Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-18-22: Taking America Down

As a reminder, what I try to do here is to look at the world around us and try to connect the dots in relation to Bible prophecy.  It may have a very gloom and doom feel at times, but it’s exactly what Jesus said would happen.  There’s nothing pretty about the world in these last of days – after all it’s not our home.  This is why our eyes should be on the Lord, who is glorious, and who has promised us eternal joy and peace.

The effort to establish a New World Order (NWO) begins with the taking down of America.  It has long been acknowledged that until our nation is destroyed on literally every level, the globalist elites will not will be able to accomplish their long-cherished utopian dream.  This effort has been spearheaded – not by one faction – but by many.  Some of these groups who wish to accomplish the remaking of the world in this manner seemingly come from very different places.  Their viewpoints – or worldviews – are ones you’d think wouldn’t dovetail much.  You would be wrong.




As a reminder, what I try to do here is to look at the world around us and try to connect the dots in relation to Bible prophecy.  It may have a very gloom and doom feel at times, but it’s exactly what Jesus said would happen.  There’s nothing pretty about the world in these last of days – after all it’s not our home.  This is why our eyes should be on the Lord, who is glorious, and who has promised us eternal joy and peace.


The effort to establish a New World Order (NWO) begins with the taking down of America.  It has long been acknowledged that until our nation is destroyed on literally every level, the globalist elites will not will be able to accomplish their long-cherished utopian dream.  This effort has been spearheaded – not by one faction – but by many.  Some of these groups who wish to accomplish the remaking of the world in this manner seemingly come from very different places.  Their viewpoints – or worldviews – are ones you’d think wouldn’t dovetail much.  You would be wrong.


The reality is that the demonic realm is behind all these movements.  Satan – if nothing else – has a very diverse approach toward replacing God and destroying all that he calls good.  Satan is Mr. Diversity himself.  It’s why he can encourage self-proclaimed atheists to believe there is no God, while at the same time infiltrating the church to believe in a different god than that of the Bible.  It’s why he can inspire some in the church to follow a god of prosperity, legalism, or liberation, while causing pagans to believe in THE Christ – or a Christ consciousness – within the New Age movement.


For today, I want to present what I hope will be informationally enlightening to you.  Recently a 10-point strategy for achieving the New World Order came to my attention.  It’s attributed to Alice Bailey from at least 75 years ago.  Bailey was a disciple of Helene Blavatsky, the founder of Theosophy, an occult religion.  She built on that foundation and established the Lucifer Publishing Company in support of United Nations goals.  Not long after that, in order to tone down the satanic implications of the name, Bailey changed Lucifer Publishing to the Lucis Trust.


Seeing this 10-point strategy made me think of the 45 stated goals of Communism that were declared in 1958 for the express purpose of destroying America.  I uselessly presented several of these at a local school board meeting last year in the vain hope of influencing some members of the board to reconsider their actions.  Pulling out this list again, it didn’t surprise me that there’s a lot of overlap in the objectives of these two very different groups.


Just for fun, I wondered how the 10-Commandments engraved on the Georgia Guidestones might also compare.  As many of you doubtlessly know, the Georgia Guidestones are called the American Stonehenge and contain a set of ten guidelines for the future of humanity written in a combination of twelve modern and ancient languages.  Also written on an explanatory stone tablet is the purpose for them.  It says: “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason.”


What I’m going to do is show you these three sources, effectively side-by side, so you can see the similarities in their goals.  What I think you’ll come to understand is that the secular and the spiritual that are outside of what the God of the Bible declares are in reality from the same source.


We’ll get to this in a minute.  First we’ll pray, read a Scripture and then pull up Powerpoint in order to visibly show this to make the comparison clearer.





Psalm 94

O Lord, God of vengeance, O God of vengeance, shine forth!
Rise up, O judge of the earth; repay to the proud what they deserve!
O Lord, how long shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked exult?
They pour out their arrogant words; all the evildoers boast.

They crush your people, O Lord, and afflict your heritage.
They kill the widow and the sojourner, and murder the fatherless;
and they say, “The Lord does not see; the God of Jacob does not perceive.”

Understand, O dullest of the people! Fools, when will you be wise?


