Awaken Bible Prophecy Update 3-2-22 The Sick Church of Jesus Christ

In recent weeks we examined the End-Times Cult of Catholicism in our Awaken Bible Prophecy Update.  Unfortunately, non-Catholic Christianity doesn’t get a pass when we look at it in relation to end-times prophecy.  In our examination of Catholicism, we looked at the church of Thyatira as the template for the Catholic Church in the Tribulation.  We also briefly discussed the two faithful churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia as the models for those believers whom God will remove from the earth in the Rapture prior to this most horrible of seven years in the history of this planet.  Today we’ll quickly relate how the other four of the churches Jesus addressed in Revelation provide a glimpse into why apostasy is raging.  Then we’ll touch on several topics that further show how the Christian church of today is sick and in need of some Jesus therapy.


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