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Tribulation Rising

Seal Judgments

When the wrath of the Lamb falls upon this world, what will those days be like in the 7-year Tribulation– this more horrible of all times?

These gritty stories reflecting the Seal Judgments opened in the Book of Revelation will intrigue you. This period will be more dystopian than any fiction writer can imagine. Isn’t real life always that way?

  • Who is Antichrist?
  • What will happen in Israel?
  • Who is the Harlot that rides the Beast?
  • How will people live in the midst of absolute lawlessness?

These seven stories, initially written in serial form for the Amazon Kindle Vella platform, are brought together here in this novella to provide a thrilling and horrifying glance at what is soon to come.

The one overriding truth you’ll take away from reading Tribulation Rising: Seal Judgments, is that you don’t want to be present on this earth when Jesus opens the Seals to release God’s wrath upon those who have chosen to reject Him.

Read Excerpt

Seal 1 – The Son of Perdition


“Arise, Judas, your time is at hand.”

The bitter soul heard the voice of the One who had sent him to this hated place and despised Him even more. Yet, this would be his opportunity for revenge.

In the darkness surrounding him, shrieks and screams constantly bombarded his ears. Although there were hundreds imprisoned here, he’d never seen a single one. Only their desperate cries for mercy revealed their numbers. For so many to reside in this deepest abyss, none ever spoke to another. The isolation drove many mad. But Judas knew that he was special, that he would someday return, and that moment would be his to shine. He would exact the vengeance he’d been plotting for over two thousand years.

The chains dropped away. It was the first that he’d been unshackled in all this time. Rage swelled within him.

“Never forget: I love you.” The compassionate voice made him cringe. He would repay that love by destroying its owner.

The next thing he knew, fluid surrounded him. He floated weightless, waiting for something he couldn’t comprehend. Suddenly, bright light shone into his eyes. After two millennia in the dark, the pain from its brilliance drove needles into his skull with excruciating precision. One more strike against his adversary.

Judas opened his mouth to curse. Instead, he began to wail like the newborn baby he’d become.




The Mentor applauded with everyone else in the auditorium as the Graduation Day activities continued. Finally, the moment he’d waited for all these years had arrived. The most ambitious student with the highest grades and honors, who was also the most popular among his classmates at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, stood at the podium to reflect on their Jesuit education and what it meant for each of them in the years ahead. Jude Innocenti spoke humbly of others—their accomplishments and dreams—as he always did. It was one reason for his popularity: he always put others first, exhibiting a remarkable innocence in keeping with his surname. Despite his outstanding school record, his focus was never about himself, as he seemed almost naïve in that respect. The Mentor congratulated himself. He had taught Jude well.

To the cheers of all, Jude finished his inspired oration and was the first to toss his black mortarboard high into the air. Everyone followed, and the sky turned black with the plethora of graduates’ hats in that moment.

It seemed like that was the end of the ceremony, but a hush grew over the soon-to-be-unruly crowd as a familiar figure emerged from the wings of the stage. As one, the entire graduating class, and all the attendees, sat, held their collective breath, and watched awestruck at what happened next.

Just as the Mentor had arranged, the pope himself walked slowly toward Jude. Dressed in dazzling white robes and carrying an object in his hidden hand, he approached with a slight smile of approval. In his years of guiding and directing, the Mentor had kept Jude out of the limelight. Jude had never personally met the pope, but through the Mentor’s guidance had learned to respect him for his own Jesuit credentials and all that he had accomplished for the Church. As the leader of Catholicism’s over one billion followers worldwide, and arguably the most influential man on the planet, the pope’s presence at this ceremony was unexpected.

He came to Jude, put an arm around him, and drew him close. Speaking into the microphone, “il papa” told the assembly that he wanted to be here to bless this young man who had caught his attention at the Vatican. Because God had shown the aging pontiff He was going to use Jude mightily, it was important for all to see the favor he’d earned. With that, the pope placed the crown made of interwoven leaves upon Jude’s head. Jude touched the wreath gingerly and a great roar of approval burst out.

The incident caught the fancy of the international press. The next day every news agency in Italy, the rest of Europe, and the United States showed the photo of a beaming Jude Innocenti being lauded by the leader of one of the two largest religions in the world. Because of the pope’s ecumenical outreach for his many years in office, even a large majority of Muslims expressed their approval.