He who planted the ear, does he not hear?
He who formed the eye, does he not see?
He who disciplines the nations, does he not rebuke?
He who teaches man knowledge—the Lord—knows the thoughts of man, that they are but a breath.

Blessed is the man whom you discipline, O Lord, and whom you teach out of your law, to give him rest from days of trouble, until a pit is dug for the wicked.

For the Lord will not forsake his people; he will not abandon his heritage;
for justice will return to the righteous, and all the upright in heart will follow it.

Who rises up for me against the wicked? Who stands up for me against evildoers?
If the Lord had not been my help, my soul would soon have lived in the land of silence.


When I thought, “My foot slips,” your steadfast love, O Lord, held me up.
When the cares of my heart are many, your consolations cheer my soul.
Can wicked rulers be allied with you, those who frame injustice by statute?
They band together against the life of the righteous and condemn the innocent to death.

But the Lord has become my stronghold, and my God the rock of my refuge.
He will bring back on them their iniquity and wipe them out for their wickedness; the Lord our God will wipe them out.


Taking America Down

  • POWERPOINT – Slide 1


Slide 2

Alice Bailey

  • As the standard for our comparison, let’s look briefly at Alice Bailey’s 10-Point Strategy for a New World Order:


  • #1 – Take God & prayer out of education system
  • #2 – Reduce parental authority over children
  • #3 – Destroy the traditional Christian family structure
  • #4 – If sex is free, make abortion legal & easy
  • #5 – Make divorce easy and legal; free people from the concept of marriage for life
  • #6 – Make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle
  • #7 – Debase art; make it run mad
  • #8 – Use media to promote and change mindset
  • #9 – Create an interfaith movement
  • #10 – Get governments to make all these law, and get the church to endorse these changes


  • No doubt you can already see how successful Alice Bailey’s vision for a NWO has been
  • It gets worse


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  • We’ll also consider Communist goals for America to see how these have impacted our nation
  • Antonio Gramsci – 1920s
    • proposed theory for Marxist takeover of an advanced capitalist country
  • Gramsci determined it was necessary to undermine such a country’s culture and morality in order to pave way for socialism
  • Specifically, Gramsci said:
    • “Socialism is precisely the religion that must overwhelm Christianity…In the new order, Socialism will triumph by first capturing the culture via infiltration of schools, universities, churches and the media by transforming the consciousness of society.”
  • Also, let’s make no mistake about the purpose of socialism
  • Vladimir Lenin said:
    • “The goal of socialism is communism.”
  • By 1958 it was clear what Communists needed to do to take down America
  • They had 45 goals based on the Gramsci Model to break down the culture in our nation
  • As we’ll see as we continue, over the last 50 years, most of these goals have been achieved
    • None of these has been by accident
    • There has been deliberate undermining of American culture to destroy us from within to ultimately transform the U.S. into communist nation
  • Rather than go through these 45 Goals by simply listing them (too many), in a moment I’ll put many of them in the context of our discussion today
  • First, we’ll set up our last list for comparison


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Georgia Guidestones

  • Because I’ve mentioned the Georgia Guidestones repeatedly, as have a number of other prophecy teachers, many of you are aware of them
  • For our purposes of comparison, I thought it might be interesting to see how these 10 Commandments for a NWO also play into the picture
  • As it turns out, they don’t have as direct of a correlation as the other two sources do because they are conveyed at a higher level for directing and accomplishing their stated purposes
  • We could say that these are the high-level goals that everyone in the globalist community is working toward, whereas Alice Bailey’s list and the Communist list are the objectives necessary to accomplish these goals from the spiritual and secular perspectives
  • Regardless, let me give you these 10 Georgia Guidestone commandments:





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  • What we’ll do is work our way down Alice Bailey’s list, i.e. her 10-point strategy for a NWO and correlate both the Communist goals as well as the Georgia Guidestone commandments where appropriate
  • In my putting all this together, I felt there were some Georgia Guidestone items that weren’t addressed by either Bailey or the Communists
  • But, as we’ll see, the omission has not been ignored
  • The several Georgia Guidestone commandments not included by these groups we’re looking at today are certainly very much in play, and we’ll also deal with those
  • So . . . here we go, beginning with Alice Bailey’s overall purpose, i.e. a New World Order:



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  • New World Order


  • #1 – U.S. acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war.
  • #2 – U.S. willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war.
  • #3 – Develop the illusion that total disarmament [by] the United States would be a demonstration of moral strength.
  • #4 – Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
  • #13 – Do away with all loyalty oaths.
  • #42 – Create the impression that violence and insurrection are legitimate aspects of the American tradition; that students and special-interest groups should rise up and use [“]united force[“] to solve economic, political or social problems.

