Posts Tagged: Marxism

Biblical Audio Commentary – Barbarians at Israel’s Gates

The Hamas massacre perpetrated against Israel on October 7, 2023 was the most horrendous genocidal event against the Jews since the Holocaust. Over 1,200 innocent civilian men, women, and children were ruthlessly murdered that day. Before they were slaughtered, many were mercilessly raped and tortured. You may have seen this comparison, but based on population percentages, if the United States had suffered an equivalent loss of life on 9/11, 54,000 Americans would have been killed instead of 3,000. That’s the proportional difference, why it was so tragic, and why the psychological damage to the Jewish people in Israel has been so great. Think of how many more people you might have possibly known or come into contact with in our nation with so many more people senselessly killed in that 9/11 attack.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Moral Equivalence

In reading Diana West’s book American Betrayal, I couldn’t help but be struck with a disheartening thought. What Diana chronicles is the decades-long, essentially the 100-year effort of Communism, to undermine American sovereignty.

America Likely Not Commercial Babylon

The two questions we need to explore briefly are:
1) Why could America be the target for the Revelation prophecy?
2) Why is it unlikely that our nation is the Babylon pointed to as being destroyed in one day, i.e. a single hour?