stanford Prison Experiment, it was learned that supposedly good people will do bad things under certain conditions, taking on a persona of what is expected of them in a particular role.  In the Milgram Experiment, the researchers found that an authority figure urging someone to do a certain harmful act will often overcome a person’s innate moral inhibitions, such that he will justify his actions even in the face of evidence of that harm.

Not only that but through exploring brainwashing and mass formation hypnosis, we see in many instances how the brain works.  When television was first introduced, it was assumed by those propagating it that it would be a mechanism for hypnosis and brainwashing.  It was and still is.  An interesting phenomenon in society is that people in many respects yearn for someone to dictate to them what they should do so they don’t have to think for themselves.  A strong ruler can command respect and obedience from a large swath of a population by simply lying repeatedly until the masses believe whatever a new truth may be, and they will willingly act on that new reality.

In this vein, an experiment using mice was conducted in the 1960s around the idea of a utopian society.  It has much relevance to today with the social engineering that is currently being imposed on the world.  To that end we’ll discuss John Calhoun’s Mouse Utopia and how it applies to these end times.




Many experiments on animals and humans have been done over the years.  Some of the most fascinating are those which are psychological in nature.  Famous examples of this kind include the Milgram Experiment, the Stanford Prison Experiment, and the Media experiments with television hypnosis.


In this varied research into how the mind works and how people react in certain situations, many fascinating conclusions have resulted.  In the Stanford Prison Experiment, it was learned that supposedly good people will do bad things under certain conditions, taking on a persona of what is expected of them in a particular role.  In the Milgram Experiment, the researchers found that an authority figure urging someone to do a certain harmful act will often overcome a person’s innate moral inhibitions, such that he will justify his actions even in the face of evidence of that harm.


Not only that but through exploring brainwashing and mass formation hypnosis, we see in many instances how the brain works.  When television was first introduced, it was assumed by those propagating it that it would be a mechanism for hypnosis and brainwashing.  It was and still is.  An interesting phenomenon in society is that people in many respects yearn for someone to dictate to them what they should do so they don’t have to think for themselves.  A strong ruler can command respect and obedience from a large swath of a population by simply lying repeatedly until the masses believe whatever a new truth may be, and they will willingly act on that new reality.


In this vein, an experiment using mice was conducted in the 1960s around the idea of a utopian society.  It has much relevance to today with the social engineering that is currently being imposed on the world.  To that end we’ll discuss John Calhoun’s Mouse Utopia and how it applies to these end times.


First we’ll pray and read from God’s Word, then see what this experiment on behavioral engineering has to teach us.






Micah 5:2,4-5a

But you, O Bethlehem Ephrathah,
who are too little to be among the clans of Judah,
from you shall come forth for me
one who is to be ruler in Israel,
whose coming forth is from of old,
from ancient days.

And he shall stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the Lord,
in the majesty of the name of the Lord his God.


Matthew 1:18-23

Now the birth of Jesus Christ took place in this way. When his mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found to be with child from the Holy Spirit. And her husband Joseph, being a just man and unwilling to put her to shame, resolved to divorce her quietly. But as he considered these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet:

“Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son,
    and they shall call his name Immanuel”

(which means, God with us).