Georgia Guidestones



  • All these items have the focus of taking America down
  • Of course, what most of us call the New World Order is specifically the WEF’s Great Reset that dovetails with the UN’s Agenda 2030
  • These efforts are what is behind the Build Back Better slogan
  • All that we know has to be torn down completely in order to build the utopian society of these people’s dreams
  • Many people in many different spheres have been actively engaged in this purpose for many years
  • We had to co-exist spiritually and in the world – thus we had to disarm
  • We were told that by trading with Communist nations we would influence them for the better to our way of life – how’s that working out?
  • Nationalism became repulsive in service to the globalist mindset
    • We all remember Coca-Cola and “I’d like to teach the world to sing” with the kumbaya moments it created
  • Other than the 1960s with the sex-drugs-and rock ‘n roll generation protesting the Vietnam War, when was violence and insurrection ever a part of the America way?
  • Here’s a thought for you:
    • When was the last time the world saw a single unified language?
    • Correct! – Just before God scattered people into nations when Nimrod built the Tower of Babel and God said that if He allowed them to continue, nothing would be impossible for them
  • Do you think that if perhaps humanity is united with a new living language, the result might be even more disastrous?



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  • #1 – Take God & prayer out of education system


  • #17 – Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers’ associations. Put the party line in textbooks.
  • #18 – Gain control of all student newspapers.
  • #19 – Use student riots to foment public protests against programs or organizations which are under Communist attack.




  • The anti-God factions have been chipping away at Him in our public and private education systems for years
  • They got the Pledge of Allegiance removed with that terribly provocative phrase “under God”
  • They made sure students couldn’t pray or even have a moment of silence
  • Remember Common Core and what a big deal it was for many of us?
    • Is that even an issue these days?
    • It’s completely integral to all curriculum and consumed by CRT and gender confusion
  • How about the teachers’ associations like the NEA?
    • Talk about a hotbed of liberalism and Communist sympathies!
    • They’ve been very successful in dictating what textbooks to use
    • In fact, I wonder if there are any positive portrayals of white males in school textbooks lately? Did white guys even found this nation? Shame on them for doing so!
  • If the great majority of teachers are leftists, and teachers are advisors to various student-run activities like the publishing of school newspapers, any thoughts on what the political slant of them might be?
  • Finally, do you recall all the student riots and demonstrations in the early to mid- part of the 20th Century in colleges and universities where they took over administration buildings and demanded their rights from the school presidents?
    • No, I don’t either, because that never happened



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  • #2 – Reduce parental authority over children


  • #41 – Emphasize the need to raise children away from the negative influence of parents. Attribute prejudices, mental blocks and retarding of children to suppressive influence of parents.


  • Perhaps you’ve heard of the conservative on TikTok who goes under the name: Libs of TikTok
  • She simply shares what liberals themselves say on this platform
  • Quite often she finds the ravings of school teachers who are homosexual and/or trans
  • Most of these men and women – or whatever they are in their own minds – are quite convinced that they have truth and MUST influence/brainwash the children under their care to their way of thinking
  • As far as they’re concerned, parents give up all rights to their children when they place them in schools with such people
  • Parents should not be able to raise their children as they see fit
  • They have no authority



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  • #3 – Destroy the traditional Christian family structure
  • #5 – Make divorce easy and legal; free people from the concept of marriage for life


  • #40 – Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.


  • These ideals are everywhere today in our faces
  • Love is love and thus anyone who loves should be able to marry
  • Families are anything these people say they are
  • When divorce became no-fault back in the 1970s, the bonds began breaking and the family structure ruptured
  • What God made – man has determined to break asunder



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  • #4 – If sex is free, make abortion legal & easy


  • #25 – Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio, and TV.


