Posts Categorized: Book of Revelation

Biblical Audio Commentary – Blue, Red, & Black Pilled

We all pretty much know what is meant by someone being red-pilled. Way back in 1999 the movie The Matrix introduced us to that term. Keanu Reeves had to choose between the blue and red pills. Would he take the blue and remain unconsciously enslaved by a system that trapped humanity in its dystopian dreamworld? Or would he choose the red pill and wake up to the horrors of the reality in which humanity lived? In so doing, would he also join the fight of truth against the forces of falsehood and deception that sought to maintain total control of mankind?

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-27-23: How Open Theism Fails in Bible Prophecy

There is a somewhat popular, so-called doctrine in the world of Christendom called Open Theism that we’re looking at today.  Its heritage is that it’s descended from a previously popular belief system known as Moral Government Theology, or MGT.  As MGT became more widely known and discussed, it became clear that it was heretical, or as one theologian critically stated, it “must be classified not as a form of Christianity but as heathenism masquerading as Christianity.”  That’s a serious indictment and well-earned, as we’ll see shortly.  However, since MGT effectively gave birth to Open Theism, and this doctrine is prominent today in NAR circles, we need to investigate both of these theological ideologies to better understand what is being taught in some areas of Christianity.

Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 9-20-23: NAR Post-Trib End-Times Beliefs

There are a number of NAR end-times beliefs that have puzzled and disturbed me as I’ve come across them through comments made by those who have watched or read some of my Prophecy Updates or Commentaries.  One such belief really threw me for a loop when I first saw it.  Now that I’ve studied it a little more, I understand where the idea comes from, i.e. why people have it, although I steadfastly disagree with the concept.

Biblical Audio Commentary – Rapture & Feast of Trumpets?

One of the bedrock beliefs I’ve had concerning the Rapture is that it is analogous to the Galilean wedding. After the Son’s betrothal to His Bride, He goes back to His Father’s house, prepares the bridal chamber, and then comes to get His Bride when the Father determines it is time to do so (John 14:1-3). As a result, the Rapture is an imminent event, not tied to anything earthly that someone could point to in order to predict Christ’s return.