Posts Tagged: Cain and Abel

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 8-16-23: Problematic Catholic Bookend Beliefs – Part 1

I must be a masochist.  Not content to call out erroneous post-Trib Rapture and NAR doctrines, US government conspiracies, and the medical profession for their devilish, homicidal participation in the depopulation agenda which I call Hospicide, I also have to take on the Vatican.  Is it something simple like their faith by works beliefs or the false un-Scriptural notion of purgatory?  Oh no – I have to investigate their thinking about Genesis and Revelation – the two cornerstone books in the Bible.

Luke 11:50-51 – The Doomed Generation

On the heels of Jesus describing the people of His time as an evil generation because they sought a sign from God – despite having seen many signs from Yahweh in the person of Jesus – He condemned them.  He said that the queen of Sheba and the men of Nineveh would rise up in…

Deuteronomy 22:21 – An Outrageous Thing

Consider how the morals in America – as well as in the world – have changed through the years.  Do you think they’ve improved.  Are they pleasing to God?  Sadly, no. When Yahweh chose Israel to be His special heritage (Deuteronomy 32:9), it was to raise up a nation wholly devoted to Him, so that…

Genesis 37:18 and Matthew 12:14 – Conspiracy

When the prophet tells us in Jeremiah 17:9 that “the heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?”, the truth he speaks is from of old, arising from the very first sin and the fall of man.  Yet, many people don’t believe this about the human condition.  They choose to…