  • We only have to consider the demonic rage of the Left at the possibility of Roe v Wade being overturned
  • Women must be allowed to murder their own children in the womb because it’s their own body, after all, and the clump of cells growing in them has no more value than a cancerous tumor
  • As to the cultural breakdown, we have only to consider Disney and its many products to see how filth has overtaken the entire sphere of entertainment



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  • #6 – Make homosexuality an alternative lifestyle


  • #26 – Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural, healthy.”

Georgia Guidestones



  • Not only is homosexuality normal in today’s thinking, but every kind of perversion is encouraged
  • You think it’s bad now?
  • Watch as bestiality becomes an alternative form of sexual behavior
  • Think of the diverse, chimeric creatures that could result along with the reduction of human population!
  • Humans are so wise when it comes to playing God!



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  • #7 – Debase art; make it run mad


  • #22 – Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all forms of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to “eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings, substitute shapeless, awkward and meaningless forms.”
  • #23 – Control art critics and directors of art museums. “Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art.”


  • I wonder if this actually began with Picasso?
  • Do you remember the inspiring work of art known as Piss Christ that displayed a crucifix in a bottle with the artist’s own urine?
  • Once art became abstract, and wholesome paintings and other artistic expressions lost their moorings to reality, the race to the bottom began



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  • #8 – Use media to promote and change mindset


  • #20 – Infiltrate the press. Get control of book-review assignments, editorial writing, policymaking positions.
  • #21 – Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.


  • I don’t think we have to say much about this
  • I’ll say one word and you can fill in the blanks after that: COVID
  • It’s become very apparent in the last couple years how the state has gained control of the media so that all news can be used for political propaganda



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  • #9 – Create an interfaith movement


  • #27 – Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a “religious crutch.”
  • #28 – Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the ground that it violates the principle of “separation of church and state.”

Georgia Guidestones



  • All religions lead to the same place
  • We all serve the same God
  • How dare Christians bring up the Name of Jesus in public schools!
  • We should, however, make sacred places for Muslims like prayer rooms and footbaths
  • Isn’t it wonderful that Mother Earth honors those who honor her?
  • What a wonderful thing it is for us to revere Gaia by worshiping her through our climate change programs!
  • She will care for her children and the harmony they bring by ridding the world of those who worship that Christian God that committed cosmic child abuse
  • You just wait until the Great Awakening happens – what truth and beauty we’ll have!



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  • #10 – Get governments to make all these law, and get the church to endorse these changes


  • #33 – Eliminate all laws or procedures which interfere with the operation of the Communist apparatus.


  • All we needed was a compliant presidential administration to make executive orders and mandates through unelected bureaucrats
  • Now that we’ve got this in the bag, America is coming down and our communist-globalist ideals can be set in place



  • We’ve looked at the correlations among Alice Bailey’s strategy, the Communist goals, and the Georgia Guidestones
  • There are still some other connections we can make, namely between the Communist goals and the Georgia Guidestones
  • Here we’ll change the order and start with the Guidestone commandments



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Georgia Guidestones



  • #24 – Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them “censorship” and a violation of free speech and free press.


  • The way to accomplish these items is through a Ministry of Truth, as George Orwell in his book 1984 predicted
  • Today we call it the Disinformation Governance Board headed by Nina Jankowitz
  • She will determine what is truth and what is falsehood
  • It will be her “tempered reason” that will assure no mis-dis-mal- information (MDM) is propagated in the public sphere
  • Anything Nina says is a violation of free speech will be so



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Georgia Guidestones



  • #16 – Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions by claiming their activities violate civil rights.


  • A just court in globalist-Leftist terms is one comprised solely of progressives/liberals
  • Obviously only they can make fair laws
  • In fact, one of the best ways to assure this is through the packing of the Supreme Court by more of their kind, i.e. by adding several more SCOTUS judges that THEY pick
  • In fact, a Supreme Court of their choosing should be the ones making the laws of the land
  • There’s no need for a legislature chosen by “We the People” because that might result in unwanted outcomes



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Georgia Guidestones



  • #11 – Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one-world government with its own independent armed forces.