The Mentor could not have been more pleased.




The first torrent of recognition never slackened in the subsequent years as Jude became a continuous darling of the press. Although the Council followed the news about Jude’s career closely, it was the Mentor they relied on to hear the truth. When Jude announced he would use his degree in spiritual theology from the university in either a priestly or teaching position, the Mentor assured the Council from his deep, frequent discussions with his protégé that the move was simply a diversionary tactic. Jude had to appear as though he seriously wished to pursue the most meaningful path for his life.

Not long after, right on schedule, Jude declared that in prayer and fasting communion with the Lord, he had heard his true calling. Rather than the contemplative existence he’d assumed would be his, God had clearly told him to enter the political arena to influence it for the good of mankind. The United Nations had increasingly gained prominence after a series of disrupting events had roiled the globe. Potential wars and numerous internal disputes threatened the integrity of the world. Nuclear weapons had proliferated even among contentious tribes within nations. More often than not, national leaders echoed the demands that originated from many quarters to establish a single, unified government that could better deal with the emergencies and catastrophes that had been happening with greater frequency. Physical disruptions in the earth, among them volcanos, earthquakes, and tsunamis, regularly threatened peace and security. Droughts, famines, and pestilences, such as widespread locust invasions, caused severe hardship. In the globally broadcast press conference, Jude declared that he wanted to help in any way he could to bring order and stability out of the increasingly chaotic situations. Mankind needed strong governance to quell the turmoil, and Jude (humbly) hoped he could lend a hand to this effort.

With the urging of the Mentor, the pope continued to extol Jude through his speeches, even mentioning his good works in various encyclicals circulated among bishops and priests throughout the vast network of parishes the church maintained. The attention kept Jude’s name on everyone’s lips as Church and State leaders alike followed his career closely.

The United Nations had a long history of condemning the state of Israel. With the outbreak of hostilities between Israel and its Muslim neighbors, including the Palestinians in Gaza, Hezbollah in Lebanon to the north, as well as a number of other surrounding nations, the UN began deliberations to once more censor Israel for its crimes against humanity, despite the overwhelming odds that Israel faced. Ten people groups were unified in coalition against Israel, far outnumbering her in troop strength. Regardless, the UN planned to organize the world against Israel as it had always reflexively done. To everyone’s surprise, Jude Innocenti put a stop to it. In an impassioned speech, he mesmerized the assembly planning the action and declared his intentions to assist Israel. News outlets mused if Jude had drugged the entire august body to sway their typical instinctive reaction.

Jude traveled to the Holy Land, his plane dodging incoming missiles, and met privately with the Prime Minister. In a quickly convened press conference, Jude announced his determination to convince the UN to provide weapons and armaments to Israel to help her defend against the onslaught. Up until now the Israeli Defense Forces had been outgunned. The UN responded just as Jude promised. With the rapid deployment of needed materiel, the IDF turned the war around and won a decisive victory. The Israeli Prime Minister lauded Jude, saying that without his intervention, all would have been lost.

Jude and the Mentor took a day from their efforts to walk the Old City of Jerusalem. Because of Jude’s intervention, it had been spared from the onslaughts of Israel’s enemies. On the ramparts of the wall surrounding the city that had been part of its ancient fortifications, Jude briefly shared his feelings.

“Mentor, this place brings back memories.” He pointed at the Temple Mount. “How often we strolled on those heights, astonished at the beauty of the temple that Herod had made magnificent after such meager beginnings in Ezra’s era.”

“You and the Eleven?”

“Yes. That was before Yeshua made Himself fully known to us.”

“But you never did accept who He was?”

“I had other interests. Unfortunately, He knew my disdain for His attitude toward the prostitutes and diseased who He always wanted to be with. Such trash! It led to my tragic death, but I’d do it all over again. Look at where I am now, and how we will finally defeat Him.”

“Our dark lord has wonderful plans for you, Jude. He kept you specially for such a time as this. Revenge will come soon, and it will be sweet.”

Now I watched when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures say with a voice like thunder, “Come!” And I looked, and behold, a white horse! And its rider had a bow, and a crown was given to him, and he came out conquering, and to conquer.

– Revelation 6:1-2
