Posts Tagged: jesus

Psalm 58:11 – A God Who Judges the Earth

Psalm 58 brings two worlds together.  It speaks of the spiritual realm where demonic entities work against the things of God, and of the earth where men rage against the Lord.  Both will come to utter destruction. David was not ignorant of these separate places and how they worked in conjunction with each other.  He…

Psalm 49:14 – Appointed For Sheol

The arrogance of those who hate God knows no bounds.  These are people who have determined that they are masters of their own destiny, and as such, that they can cheat Death and Sheol.  Regardless of their hubris, the Lord gives us who love Him the promise of His Word that they will fail in…

Tribulation Rising: Seal Judgments

Tribulation Rising: Seal Judgments – The Coming Apocalypse When the wrath of the Lamb falls upon this world, what will those days be like in the 7-year Tribulation– this more horrible of all times? These gritty stories reflecting the Seal Judgments opened in the Book of Revelation will intrigue you. This period will be more…

Psalm 42:5 – Why Are You in Turmoil?

Whether in times past or in these current days, faithful believers were and are beset on every side by those who oppose God.  The enemy is all around; he plots – schemes – plans; he lies awake at night envisioning how he can cause trouble for those he hates.  More specifically, his dreams are to…

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 7-21-21: What In the World?

Strange natural events are occurring all around the world. Many are catastrophic. They range from massive numbers of sinkholes to devastating drought conditions to locust plagues of Biblical proportions, and so many more incidents, they’re impossible to keep up with. What in the world is going on? In this Prophecy Update I wanted to make…

Psalm 28:5 – Build Them Up No More

Isn’t it interesting how some of the most evil people in the world have untold wealth and riches?  How does it happen that these wicked men and women hate God, yet are blessed with abundance beyond reckoning?  That would seem to contradict how God works.  His Word makes it clear that it’s those who love…