  • We’re about to see this play out right in front of our eyes
  • If the WHO pandemic treaty is ratified in their meeting this upcoming May 22-28, all national sovereignty will be at the whim of the WHO
  • They can declare a worldwide pandemic and all nations must comply
  • Just think what that will mean for the implementation of digital/vaccine passports, lockdown, and any other extreme remedy they decide all peoples of the world should be subject to



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Georgia Guidestones



  • #29 – Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old-fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
  • #30 – Discredit the American Founding Fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the “common man.”


  • The attack on our Constitution has been underway for many years
  • Leftists call it a Living Document, which means it can and should be changed
  • Barack Obama infamously said: “Generally, the Constitution is a charter of negative liberties, says what the states can’t do to you. Says what the federal government can’t do to you. But it doesn’t say what the state or federal government must do on your behalf.”
  • In other words, Obama wanted to specify exactly what he would require of his country through such a revised federal document
  • Lord Acton said: “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”
  • If Obama or anyone of his ilk could specify what we could specifically say, do, or even think with their charter of “positive” liberties, there would be no liberty at all



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Georgia Guidestones



  • #32 – Support any socialist movement to give centralized control over any part of the culture–education, social agencies, welfare programs, mental health clinics, etc.


  • There is nothing – no personal or individual sphere of action – that Leftist do not want to control
  • Remember what Lenin said: “The goal of socialism is communism.”
  • Think about how our youth have been indoctrinated into socialism and to oppose capitalism
  • The leaders of tomorrow are well on their way toward implementing communism
  • Of course, it will flower and flourish with the implementation of Agenda 2030
  • Sadly for most people – i.e. those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior – this will also begin the Tribulation and the raining down of God’s wrath upon this unbelieving world




  • Just so we see the whole picture, I’ll briefly list several more critical Communist objectives that we haven’t yet noted
  • There are even more than these, but this will suffice



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  • #15 – Capture one or both of the political parties in the United States.
  • #35 – Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI.
  • #36 – Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
  • #37 – Infiltrate and gain control of big business.
  • Comment
    • Check – check – check – check!
    • Republicans and Democrats all mostly vote alike – just as some people have been saying for years: there’s no difference
    • The FBI used to be a trusted division of law enforcement
    • Is there anyone today who thinks it is honorable?
    • If the FBI shows up at your door, do you expect the best?
    • Unions have been nothing but socialist and communist cesspools for years – just look again at the national Teachers Association
    • Big business has never been more in thrall to the government than today
    • The buzzword is public-private partnerships where government and business work hand-in-hand for the better ment of society
    • Think ESG, i.e. the Environmental, Social, & Governance model for our world to create “sustainability”
    • This is fascism pure and simple
    • Just look up Benito Mussolini and Italy from WW2 and you’ll see we’re recreating that model



  • Finally, there is one remaining Georgia Guidestone commandment that doesn’t appear to correlate with either Alice Bailey’s Strategy or the Communist objectives
  • Perhaps it’s the most important of all



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Georgia Guidestones



  • This commandment – #1 for all globalists everywhere – is the linchpin for world domination
  • A world population of approximately 8 Billion people is far too many to manage
  • A population of 500 Million, however, sounds about right
  • Maybe a couple million of them are the elites
  • The rest will be drones, i.e. those made to work for the ones in charge
  • This extinction protocol is well underway
  • It ramped up with the engineered plandemic and the COVID injections – that are gene-altering experimental drugs
  • Understand this:
    • There are so many vectors of disease and harm that have been concocted and placed into these so-called vaccines, that all of the adverse elements could not have come from the minds of men alone
    • I guarantee you that the demonic realm – the Watchers of old – the rebellious sons of God who even now roam the earth with Satan – are responsible for the vast number of harmful components in these injections
    • These are the spiritual host of heaven that hate God
    • They partook of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil
    • They have such devious understanding at their command from the evil aspect of this Edenic tree
    • Just like in Noah’s day when mankind first began practicing metallurgy and secret arts, the understanding of these came from the spiritual realm
    • So it is with the evil of these mRNA compounds that masquerade as vaccines
    • It is now believed that another element in these drugs may soon be unleashed
    • Todd Calendar – who is an attorney representing many thousands in America’s military who refused the jab and were dismissed from service – believes he has significant evidence that Marburg virus has also been engineered into these jabs
    • Marburg is a hemorrhagic or bleeding disease that is quite deadly
    • In speaking recently on Jeffrey Prather’s show – The Prather Point – Calendar said that when the globalists are ready, they will emit an 18 Ghz signal through the 5G network that will activate this virus
    • Marburg is not contagious, but if this is true, we could at some point soon see a terrible plague of people bleeding to death from their various orifices
  • Understand, that there is no love within these globalists planning these adverse events upon the world
  • This is the ultimate outcome of love grown cold as Jesus stated in Matthew 24:12 with the increase of lawlessness