Utopian Extinction – Of Mice & Men


  • The more I read about this, the more I saw Biblical parallels to history and where we are today
  • The conclusions that come from this experiment, I think, are absolutely fascinating
  • Here’s the set-up
  • John Calhoun conducted an experiment about 60 years ago with mice that has implications for men
  • He constructed an enclosure measuring 9’ x 4.5’ in which he placed four pairs of mice
  • Calhoun gave the mice everything they could possibly want or need for a comfortable life, including water dispensers, tunnels, food bins, and nesting boxes
  • The had all the food and water they needed
  • Because of the design of the box they lived in, the mice were ensured that no predator could gain access
  • They had no challenges in their lives and literally no stress
  • With all their creature comforts provided, it was a mouse utopia
  • Calhoun’s purpose was to observe the effects on the mice of population density
  • In other words, he assumed they would multiply into a very dense population, and he wondered how they would respond in such a crowded situation
  • However, what actually occurred went far beyond and differently from his expectations
  • In Calhoun’s subsequent report, he wrote: “I shall largely speak of mice, but my thoughts are on man.”
  • What happened with the mice caused him to wonder whether mankind might have a similar response under analogous conditions
  • Not to recreate the wheel, I’ll quote some of the following from a couple of linked articles on my Rumble page
  • Here is a brief summary of what occurred over time with these mice with my additional comments:
  • Phase A – Day 1 – Strive period – Establishing territories and making nests. First children born.
    • The 8 mice – 4 males and 4 females – had an initial period of turmoil as they established themselves and their relationships
    • Interestingly – also in the 1960s in a completely separate study – a psychological researcher established that for people brought together into a closed group to accomplish some task, they went through what I would consider a similar development process of socialization
    • He labeled this process Forming – Storming – Norming – Performing
    • If you’re as old as me, and if you were ever in a corporate environment, you might have been exposed to this idea of group dynamics
    • In other words, a group of people would come together (Forming) and initially there would be confusion (Storming)
  • Phase B – Day 105 – Exploit period – Rapid population growth – the rate of doubling in the mouse population was about 55 days. Social hierarchy established. Offspring higher in those with social dominance.
    • After the initial period of interaction, the corporate work group would sort it all out (Norming), and once they’d done that they could work on the task at hand (Performing)
    • This appears to be exactly what happened with the mice
    • They sorted everything out among themselves and began life
    • As happens in nature, with the mice, a hierarchy developed in which there were dominant and non-dominant males
    • The dominant males produced more offspring – again, this is typical in the wild
    • Social behavior and habits developed during this period, and it was then that things began to skew in the wrong direction
    • At the end of this phase there were 3 times as many socially immature mice as there were socially established older ones.
  • Phase C – Day 315 – Stagnation (or Equilibrium) phase – Population growth slows – the rate of doubling in the mouse population increased to about 145 days (from the original 55 days). Males become feminized. Females become aggressive, taking over roles of males. Violence becomes common. Social disorder skyrockets. Male mice begin to assume female roles.  Mouse / rat homosexuality begins to emerge. Pedophilia grows rampant as “they begin mounting the young.” Fertility falls in females. Mothers reject their young.
    • What happens during this period is shocking
    • Not only did the females begin taking on the territorial role of the males, they also began to exhibit aggressive behavior toward their young – even forcing them to leave their nesting area before they were completely weaned
    • Here is a further summary:
      • Excess males strived for acceptance, were rejected and withdrew. Social disorder became visible – a withdrawn (i.e. a non-dominant) male would attack another (more) passive withdrawn male, who in turn would attack another withdrawn male. Certain individuals became targets of repeated attacks. These individuals would have badly chewed and scarred tails.
    • The withdrawn, non-dominant males had no social roles whatsoever – this is why they withdrew
    • Some of these passive males began making sexual advances to others they perceived as weaker than themselves
    • It’s almost as though they took on transgender roles
    • Some of the non-dominant males also began what was effectively mouse pedophilia by attempting sex with much younger mice that couldn’t effectively resist
    • By midway in this phase, essentially all young were prematurely rejected by their mothers
    • They started independent life without having developed adequate affective bonds
  • Phase D – Day 560 – Death phase – Population collapses. “No young surviving.” No longer any conception. Non-reproducing females resort to eating, grooming and sleeping. No interest in socialization. No social skills learned by remaining survivors. No ability to be aggressive, which means no ability to defend their young or their nests. Avoidance of all stressful activities, including anything resembling competition. Preoccupation with grooming and physical attractiveness. Inability to navigate challenges of the real world. Only the outer appearance of being superior, but lacking cognitive and social skills. Totally unable to reproduce, raise young, or compete for anything.
    • In this final phase of their existence, the final conception among the mice occurred at Day 920 – no more mice were conceived after this time
    • Calhoun named the mice – both male and female – that spent their time doing nothing but eating, grooming, and sleeping “the beautiful ones”
    • They were totally self-absorbed, would never involve themselves with others, have sex, or even fight
    • They appeared to be wonderful specimens of the specie, looking keen with alert eyes and a healthy well-kept body
    • Appearances were deceiving
    • They looked inquisitive and intelligent, but were in reality very stupid
    • By Day 1588 – a little over 4 years – the entire mouse colony had completely died out


