Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: 10-12-22 – Psalm 10 – Past Predicts Future

God knows that the sin in this world is overwhelming.  He understands that in our flesh we have no resources at our disposal and no strength with which to overcome anything that comes at us.

God in His wisdom saw beforehand where our having eaten from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil would lead.  Unless He intervened, the world – all of mankind – would turn away from our creator.  We would foolishly take up the mantle of god upon ourselves through the deception of Satan and in our own lusts.

It’s why God gave us His Word for us to read, to meditate upon, and to obey.  It’s why Jesus Christ came to this fallen world to give of Himself for our redemption.

Today, I want to do something briefly and a little differently to remind each of us of God’s mercy in the face of crushing depravity and evil.  Doesn’t it seem like there is no end and no escape?  Satan wants us to believe that, but God has another plan.

Because Christ is victorious, we who are in Christ are also victors.  The ages-long war is nearing its end.  Let’s remember who we are as the elect of God and His ambassadors to this lost and dying world.

Jesus is coming and we need to be watching.  Please be encouraged today as God reminds us of His goodness.



Slide presentation:

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 10-12-22 Psalm 10 Past Predicts Future

3 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update: 10-12-22 – Psalm 10 – Past Predicts Future”

  1. Reply RobinL

    Yes, Gary, it seems like there is no end.
    The only answer for the CCP ‘police station’ in NYC is that it is proof that our political system (OBiden Admin) has sold us, lock, stock and barrel, to China.
    When Pfizer admits they didn’t test the efficacy of their jabs before they forced them on the world is pretty incredible, yet it gets almost no coverage by the media.
    There are days I feel like a truck has run me over: there is so much evil and it is growing bolder in every way.
    We know the war has been won by Jesus, no question about that. Not only is He our only hope, He is THE only hope in all the universe. The battle rages on, because Satan knows his big exit is looming. Yes, he will be back for his final exit at the end of the millennial kingdom, but that should be over pretty quickly. It’s a 6000 year repeat of what brought us here today, thank you Jesus!
    One of my favorite Psalms is 36 as well, so much truth in comfort in those verses!
    Thank you for your encouragement, brother!

  2. Reply RobinL

    I meant to say it’s NOT a repeat of the past 6000 years that brought us to today ;).

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