  • We may quibble how I correlated items on one list with another
  • But it should be plain to see that regardless whether we consider the spiritual element or the secular perspective, these goals and objectives are highly interrelated
  • As I noted earlier, Satan works in different realms and he’ll use whomever or whatever necessary to achieve what he desires
  • Given the state of the world, Satan believes he’s well on his way toward victory
  • In a recent article I wrote and posted on my website titled: Shemitah – Agenda 2030 – Tribulation Timing, I stated that I believe there will be an intersection of Agenda 2030 – being pushed by the World Economic Forum and the United Nations – and the Tribulation itself; more specifically the opening of the 1st Revelation Seal (read my article concerning this at link below)
  • All these issues noted earlier in this discussion are in play and will get worse
  • Because America is in the way of the globalist-satanic agenda, our nation MUST go down



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  • Here are the two most important things to remember about what I’ve discussed today:
    • #1 – All this is happening because God is allowing it
      • He is letting it happen so that the lawlessness and evil of this day will rise to its ultimate level
      • Just as with ancient Israel and her worship of pagan gods, the world today is in thrall to and reveres any god but the One of the Bible
      • Israel’s idolatry reached such a level that God had to act in order to maintain His own character as a just, fair, and merciful God
      • He had to bring vengeance upon those who deliberately chose not to follow Him and obey His commands
      • So it is today
      • Soon, the red line will be crossed by these people
      • They will have gone one step too far
      • Finally, God’s patience will come to an end
      • God MUST act and bring judgment in order to punish those who hate Him
      • All we see around us is the building up of the tower made of Legos blocks that must eventually tumble
      • With its crumbling, so will all those who participated in its building be torn down and destroyed as well
    • #2 – At this tipping point where evil has reached its zenith, God will remove those whom He has called out to be His own
      • I often describe us as the true church
      • Another name is the ekklesia, or the called-out assembly of the congregation
      • We are God’s children
      • We are the Bride of Christ
      • Just as any good father would not give his beloved child a stone when he asks for bread or a snake when he asks for fish, so the Lord will not give His very own children – His friends (remember: Jesus calls us friends!) – over to the time of wrath for this world that is intended as a time of judgment for the redemption of Israel and as punishment for unbelievers
      • I say it often, and I’ll say it again:
        • It would be totally against the character and promises of God to require His believing children – Jesus’ beloved Bride – to go into the Tribulation
        • Those who say we’re destined for that: fine, let them go
        • Let them prep and gear up and get ready for the Antichrist
        • We who believe in the promise and the sound doctrine of the pre-Tribulation Rapture have a much better destination in store during those terrible 7 years
      • As Psalm 58:11 says:


Mankind will say, “Surely there is a reward for the righteous; surely there is a God who judges on earth.”


  • Will we believe the Word of the Lord that we who have committed to following Jesus are declared righteous?
  • If so, then we have a great reward
  • The rest of world: not so much

6 Responses to “Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 5-18-22: Taking America Down”

  1. Reply Sophie Haney

    People don’t realize that someday we all will stand before the great judgement of YAHWEH and will be told what evil they performed. People we need to trust in God Almighty and his son Jesus Christ Yahshua to do what is right before our Father and our Messiah. As for me and my house we will serve one Almighty Yahweh Elohim.

  2. Reply RobinL

    There is a tremendous amount of research and effort put into this message Gary, thank you!

    Looks like a future book to me ;).

    • Reply Dan Poole

      Great comparison and contrast. So many “believers” are clueless to the multiple attacks against them. That all philosophies, all religions, all governments are opposed to the coming of Yeshua haMashiach. That our enemies are more aware than we are…all we are seeing is the planned resistance against His coming! I agree: we are not going to “save” America…only hope Father saves individuals out of it. In Him, Dan.

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