  • Calhoun drew this conclusion from his experiment – which he repeated multiple times with exactly the same result:
    • For an animal so simple as a mouse, the most complex behaviours involve the interrelated set of courtship, maternal care, territorial defence and hierarchical intragroup and intergroup social organization
    • When behaviours related to these functions fail to mature, there is no development of social organisation and no reproduction
    • As in the case of my mouse study, all members or the population will age and eventually die
    • The species will die out
    • For an animal so complex as man, there is no logical reason why a comparable sequence of events should not also lead to species extinction
    • If opportunities for role fulfilment fall far short of the demand by those capable of filling roles, and having expectations to do so, only violence and disruption of social organisation can follow
    • Individuals born under these circumstances will be so out of touch with reality as to be incapable even of alienation
    • Their most complex behaviours will become fragmented
    • [Notice how Calhoun now begins speaking of mankind] Acquisition, creation and utilisation of ideas appropriate for life in a post-industrial cultural-conceptual-technological society will have been blocked
    • Just as biological generativity in the mouse involves this species’ most complex behaviours, so does ideational generativity for man
    • Loss of these respective complex behaviours means death of the species.


  • Here are further generalized conclusions regarding a utopian environment, i.e. when there are no challenges in life because everything is provided:
    • The principal factor is the lack of social education in the young
    • Due to the abundance of food and water and lack of predators, there was no need to perform any actions to acquire resources and/or avoid danger
    • So the young have no opportunity to see such actions, learn (e.g. bad pupils often lose their lives) and, later, use those learned lessons effectively
    • Utopia (when one has everything, at any moment, for no expenditure) declines responsibility, effectiveness and awareness of social dependence, and finally, as Dr Calhoun’s study showed, leads to self-extinction
    • Contrarily, difficult conditions instigate better coping mechanisms for the population, leading to its growth, strengthening and reinforcement.


  • This experiment and its conclusions make me reflect on an article I read recently by The Gospelist titled It’s A Prison, Dummy on the high-density city called Neom in Saudi Arabia
  • I saw the announcement and the video some months ago as this utopian proposal was socialized to the world
  • The author quotes The Guardian newspaper:
    • “The promotional material is striking: two mirror-encased skyscrapers stretching more than 100 miles across a swathe of desert and mountain terrain, providing a future home for 9 million people. Is it the ultimate in high-density living, or a grandiose science fiction fantasy?
  • This urban utopia is also called The Line
  • Everything is within walking distance and all amenities – all human needs – are provided for
  • If you want to visit someone a little further from your home, you can take the high-speed rail that transports you from one end of this futuristic city to the other in 20 minutes
  • As The Gospelist points out, someone has to pay for all this and guess who will be in charge?
  • Hint: it won’t be the residents of this utopian city
  • The reality is that it resembles a prison in more ways than one
  • In this case, since it’s in Saudi Arabia, there’s probably no pressure to convert to and/or observe Islamic law – oh, wait…
  • Surely also there won’t be any surveillance of the people living here in this high-tech environment – oh, wait…
  • Of course, the inhabitants of this metropolis will be free to come and go outside the confines of the city – oh, wait…
  • There is a prison concept called the Panopticon
  • Here are some quotes from Wikipedia about this unique structure:
    • The panopticon is a type of institutional building and a system of control
    • The concept of the design is to allow all prisoners of an institution to be observed by a single security guard, without the inmates being able to tell whether they are being watched
    • Although it is physically impossible for the single guard to observe all the inmates’ cells at once, the fact that the inmates cannot know when they are being watched means that they are motivated to act as though they are being watched at all times
    • Thus, the inmates are effectively compelled to regulate their own behaviour
    • The architecture consists of a rotunda with an inspection house at its centre
    • From the centre, the manager or staff of the institution are able to watch the inmates
    • The social theorist conceived the basic plan as being equally applicable to hospitals, schools, sanatoriums, and asylums, but he devoted most of his efforts to developing a design for a panopticon prison
    • It is his prison that is now most widely meant by the term “panopticon”
  • It’s a pretty good bet that such a high-tech, structured city like Neom will effectively be a Panopticon in practice
  • Questions – I have questions…
  • How will all the residents ultimately live and socialize?
  • Will they work?
  • Or will all their needs be provided for?
  • How long will it take for their social society to break down?
  • At what point do all the residents of this place become useless eaters as described by the globalists, and totally expendable?
  • Will Calhoun’s mouse utopia provide the timing template for self-destruction in this planned environment?


