Posts Tagged: Lazarus

John 12:8 – The Poor With Us

Whatever events happened around Him, Jesus always used them to teach about the kingdom of God. That which He taught His disciples then is useful for us today in one form or another. One compelling incident occurred among those in His inner circle just before His triumphal entry into Jerusalem at Passover before His crucifixion….

Luke 16:26 – A Great Chasm

In all the parables Jesus told, He never used proper names; He would simply give a description of a person, e.g. “the rich young ruler.”  There was one exception to this general rule, and that was in His recounting the incident with the beggar, Lazarus, and the rich man.  Because of the use of Lazarus’…

Matthew 26:8 – They Were Indignant

On first reading, in suggesting the connection I propose in this commentary, you may say, “What?”  But, hear me out.  What if the original fall of the sons of God (bene Elohim) foreshadowed the indignation of the disciples when the woman anointed Jesus with oil and the subsequent action by Judas? The first rebel was…

Who Travels the Stairway to Heaven?

This morning in my daily Bible reading I came across the following verse in John 1:51, in which Jesus tells his soon-to-be disciples the wonders that await them as they follow Him: “I tell you the truth, you shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.”…