Posts Tagged: god

Romans 2:11 – God Shows No Partiality

If you’ve been watching the culture and hearing those around us decry the sins of man – if you believed them – you would certainly think that God shows partiality.  Of what sin am I speaking?  Really, just one.  The sin of whiteness.  Oh, my.  Do you know what “the third rail” is when someone…

Psalm 50:16 – To the Wicked God Says

The rise of evil is palpable in the world.  Satan knows that his time is at hand, and he must do everything possible to thwart God’s purposes.  If he doesn’t, Satan fully understands that he is destined for the Lake of Fire for all eternity. When Adam and Eve sinned, they gave to the serpent…

Psalm 49:14 – Appointed For Sheol

The arrogance of those who hate God knows no bounds.  These are people who have determined that they are masters of their own destiny, and as such, that they can cheat Death and Sheol.  Regardless of their hubris, the Lord gives us who love Him the promise of His Word that they will fail in…

Psalm 42:5 – Why Are You in Turmoil?

Whether in times past or in these current days, faithful believers were and are beset on every side by those who oppose God.  The enemy is all around; he plots – schemes – plans; he lies awake at night envisioning how he can cause trouble for those he hates.  More specifically, his dreams are to…

Psalm 37:28 – He Will Not Forsake His Saints

Oh, how Psalm 37 speaks to us today!  Look at the very first verse of Psalm 37:1: Fret not yourself because of evildoers;     be not envious of wrongdoers! We are surrounded by evildoers in these latter days.  It seems like they suck all the oxygen out of the air.  Sometimes as we consider the wicked…

Psalm 6:6 – Weary With Moanings

Does the evil and the gathering darkness in the world trouble you? I hope that it does. I pray that the wickedness among men bothers you a lot. If it doesn’t, I have to wonder if you’re awake and are looking at the world through a Biblical, prophetic lens; or if you’re going to church,…