  • Let’s finish up with the thought experiment of how Calhoun’s mouse utopia and its outcome helps us look at society today and what it portends for these end times
  • What have we got going in our culture today that is very similar to the mice?
  • For a number of years there has been a concerted effort to minimize men and raise up women as more capable than men
  • In fact, feminism has attempted to change around God’s design for men and women
  • It’s been advocated that women and men are no different
  • Women can do everything that men can do
  • In fact, they can do it so well that we don’t really need men anymore
  • Consider the trend toward feminizing little boys – making them play with dolls and dressing them in pink, girls’ clothing
  • What has this done to the male population?
  • It has denigrated it to the extent that there are fewer men that women are actually attracted to – because they don’t act like men
  • These are similar to the passive, withdrawn male mice
  • Think about all the young men into their 30s who sit in their parents’ basements and play video games
  • What happened with those mice who would have lived and played in the Metaverse if they could have?
  • They couldn’t attract females, so to satisfy whatever remaining sexual desires they had, they coupled with each other in homosexual relationships
  • Since the women had a smaller pool of men from which to pick, they ended up in lesbian relationships
  • Worse, still, is the whole trans movement
  • Women can do all that men do and so might as well be men
  • Men are more like women so they might as well take on that role
  • Nothing screwed up about any of this, is there?
  • Add to this mix the governmental push for Universal Basic Income
  • No need to work since it’s all given to us
  • No challenges, no hard knocks, no need to pull oneself up by the bootstraps and strive a little bit
  • We’re all winners in this society
  • Trophies for everyone!
  • You know what is said about butterflies and cocoons
  • When the emerging butterfly must struggle to escape the cocoon, it grows stronger and thrives
  • When the cocoon is opened for the butterfly and all is done for it, the result is a weak creature that hasn’t got the will or strength to survive, and it dies quickly
  • Given the confused and reversed roles – just like with the mice – how long might it take for mankind to self-extinguish?
  • Certainly once the procreators, i.e. the true Christian believers – are Raptured, the population of the earth – even without all the rest of the Judgments, would certainly go down rapidly until it reached the same point of extinction as the mice
  • What are some other similarities?
  • How about the social media trend toward selfies, i.e. the glorifying of eating, grooming, and sleeping like the beautiful ones among the mice did?
  • Think of all the people famous for simply posting pictures of themselves
  • How about the ones who pose for selfies on the edge of a cliff and fall over to their death
  • They rightly earn the Darwin Award given for evolution in action
  • They’ve selected themselves out of the gene pool so that they won’t propagate stupidity
  • How about violence?
  • Lack of Godly instruction in families leads to a time of Judges as in the OT
  • Everyone back then did what was right in his own eyes
  • It was moral relativity on steroids, and here we are again
  • Fathers are absent and many mothers are happy to have the government raise their children
  • What could possibly go wrong?
  • Is it any wonder we see so many urban gangs now operating in a completely lawless environment?
  • Smash, grab, and repeat
  • Because police receive nothing but trouble from higher authorities when they attempt to intervene, they prefer not to, and the downward spiral escalates
  • What about cannibalism?
  • When Jerusalem was besieged by the Assyrians and Babylonians, food ran out
  • Because the people had abandoned God, they had no moral compass
  • The birth of a child meant another mouth to feed when there was no food
  • Instead, the baby became the meal of the day
  • It’s horrible to contemplate but that’s what happened
  • We haven’t reached that point in America – although it wouldn’t surprise me if this is being practiced elsewhere in the world in famine-stricken areas
  • Will such abomination come here?
  • I think so
  • The globalists working through the Biden Regime are doing all in their power to take down our nation – to destroy it from within
  • Empty store shelves and extreme drought in the West – all manufactured catastrophes – will eventually place their burden on many people
  • Much of our populace is already living paycheck-to-paycheck and growing excessive credit card debt
  • Corporations are laying off employees by the thousands
  • At what point will hunger drive poorer families that have no Godly roots to the only logical conclusion if they have young children?
  • Will we begin hearing of cannibalism in 2023 because of these circumstances?
  • I think there’s a distinct possibility
  • Consider finally, what happens at the Rapture
  • The general assumption – which I believe is correct – is that when the Rapture occurs, all children – physically or mentally – under the age of accountability will also join with Jesus in the clouds
  • Thus, God will grant His mercy upon those who cannot make an informed salvation decision
  • The image we have of this – again, I think correctly – is that youngsters, the mentally deficient, and even babies in the womb – will be snatched away from this earth in preparation for God raining down His wrath upon the unbelieving, knowingly, Christ-rejecting, mass of humanity
  • This loss of loved ones – yes, loved even by those who don’t love Jesus – will be devastating
  • It will add despair to the chaos as the world attempts to make sense of the Great Disappearance
  • We know that when the Seals are opened, death will be the order of the day through war, greater famine, pestilence, and at the mouth of wild, ravenous beasts seeking any kind of food they can devour
  • One question I had concerning this time following the Rapture is whether there will even be any more children conceived during that time
  • A friend suggested that based on what Jesus said in His Olivet Discourse concerning the time when the Abomination of Desolation occurs, it appears as though they will
  • Jesus said in Matthew 24:19-20:


And alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be.


  • I’m still not convinced
  • Given the rampant infertility and horrific number of miscarriages caused by the COVID shots, the question is whether any natural births will even occur?
  • I see what Jesus says, but was it in this case simply a warning of how difficult that time will be?
  • Or, will pregnancy then be redefined and this is what Jesus is referring to?
  • The creepy video from Ectolife making the rounds recently informs us that 30,000 infants can be raised each year in artificial wombs
  • If the delusion becomes that these children in pods are the “pregnancy” of women, i.e. these babies have been conceived in a test tube artificially but the marketing still perpetrates the lie that this is normal pregnancy, then Jesus Words could apply to something like that
  • Also, as I’ve previously pointed out, how human will these babies be?
  • They will be fully at the mercy of genetic manipulation – perhaps well on the way to Man 2.0 as envisioned by the globalists
  • If God mercifully removes the children before the Rapture, it would seem as if the same consideration would apply to any real children conceived after that – if any indeed are naturally conceived
  • This is all speculation, of course, as we just can’t fully know what the circumstances on the ground will be at that time
  • The one thing I think is abundantly clear is that the human population will rapidly be devastated
  • Between God’s judgments, Satan’s rage, and man’s stupidity in limiting births, the end result after seven years will be a world that looks very much like the Georgia Guidestones predicted


Listen to Micah 7:13 regarding this time:


But the earth will be desolate
    because of its inhabitants,
    for the fruit of their deeds.


  • Will there be many more than 500,000 people living at the end of the Tribulation?
  • Whatever their number, on that very final day, they all will be believers, whether Jew or Gentile, so as to enter the Millennial period
  • Every other single person who has continued to reject Christ will die and then only be raised in final judgment
  • The end of the Tribulation will in many respects be like Day 1588 of Calhoun’s Mouse Utopia experiments
  • It took the mice about 4 years to die out
  • Humanity takes a little longer – 7 years
  • The result is the same
  • In the case of the 9’ x 4.5’ mouse enclosure, it was left completely vacant because life was too good
  • For our world that thinks what we have all around us is everything we could possibly need, i.e. a world without God, it too will be an empty place
  • Of course, our hope and promise from God is that He will bring renewal and then a marvelous Eden-like existence
  • Because God will assure that we have meaningful work, we won’t be like the mice, or the men and women given universal incomes and drugs to keep them pacified


  • This world is soon to be in for a rude awakening
  • All the plans of mice and men will submit to the One true God’s plans and purposes
  • There is only one way to escape the coming desolation…
  • Jesus – and He alone – is our salvation
  • Remember the two most well-known and loved verses in the Bible:
  • John 3:16 says:


“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.”


John 14:6 tells us:


Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.


If you don’t know Jesus in this manner and the love of the Father who gave us this great deliverance, it’s still not too late.  Hebrews 3:15 reminds us:


As it is said,

“Today, if you hear his voice,
do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.”

A hard heart will only bring you death.  A soft and willing heart brings life.

8 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 12-21-22: Utopian Extinction – Of Mice & Men”

  1. Reply RobinL

    Disturbing, and fascinating about the mice. We certainly are exactly like them aren’t we?! Men are being raised by women who have multiple (promiscuous) failed relationships, hate the men who are the fathers of their children, and raise their sons to be their feminized best friends, teaching them to not behave like the men who have cast them aside. All because of the dynamics you have cited here, Gary, and more.

    I have often considered we are completely unprepared to handle what is coming. Especially Americans. This demographic includes myself: I’m acutely aware that I am woefully unprepared for the extreme psychological and physical hardships coming to the world. As a woman who is the product of the satanic lie that women don’t need men, I always believed I could do just fine without them, if necessary. (The truth is that I’ve never really FELT that way, I truly love men, but I’ve lived most of my life participating in that pattern of behavior.)

    Last night I finished reading a book by John Grisham, The Reckoning, upon the recommendation of a family member. Grisham is without question a master storyteller, but it’s not a book I recommend for Christians. It is a sad, painful and a sobering commentary on the unintended consequences of a variety of sinful behaviors upon families, friends, and communities and ultimately upon the world. A good part of the book recounts the horrible trials of American and Philippine soldiers at the hands of the Japanese in WW2, including the Bataan March. The men in this book are REAL MEN but it is not for the feint of heart. Grisham is a liberal, so he weaves his story around familiar literary tropes: deception in many forms, abortion, racism, slavery, the hell of war, the corruption of the legal system and the traditional roles of men and women. He even manages to subtly marginalize Christianity…mocking both denominations and a faith that is social, not relational. (It is not like we haven’t given Grisham plenty of ammo.) Grisham likely would not understand that rebellion against God is at the root of all of mankind’s problem, but his story makes an irrefutable argument for that position.

    Yep, I believe there will be children born in the Tribulation, but FAR fewer than at any other time in human history. And I agree, there won’t be many people who survive the 7 years. The Gentile population will almost certainly be much smaller than the Jewish remnant. But God started the whole world over with 8 people after the flood.

    By the end of the Millennial Kingdom I personally believe the world population will be around 100 billion people (take THAT John Kerry). With sin greatly restricted, Satan in chains, and Jesus, along with His saints, physically ruling with a rod of iron, and considering that rebellious offspring will seemingly die at the age of 100, we will see what God does with humanity when life on Earth is more closely aligned to His original plan.

    Thanks for the article Gary, it is thought provoking, as usual.


    Merry Christmas and Maranatha!

    • Reply Gary Ritter

      I’ve mentioned that we’ve been watching and greatly enjoying the TV series Fringe that aired from about 2008. Obviously the worldview is skewed as in most shows or books. Last night we watched the finale of Season 4 and it was fascinating! They exposed the megalomania of one of the characters to destroy this world and create a new one. “We were created in the image of God; He created the world and we can do the same. I AM.” Whoa! Fortunately another character realized the destructive hubris and stopped it, but this is exactly Satan’s intent put out there in this show. Fascinating!

      • Reply RobinL

        Satan, the great deceiving copycat, can not prophecy because he doesn’t know the future like God does. He has some knowledge but it is limited. And he can only do what God allows. Nevertheless, it has become clear to me that he uses media to “portend” his plans for the future…ala tv shows, movies, books and music. We can see in hindsight now how he tells us what is coming. In 2016 X-files had an episode regarding the threat of a huge EMP over the USA. And all the UFO events they put forward. I still belive those are all highly likely future events, in God’s timing of course.

        We know Putin isn’t going to sit by idly while this crooked administration fights a proxy war through Ukraine and blows up their natural gas lines, etc. Our own reckoning is coming.

        Tick tock.

      • Reply Kim

        Fringe was one of my favorite TV series, I was so disappointed when it ended. There hasn’t been a decent prime time television show in years, they’re all woke garbage.

        • Reply Gary Ritter

          It’s great fun. We just watched the finale of Season 4 last night where William Bell goes all megalomaniacal playing God. Yikes!

  2. Reply Jim Eastman

    This reminds me of a movie I saw when I was a lot younger. Soylent Green from the 70’s. The main actors were Edward G. Robinson and Charlton Heston. Instead of eating the children for food they turned retirees into green wafers so the young had food to eat. I guess they havent found me yet.

    Gary, thanks for all you do and this thought provoking article.

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